Novels by Athena

Time Of Traitors
Wild Taiga, a land of barbarians and legendary monsters that people can only believe in. A great place for those who want to get lost, and Cres would really like to be forgotten about forever. At the other end of the boundless Taiga, the mysterious Alchemist is hiding, the only one who can return the lost mind and future to Kres' beloved.
But on their heels are hordes of drovers, thirsting for revenge for what the fugitives dared to do. And take away the key that can open the long-awaited hunt for those who for many centuries have been confident in their immortality.
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Chapter: Epilogue
Cres rose with an effort. All of his muscles were curled into one tight knot and were reluctantly relaxing now. The wind roared in the head and in the corners of the hut. He raised his head and only then saw the second dog-head dying on the floor in a foul-smelling puddle. And above him, Leshy's eyes burn with primal malice, illuminated from within by some kind of silvery sheen. In the dim light, the herbalist looked less and less human.- What are you standing for? Grab your grandma and tick!He said, turned on his heels and, as if nothing had happened, went to the door, wiping his bloody palms on his trousers.Cres threw off his stupor, felt for the half-dead Ada and climbed out the window. Vassa followed him.“I’m already tired of sharpening laces with you, wanderer! shouted outside. - If you don't want it to be good, we'll be bad!Footsteps thundered. Closer and closer.“Wait, what if he still has my shava?” - whispered somewhere very close. Cres recognized that voice: it was Golg
Last Updated: 2023-03-09
Chapter: 94
- Are you serious?! The messenger is already over a hundred, and I have nine winters and one summer! - Vassa could not stand it and shook all over. - A good defender - he could not even kill that bastard who killed his father in front of everyone. You protected your mother, now you are responsible for her!“Shut up,” said Kres, unwinding the whip in front of Vassa. - You do not understand anything.– I understand everything! Father is gone now, and there is no one to protect mother. You are a coward who only cares about himself!- And this is what the one who climbed into the house with a knife, where the defenseless girl is sleeping, is telling me?“She is not defenseless,” Vassa gritted his teeth in an attempt to hold back tears. - That's all she is. She is to blame! Because of her, Yuvasa died, because of her, rats attack us. She bewitched everyone - Khalsa, father, mother, Messenger, and especially you! You talk about her all the time.- How are you concerned about this? I am sitt
Last Updated: 2023-03-09
Chapter: 93
Khalsa and Musa were burned after sunset, right on top of the Sacred Tree. Kisha herself brought the torch to the feet of both, loudly and distinctly uttered all the necessary praises and appeals to the d'ahs, and did not leave the raging flame until the bones of the warriors turned to ashes. Her children were surrounded by monotonously howling former Khalsa dog-heads - they crowded in a circle, wiping their tears and shifting from foot to foot, because they had nowhere else to go. Vassa soon disappeared somewhere, and Cres did not see the wolf cub all night, which seemed to him too long.Keisha collected the ashes left from both fallen warriors, without anyone's help she climbed onto a branch of the Sacred Ref and scattered the ashes in the wind.Cres wanted so badly to drop everything and run to the Skin House, where he left Ada in the care of an eccentric he barely knew. What's wrong with her now? Did this Leshy offend her? He sent Ieassa and Shuna to them - to find out what and ho
Last Updated: 2023-03-09
Chapter: 92
Vassa screamed terribly, as he had never screamed in his life. But his cry was quickly drowned out by the outburst of indignation that exploded in the audience. The circle of d'ahs has not seen such a disgrace in many winters and years. To the cries of indignation, he, not remembering himself, rushed across the sand to his already dead father.- Fool, come back! - belatedly exclaimed, but it was too late.A blade flashed in Vassa's hand. Baring his teeth, Asa raised his hand with the sword, covered in the blood of his father.It rumbled as if a huge leather string had been torn. The knife fell out of the fingers of the wolf cub, buried in the sand. Vassa ripped open the bloody mass of sand with his face. The crowd sighed in one breath, exhaled, choked on their own cry, when Vassa was abruptly dragged back, away from the blade, which only missed his head by a finger.Going through all the curses with which Senches filled his brain over the past twenty-eight winters, Cres quickly pulled
Last Updated: 2023-03-09
Chapter: 91
