The chubby one of Lovlock.
Her dance studio. "Hello, this is Dia, who am I speaking with?" She asked, her eyes keen on the students who were swaying to the rhythm of their hearts, mimicking the steps she had thought them. They were at the verge of perfection and she could say boastfully that they were ready for the presentation at the concert. That was all she had been doing, only to be intruded by that call. And picking it up, her ears and brain were both at alert awaiting the response. She could had made a guess on who had called, but twas some unknown number. Then after the long awkward silence which almost forced her to hanging the call, there came a still, feminine but polished voice, "This is Sophia. Calling you from a private firm of Psychology and Human rights. We are called, Lovlock Enterprises GTM, situated in the UK, Canterbury." Dia thought for a while as the British accent paced her mental ken and left her struggling
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