
Paraman kept to the right of his father. Lord Wancel rode in front with a sword drawn, and behind him were about two hundred Sapphorus warriors dressed in blue and white Gorgoth uniforms. General Lafast himself preferred a closed carriage. He left a few hours early in order to get his people out of the White Castle: Kyle gave him this opportunity in exchange for neutrality. Having learned about the scale of the impending coup, Erinma chose not to interfere. As for the Duke of Auroc, he supported Kyle even before Lirdan's coronation, so he helped unconditionally. In Eliste, judging by his father’s reservation, the situation was more complicated, but several dozen executions decided the case in his favor in exactly the same way as in Gorgota: in the morning alone, more than three hundred people from the people and nobility were killed there, and about twenty military officers who tried to raise the garrison and the townspeople to revolt. Most of them belonged to Rod. However, these exec
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