The people still rejoiced, but somehow out of tune. Certainly not such a reception was expected by the newly-minted d'aher.“Before you name him d'ahger,” a small old man in a flowery robe kept shouting from the crowd. – Is there anyone among you who dares to challenge the right of Asa?!"The D'ahs have spoken," Asa declared, not looking at anyone. Then he dropped his shield and suddenly met the eyes of the Messenger, who was trying to put his foot on the sacred sand. It felt like a fire was going to ignite between them. The old man finally twitched his cheek, looked away and took a deep breath.- Of course have! - sounded over Vassa's ear. Too close, and the wolf cub turned its head in disbelief, not believing its ears. The crowd seemed to rush to the side. She darted in one impulse, trying to find out who dared to challenge the one who had just killed Khalsa himself.Musa stepped out of the crowd and froze with his arms outstretched.- Here I am, Musa, the son of Barik, I want to ch
Last Updated: 2023-03-09
Chapter: 90
The sun was looming in the pre-morning haze and slightly outlined the black refs, slightly powdered with snow, and people were already flocking to the top of the Heart-House, heading straight for the temple, where preparations for the sacred duel were already in full swing. The people lined up along the edges of the sand circle, right under the wooden faces of the d'ahs, carefully watching each villager. When Vassa and his family climbed to the upper platform and stood directly under a huge statue with a bear's head, snowflakes were flying in the air, it was fresh and quiet. The cub shuddered and began to rub his palms. The day promised clear and frosty.My father closed his eyes and whispered something silently. Prayed, I guess. Noticing the attentive look of his son, Musa smiled and tousled his hair. The mother whispered something to the father, and the smile instantly faded from his face.“I told him not to twist the tail,” muttered Musa. “But he never leaves the d'hanka.It only m
Last Updated: 2023-03-09

This is a new world, only remotely similar to the one in which our ancestors lived 600 years ago. The novel is set on the planet Gamelan in the kingdom of Magoria. Now the planet is engulfed in a great war. The king fights on three fronts, allied with the mountain clans and lords of the eight duchies to defend the north, west and east of Magoria from the enemy hordes. The fact that in a few years the war will be lost is known only at court. Far to the south of the Old Sea, no battle rages. Here, on the islands, peasants and miners live in peace; but sooner or later everything comes to an end. The enemy is preparing an invasion of the archipelago in order to capture the Riklia mines and destroy the few settlements. At the same time, a man sails to the island of Mirkhold, whose appearance can turn the tide of the war. The only trouble is that the stranger also does not wish people well.
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Chapter: Bonus Chapter 3
There was not a soul in the common grotto. Thunder rumbled. In the distance beyond Rat Lake, dirty clouds swirled over the mountains. For the first time since autumn, Mirkhold was hit by a hurricane. Tantus was sitting in a pine armchair by the brick parapet and, wrapped in a loden, looked through the wall of rain. The rustle of leaves and the rumble of stones on the slopes of Teres brought him back to reality from time to time.He spent the morning of trida in thought, overcoming pain and guilt for what he had done. Climbing to the top of the red-hot pipe in the underground sanctuary cost him dearly, and the loss of his brothers unsettled him for a long time. Burnt palms were wrapped in bandages with healing ointments, the skin on the face burned like after a sunburn, and a fire raged in the heart. There was a lot to plan for, and unnecessary thoughts could only hurt, but the memories of Korda continued to obsessively crawl into my head. They first met at the city docks. The boy was
Last Updated: 2023-05-15
Chapter: Bonus Chapter 2
At the same moment, an unknown force grabbed him and lifted him into the air. A tiny hole opened up on the wall of the cave, completely black and impenetrable, like liquid resin. The space around her began to move. Grog watched in fascination as the sarcophagus, and then the whole cave, flowed into it like water. When there was nothing left but darkness around, a blow to the back followed. An invisible stream picked him up and carried him into the void at the speed of a cannonball. Nobody's magic was terrible. She withered her skin and innards like the midday sun. The world around has hardened, turning into a piece of stone. It became hard to breathe. His hands went numb, his throat was tormented by a cough, and he kept rushing through the void, feeling only the cold of the blade on his chest and the growing pain under his heart.It seemed like an eternity before an orange dot flashed ahead. Through this point, the distorted outlines of the cave began to crawl into the darkness. First
