All Chapters of I AM BEYOND HUMAN: Chapter 271
- Chapter 280
466 chapters
Everyone prepared themselves as they didn't know who was to be called and also didn't want to go up first because those who are to go first wouldn't have the luxury of fully understanding the best way to approach the exercise and they wouldn't be as well rested as those who would come after and then those after that. The best position to be was the last position as they all majorly saw it"Ryder Bridge, Zack Sanders and Vinny Taylor... You three are to step to the left and protect you cube while those in your opposing team will be Polaris and Angel Maxonwell"The instructors usage of Saber's last name without his or Nathaniel's first names signified that he was aware of his double personalities and didn't want to be specific in case Saber and Nathaniel changed places again during the last exercise which would cause confusion if he announced another first name than the one he would have used previously.
Meanwhile, Ryder and his teammates had come together to have a short discussion as they were all feeling confident in their choice of members "Like the instructor said, it's a good thing we are a two reflex class and one intellect class team while on the other hand our Freakish opposition looks like they are in the maybe a reflex and strength class alone with no one to operate their cube" Ryder boasted the scoffed"But Ryder, since we know nothing about them except that the guy looks to be extremely strong the way he held you in place without any effort at all and there's the girl who is super fast and calling her a reflex class trainee might just be wrong categorizing. They should have made a special class for her and called it superspeed class even—" Vinny said"What's your point Vinny?" Ryder interrupted"Oh yes, my point," Vinny sc
"Haha" Angel smiled and acted like what was said was a joke"This isn't the time to be making jokes, we seriously need to get a handle on this before the minute is up""Again, I have no idea what you are talking about and this time I'm not joking around..." Saber said again then turned to look at the control cube few feet behind them. "What makes you think that Nate is an Intellect class trainee anyway?" He looked back at Angel who had her eyes fidgeting in anxiety "W-well because from what I've been hearing through you which is that he is a very smart and well informed guy so I guess I just kind of figured that he had to be an Intellect class trainee but it looks like I was damn wrong..." She shrugged and gestured with her hands simultaneously"!!" Saber said nothing "Wow, but why didn't you o
"Hey girl! What happened to the blond freak and why is he in the back looking different all of a sudden?" Ryder asked as both an insult, for information purpose and a means of distracting Angel all at once 'Are they maybe planning something?' he thought while being cautious *SHRUG* "!!" She did nothing but shrugged to answer Ryder then she turned around to look at where her control cube was "Nathaniel? It's Nathaniel right?" she asked with a normal pitched voice as she wasn't that far away from her cube unlike Ryder and Zack who were going for the offensive "!!" Nathaniel gave a thumbs up as a sign of confirmation. Saber was the more abrasive and confident one of the two although Nathaniel wasn't in any case a push over himself but he wasn't much of a talker *STEP* *ZOOM* "Turning your back at me huh? Big mistake!" Ryder took the initiative
While they were having their discussion Nathaniel had been focused on Vinny and his control cubeSince the exercise started and Ryder attacked, Vinny had quickly approached his control cube and synced up with it and after thirty seconds of syncing he had completely understood every aspect of the cube.With total knowledge of his cube Vinny started his strategy of a bi-sequence command where he simultaneously builds a firewall to protect his cube from digital attacks and at the same time tried to attack Nathaniel's cube.Because Nathaniel wasn't an Intellect class trainee he wasn't able to do the same with his cube and just stood there trying to focus on something*TAP* *TAP*Vinny at an incredible typing pace operated his cube with extreme efficiency and ease as he remained unopposed by Nathaniel digitally
Because they didn't have an Intellect class trainee as a member of their team Angel had come to the conclusion that they had automatically lost the exercise but with Nathaniel's special ability they were a sure to win "So can you damage it digitally with that ability of yours?" she didn't give him the chance to finish he previous thought since her enthusiasm came back from being presented with a chance to win "At least let me finish speaking before you become carefree again, but whatever..." Nathaniel sighed then stepped forward a bit and got standing next to Angel "Something like that but why don't we end this now. I'll handle the cube while you take care of the protectors" "Yeah?! Alright!" Angel got in stance and prepared to run off in an attack pattern... *TAP* After realizing that their current distraction with their cube was the perfect time for the opposi
Five minutes before the emergency alarms for help in the training room was sounded, the first set of team brawling had already been completed and the participants; Ryder and his team, then Angel and Nathaniel, had all moved to the walls of the training room, just like everyone else, as they waited for the instructor to call the next participating teams. They were all expecting that the instructor would call those two teams immediately after Angel and Nathaniel came out as the victors of the last brawl, but, it has been a couple minutes since that happened and there was nothing yet. Up above, behind the glass wall the coarse voice instructor was in the midst of a call. He was leaned back into the chair with his pen like communicator raised closed to his mouth, while his eyes remained stuck on the trainees especially the members of the two teams he wanted to select to go up against each other for his entertainment. The pre
Lucille, who was somewhat closer to the spot that opened up in the middle of the training room, got even more tensed as she wasn't expecting something like that, and so did her other teammates but not as obviously worried as she was. Jewel Riverr, who was the one cladded in a less high-tech looking uniform and field as the one Michael .V. Griin wears, was the one whose expression couldn't be discerned because of his field but from his body movement, which tensed up just like how others did, it could be observed that he was just as worried. At the other side, Adam's teammates were also looking worried when the sudden opening of the floor happened but their leader and everyone's captain on the other hand was extremely calm and focused on the battle ahead and how he was going to handle these three younger trainees with unknown powers. Since they were in the Special Class Category, it meant that they were exactly that; speci
Visible to everyone's eyes were just Adam, the Reflex Class teammate behind him and Jessica, slaving away on her hovering control cube therefore making the opposition team complete and performing the same task as Jessica but at the opposite end was Samuel of the Special Class team, however, between the two it was only Jessica who would pause her current activity just to portray the same shocked response as everyone else. "Hey, where did they go?!"—scrunching her eyebrows in shock and glaring at the entire area of close proximity to the opposition control cube but not finding those she was looking for— She exclaimed. "Cap—" "Get back to work!!" —swinging his hand and a pointing fingers backwards at the cube without looking in the direction then quickly turning to face the Reflex Class member of his team beside him— Adam interrupted before taking that pointing finger away from Jessica's direct
"These Special Classes are something entirely" Frank to opinionated trainee said to his teammate while they all watched everything unfold with awe and disbelief, although having powers themselves, what they were seeing was way beyond what they could ever hope to accomplish with their enhancements alone.In the brawl, the moment Adam's back had slammed to the ground with Lucille's weight on him making the impact even more so, the boy gasped for air, with face scrunched in pain. However, he wasn't going to be given the chance to rest when Lucille, moving her body flexibly like that of a snake from the waist down whipped herself forward, bringing her face closer to his. "What's she planning to do?" Adam thought before remembering the weird action she took at the beginning of the exercise when she gently rubbed her neck while Jewel did something to his field hinting that maybe her power had something to do with the area she touched."Is her power voic