In space, a dark pool of inky blackness appeared outside Earth, forming a massive expanse that covered an area of several kilometers. From within it, a brooding, anomalous presence lurked, a sinister aura perpetrating throughout space like a coming plague. The first to notice this anomaly was, of course, the ark who after the altercation with Joyner intruding in their base, had doubled their efforts in monitoring Earth and the surrounding space around it. As soon as the dark pool appeared, it immediately triggered several alarms inside the ark, alerting everybody inside of the pool’s presence. But before the ark could even analyze what was going on, a haunting pressure suddenly caused everything to stop, as if being frozen in time. The dark pool appeared like a one-dimensional flat surface of black water, like a screen made of ink both sides of which could be seen. But looking into it exposed an abyssal depth hiding unending terrors and monsters. And from within this abyss, one such
Last Updated : 2024-03-17 Read more