Last Updated: 2023-05-15
Chapter: Bonus Chapter 1
It seemed to him no more than an hour before something heavy touched the surface of the table. Grog opened his eyes and lay on his back, noticing a man in the house. The wasteland and garden beyond the doorway were bathed in silver light. There was a lit candle on the table. The stranger did not move. A capacious hood fell over his face, hiding his features in deep shadow. A light linen cloak hung over his broad shoulders.- Get up! said a familiar voice dryly.- Bangladore?For the first time calling the necromancer by name, Grog for some reason was frightened. It really was his teacher. The sorcerer threw off his hood, allowing him to see the soot-stained face, which in the yellowish light resembled fermented pus. The sharp beard was slightly scorched. Brown eyes are wide open. Both sparkled like two pieces of dark amber. He was angry or scared, or both at the same time.- What's wrong with you? Grog asked cautiously, touching the talisman.- Get up and get dressed!With these words
Last Updated: 2023-05-15
Chapter: Epilogue
At the command of the teacher, he found a stone in the water and, stretching out his hand, pointed his fingers at the running stream. As pressure began to build up under his palm, Grog clenched his fingers. The stone was caught the size of a camping barrel and did not immediately succumb. The water sparkled for a long time around his smooth sides before he lifted a smooth piece of basalt over the stream.Looking up at the glittering boulder above, Bangladore nodded in satisfaction.“ Do me a favor,” Grog asked, opening his fingers.The stone flopped into the water, showering the shore in a myriad of sparkling drops. Banglador wiped his wet face and looked at him with displeasure.I need personal time.– Why?- It's personal.The sorcerer smiled, appreciating the pun.- Good. You can do whatever you want in the afternoon when the heat takes over.With these words, the necromancer handed him the fourth beaker with a white slurry that looked like milk. Grog drank the stimulant and strain
Last Updated: 2023-05-15
Chapter: 69
Coolness reigned in the drift. Grog sat on a carpet of damp sand and stared into space. For the past two days, he saw only her in front of him, and he also heard a voice. Through the ocean of darkness, someone who did not want to introduce himself spoke to him. The flask was empty. Slugs crawled around him, dragging long lamellar shells behind them, climbed to his feet, and when he fell asleep, even under his clothes, rubbing his skin with slimy suckers.Time dragged on endlessly, but now the voice sounded for the last time:- He's coming. Earlier than promised. We have little time. I hope you remember everything. Do exactly as agreed and you will be free.– I understand.“ The necromancer will test you. Remember everything you have to do, but don't think about what you are doing. It's hard, Grog. One false step and he will suspect. Think - and he can guess. Guess - and our plan will be revealed.- Yes, I understand!Grog realized a long time ago that all sorcerers are the same. Whoev
Last Updated: 2023-05-15
Chapter: 68
Then a wave of light overtook the spider. Jumping up off the floor, the golem turned around and rushed towards him. Tant only had time to notice how a massive body on six legs ran up to the pipe. The golem knew exactly where to look for him and did not stop pursuing him, even when he moved to the next staircase and disappeared behind the furnace.Going down, Tant stumbled and slid to the base of the pipe, severely skinning his back. There he was overtaken by a spider. Leaping after him, the creature sank its hooked limbs beside him, then turned and hurried back. Tant lay motionless for some time, watching the monster.“He didn't touch me. This is the second time,” he thought through his head.Rising to his feet, Tant picked up the torch and ran after the spider. A terrible mechanism by that time had already managed to hide in the tunnel.- Marlette! he yelled, rushing headlong towards the archway.His greatest fear was finding her body, but there was no one inside except for the spide
Last Updated: 2023-05-15

The prophecy says that the last descendant of Thar will destroy the Kingdom. But is this prophecy true, or has someone distorted it for some reason? Not believing the ancient words and wanting to save his daughter and the only heir to the throne, King Lirdan sends her away, entrusting the care of his illegitimate sons. After all, there is another prophecy: if the Tara lineage is interrupted, the very existence of the Kingdom will be threatened...
