Chi Chi
Novels by Chi Chi

Xavier's Ultimate Return To Glory
Xavier lost his company and since then, he has been treated like trash by his wife and her parents.
Insulted, mocked, fooled and sold into a job that was practically slavery.
Little did they know, that the evil they had done to him had only led to his return as an heir to the Kaarel family.
Although he acquired great power and is out for revenge, other eyes are lurking behind him, plotting his downfall.
Will he overcome the enemies that come with his ultimate return to glory Or will his downfall be inevitable?
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Chapter: Chapter 183
Epilogue Two years later It’s been two years of bliss and laughter. Mr kareel had handed over the reins of the company fully to Xavier, after holding the nation on a thirty minutes emotional choke hold. The press conference had been a real insightful moment for people around the world. Xavier’s story from grass to glory, had become a moral lesson for kids all over the world. The Constantine family had never been greater. Angelica watched with fondness in her eyes as Xavier and Alex talked with investors. Alex and Xavier had become closer than ever. Alex had used a year away from the media and everyone and gone on a soul searching mediation, and that was where he found his wife Gina. Gina had been an anchor, keeping Alex steady, through the turbulent waves that surged around him. When Alex had returned, he had a clearer vision of the things he needed to do about his life and he had also a sober reflection on his past.Mr kareel had been excited to see Alex turn into something
Last Updated: 2024-10-22
Chapter: Chapter 182
“What do you think you are doing here?” Mr Jenkins growled. Kelanie stood shocked by the animosity in his voice. “Dad” she whispered tears flowing down her cheeks, she had just arrived the house and her father wouldn’t even let her through the front door. “Dad” kelanie called, her voice cracking as she tried to speak. “Let’s settle this inside,” Mrs Jenkins said, trying to calm the tension. Kelanie smiled softly at her mother, one thing was certain, her mother was going to make it right.“No, she can’t come in here, she has done enough already, we can’t afford such bad press now” her father hissed.Kelanie frowned, “bad press? If I do recall correctly, it was you that made me literally throw my life away all because of some image that you wanted to protect,” kelanie yelled.Mr Jenkins looked unbothered by her words, kelanie was a grown woman who knew the path of right and wrong.“yes, I pushed you I’ll admit to that fact, but you my dear have been terrible at every decision you ha
Last Updated: 2024-10-22
Chapter: Chapter 181
Xavier stood with a smug look on his face. This was just the cherry on the top, proving to kelanie that he was in fact Mr kareel’s son. Kelanie looked at the paper in her hand, they had stripped her of everything. She had no Alex, no money and definitely no house to stay. “Turn on the television,” Peggy said in a hurried tone ordering the maid that stood by the corner of the living room. “Tonight we would be airing a series which is a documentary on the life of Xavier Constantine and how he had missed a bullet, and the fails of a vengeful ex-wife kelanie Jenkins.” The air hostess said. Kelanie gasped, this was what melody was trying to warn her about. This was the show melody was gathering information about her for. Kelanie’s phone dinged, “there’s no way to hide, get my money ready,” the message read. Kelanie didn’t have to ask who it was, it was obvious the message was from Mr Russell. The protection kelanie had from the Constantine name was gone. There was nothing holding hi
Last Updated: 2024-10-22
Chapter: Chapter 180
Camera flashed. Melody was the first to get wind of the information, someone in the Constantine’s staff had told her of the big show down that was happening. This was bigger than she had anticipated, her mole was clearly undermanned and she was thinking for thinking ahead.Loyalty could weaver at the right price.Clarissa tried to hide her face, hoping to not be captured by the pressing as the police led her into the waiting vehicle. Mr kareel wasn’t bothered about the appearance of the press, he was in turn going to give a speech at the end of the day. Mr kareel turned his gaze to Alex who looked like he was a few seconds away from passing out. “Alex,” Mr kareel called out gently. “fa.. Mr kareel,” Alex replied, fumbling over the words. It was obvious he was about to call Mr kareel father before he quickly caught himself. Mr kareel smiled, it was sad to see Alex go through the crimes Clarissa had committed. “I will be taking nothing from you, everything you have owned, they a
Last Updated: 2024-10-22
Chapter: Chapter 179
Clarissa stood in shock, her first layer of armor had been taken away. Her lawyers had barely spared her a glance, standing with their faces to the ground. “Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?” Mr kareel said enjoying the way Clarissa looked.“This is a forensic and post partum analysis I had done on my dead wife,” Mr kareel said giving the file to Peggy to pass the papers around.Xavier eagerly snatched the paper from Peggy’s hand, his eyes wide as he read through the details listed out.Xavier’s eyes watered as he saw a picture of his mother, her hazel eyes were a shade darker than his and Xavier could tell that he had gotten his nose from his mother.Angelica’s eyes watered, seeing the dejected look in Xavier’s face. She could feel how broken he was feeling and wished he didn’t have to sit through this.“I’m here,” Angelica whispered into Xavier’s ears, squeezing his palm softly, silently giving him comfort.Xavier nodded, his throat clogged as he read through the detail
Last Updated: 2024-10-22
Chapter: Chapter 178
Mr kareel had always suspected the eagerness Clarissa had, she had used his mourning period to accomplish her plans. Mr kareel couldn’t remember what had happened, and all his life, he had never been that drunk to the point of blacking out. All Mr kareel could remember was waking up to a sobbing Clarissa in a room filled with bottles of alcohol littered around. The only person to fill in the gaps had conveniently been Clarissa, she had some how convinced the rest of the maids and workers to take a day off.It was also during the period that Mr Thompson was swamped in the office, since Mr kareel was too heart broken to function.The next few weeks were a blur to Mr kareel, all he had was Clarissa and a constant headache every morning from how heavy he had apparently been drinking.It was crazy how all Mr kareel could ever recall was just the first glass Clarissa had offered, and the rest was just a blank space of nothing.Clarissa had been very careful with her actions, she kept him
Last Updated: 2024-10-22
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