All Chapters of I AM BEYOND HUMAN: Chapter 261
- Chapter 270
466 chapters
"""WHAT!!""" Everyone echoed "Now if I'm allowed to continue without any further interruptions... Apart from testing your information skills this first stage of the exercise was also meant to test your observational prowess and as you all clearly didn't notice it is impossible for all the teams to be of an equal number of three for if you had taken your time to observe instead of rushing in trying to formulate your teams you would have seen that there are only forty-seven of you so either one of the teams had members of two or other teams had more members making it more unbalanced and besides I never said that you guys had to be in teams of three..."*MURMUR*Everywhere became noisy as all the trainees were dumbfounded, mumbling to each other and trying to understand the instructor's words and the current situation of the exercise before they were cut short by more information from the instructor as it seemed that he wasn't finished with explaining how they m
*TSK* Angel smacked her tongue against the roof of her mouth "Darn it, we missed it!" she turned to the left to one of the trainees next to her "Excuse me but what did the instructor just say? What are we supposed to be doing again?" she asked while blinking slowly and looking unconcerned which to the contrary she was but just had that lackluster seeming persona at the moment because she was speaking to someone she wasn't that close too unlike how somewhat close she and Saber had now becomeThe trainee creakily turned their head and looked at her with nothing but a loud expression denoting contempt "I don't know, why don't you try listening next time" they said then turned to some others standing next to them bursting into quiet laughter, also calling Angel an 'idiot' in the processShe was a little confused at first as to why they were doing that and after it went on for longer than it should have she became annoyed and tried
It wasn't just only her because most of the other trainees didn't know what the Jettison Stream Bands wristbands were as well but thought they were just that, a normal wtistband people wear when they wanted to exercise. "Foster" Saber said to Angel who turned around and looked at him "yes?" "Don't you know about the name Foster?" "Huh, am I supposed to?" she scrunched her eyebrows and folded her arms together "it's the name of one of the most renowed military families in the entirety of the United States. If I'm right about who she is then her father is General March Foster" He said to Angel "Nope, I didn't know that" she replied as she turned to Lucille "How did you know who my father is, even my teammates don't know that information so how did you?" Lucille spoke with mixed feelings "How did I know? Well my brother told me" Saber's tone
"Fine, my ass!" "What the hell is wrong with her? Freak!!" Multiple looks of wonder and disgust were aimed solely at Angel for two basic reasons which were; one, because the others weren't used to her which was more like they didn't know her at all and she was a complete stranger to most. The second was because they all thought she was lying just as a front to look cool or something close to that because to them no one could have recovered that quickly. They used themselves to gauge and judge others recovery Whispers started evolving in the training room with Angel being the subject of reproach. "Angel? Are you sure you're really okay and you aren't just saying that because you know...?" Lucile said with a curious face and using her eyebrows to hint at what she meant instead of saying it "Sure I am" Angel casually shrugged and smiled looking as energetic as before "Isn't th
"Yes you heard me right, A TWIST and the twist is first; your speculation on the wristbands and their energy draining ability was right so for that I assign some scores to the trainee who solved that puzzle but like I was saying the twist. I will be reducing the energy draining coefficient of the wristbands so you all will be able to recover faster than you are getting drained of energy, and second, I will be pushing the actual brawl or should I say the face off between the ten passing trainees to the last exercise we'll be doing today but as for this one we will be incorporating a brawling element as well and I've decided to involve everyone and not just those who were able to retain consciousness during the previous exercise...." "Huggh!! Common now!" Everyone who had fainted but now had regained consciousness murmured as they stood up and arranged themselves for the next exercise and whatever next the mysterious instructor had installed for them."Now,
"A protection slash battle type exercise... Sweet!" Angel grinned "I just hope you're right though Saber" she said getting both her physical and mental self prepared for the exercise to come as she looked at Saber who also smiled back at her. He was confident in his ability well enough that he felt like he could handle almost anything thrown towards himself and his team *Step* *Step* "Why the smile, FREAK? Don't tell me that you've forgotten how to make the right facial expressions? Hahahaha!" said the arrogant boy from earlier, Ryder, in an attempt at provoking a reaction out of Angel. During his attempt at distasteful mockery his teammates backed him up in laugher while the other trainees watched the spectacle unfold. Because of how Ryder's attitude was towards not just Angel but everyone else which usually comes off as very rude and giving everyone the impression that he is a jerk most of the others didn't reall
The previously suspecting trainees had speculated what class categories each of the four would be in, totally neglecting one member in Lucille's team, due to how they looked which was mostly done towards Saber because he looked like he should be in the strength class so when those in that class stared at him they knew that they didn't recognize him which made them not to understand why that was but because they couldn't be certain he the four were of the same class as them they let it go thinking that they must be in different classes. This could have been dealt with a lot sooner if those suspecting had opened up to the others and asked them if those four belonged to their class instead "Why is that guy wearing something on his face? His uniform also looks completely different from ours. Speaking of which why is now the first time I'm taking a notice of him?" "Yeah! Weird how I never noticed him until Ryder pointed them out to us... Wh
The one to make the comment was Lucille who didn't look surprised at the revelation "What!? Don't be stupid... Now, let go of my hand!" Ryder made another attempt to force his hand free and was successful when Saber decided to let go *SCRR* The pull back force and the sudden release caused Ryder to jolt backwards, getting off balance and almost fell but his quick reflexes allowed him to maneuver halfway to the ground which caused the sole of his shoes to screech on the floor as he made his way back up ""Woah"" some trainees were left in awe at the spectacle forgetting the experience they felt when Angel did something even more amazing moments earlier. The measure of their short attention span really was short. Amongst the speed and reflex class of trainees Ryder was amongst the fastest even considering the graduating level which Adam was a part of except he was in the stren
*PANT*The teammate was barely able to keep standing as he pants for air, the other teammate had to step in and act as support while the both of them grimaced with guilt and after having proved the point which she was meant to Jessica and the teammate both swapped back their bands and then she walked back to Adam"How was it when you swapped?" Adam asked not just to prove a point but also with genuinely concern for his assigned teammate. With how he had been cooperative and showing concerns he was beginning to look like an entirely different person than the one during the first exercise who had wanted the instructor to disqualify Angel and Saber due to their 'Insurbodination' To his defense he is one who really likes to follow the rules and he thought that being a two men team was a direct act of disobedience Angel and Saber showcased. Also, even if he did like following
"What are you saying Captain? You would have cheated as well" Frank asked *TURN* Adam moved his head to the direction of the question "Lemme tell all of you a little secret... You see that man behind the glass wall up there or at least hear his voice? Well, that voice doesn't give two damns about what goes on in here or any of you, I mean why should he when all he does is sees you through a screen, and as long as nobody gets physically and mentally hurt during practice and the instructions are followed to an extent then you can do whatever the hell you want..." Everyone's eyes shone wide while Ryder and his team who were once the outcast amongst them got just as dumbstruck as everyone else, at first, but seconds later they got their confidence back again starting with Ryder their leader because the topic had now stared off them cheating "Now the exercise apart from the usual test