Completed · 1.1K views
Chapter: Epilogue
Paraman kept to the right of his father. Lord Wancel rode in front with a sword drawn, and behind him were about two hundred Sapphorus warriors dressed in blue and white Gorgoth uniforms. General Lafast himself preferred a closed carriage. He left a few hours early in order to get his people out of the White Castle: Kyle gave him this opportunity in exchange for neutrality. Having learned about the scale of the impending coup, Erinma chose not to interfere. As for the Duke of Auroc, he supported Kyle even before Lirdan's coronation, so he helped unconditionally. In Eliste, judging by his father’s reservation, the situation was more complicated, but several dozen executions decided the case in his favor in exactly the same way as in Gorgota: in the morning alone, more than three hundred people from the people and nobility were killed there, and about twenty military officers who tried to raise the garrison and the townspeople to revolt. Most of them belonged to Rod. However, these exec
Last Updated: 2023-05-17
Chapter: 78
Kyle was waiting. Stroking the emerald ring - the only thing left to him in memory of his mother - he snatched out familiar faces flashing in the crowd. Elicar answered something with restraint to the head of the Remak clan, who chuckled nervously, already knowing that the elderly adviser had only a few minutes to live. Kyle wanted to kill him with his own hands: Sarah Elikar did not deserve the fate, and Tarem, who was sitting opposite and did not take his former comrade-in-arms down with a cold gaze, would not fail to vent the anger accumulated over the years - he never forgave him for marrying Falinor, although none of the born the Leader did not restore her children. Putting down his fork, Paraman stood up and, bowing, slowly approached his cousin. With his hands behind his back, he looked out the rain-drenched window and seemed to be waiting for something. "Consider that I repaid the debt," Kyle mentally said, remembering his brother's frozen face and his last memory. Lird
Last Updated: 2023-05-17
Chapter: 77
Lafast greeted me coldly. Despite the early hour, he was dressed for travel and, judging by the plates set aside on the edge of a wide desk, he had already had breakfast. - Are you leaving somewhere? Karl asked calmly, looking around the luxuriously furnished office in a businesslike way. Looking away, the general nodded. “And I would be grateful if you would not detain me,” he answered in tone. “Yes, and I would advise you not to linger. - Why is that? - Smiling deliberately carefree, Karl looked at him inquiringly, but not having received an answer, he said more seriously: - Do not bother explaining, I already understood everything myself. I do not blame for the choice, for the advice - I thank you. It’s a pity, I can’t follow him - I’m not looking for an easy death. Scowling at him, Lafast shook his head and, turning to the table, poured a full glass of wine from a tall carafe. - Want to? - I will not refuse. Carl took a glass from his hands and drank it in one gulp
Last Updated: 2023-05-17
Chapter: 76
Waving his white mane, Snowball neighed loudly and, breaking into a gallop, rushed headlong along the path. Closing her eyes, Lyramel spread her arms out to the sides and exposed her face to the sun's muffled foliage. A warm breeze immediately blew into the wide sleeves of the dress and played in the hair. It seemed a little more - and she would take off. The speed pierced through body and soul, sweeping away everything but a jubilant, almost painful joy. Everything around was full of life. Liramel felt it in every breath, in every beat of her heart, and she wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.A bluish-blue shadow lay on the ground, cooling the warm colors in an instant. Liramel blinked as she heard the shout, and grabbing the reins, she turned around. Waving to her in greeting, Karl spurred on the black mare. Did you decide to take a walk? she asked as they drew level. “I heard you have an appointment in the morning. “Things can wait,” the brother dismissed, letting the ma
Last Updated: 2023-05-17
Chapter: 75
Lyramel spoke quickly and without much emotion. Thanking the audience for their attention and patience, she congratulated everyone on the victory and awarded the generals and several stopmen. Then she presented certificates to the families of the dead officers. The Ruby Order of the Hyde was taken by Elikar. When Lyramel called his name, Falinor shuddered, silently turned away and defiantly moved away from Paraman standing next to her. Ignoring what was happening, the duke was quietly talking about something with Lord Astin, and, judging by the expression on his face, the conversation was clearly unpleasant for him. - Go ahead. - Ali imperceptibly pushed Yakir in the side, causing him to blink in surprise. Thinking, he lost track of time and did not notice when the official part ended. The musicians on the balconies began to play again, and the people began to part, freeing the center of the hall. Reluctantly stepping forward, Yakir greeted Karl, who was helping Liramel down fro
Last Updated: 2023-05-17
Chapter: 74
Having convened another Council, Tarham decided to openly call on the Heads of Ten to deliver an ultimatum to Rod. For almost eight months, Her Majesty was between life and death, and Charles, who, contrary to the law, again arbitrarily assumed the regency, relying on Aarmani and the rest of the generals who supported his twin, each time rejected the request of the Order to allow the queen to quietly pass into eternity. Tarem was even ready to give the sons of Lirdan the opportunity to return to where they were born, giving guarantees that he was not going to give before, but in response, Karl only once again reminded him of Tarem's mistakes and threatened with a scandal. “Firsar Kael is waiting for his turn,” he remarked, knowing full well that Tarem was in no hurry to part with power. “I think he will certainly be interested in my information. As well as Councilor Elikar, Sarah and all the others. “Nothing, soon there will be justice for you,” Taram thought angrily. Don't expe
Last Updated: 2023-05-17
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