All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
234 chapters
In Middle-Ray Island, still inside Commander Arachnid’s office.“Morales Island, what a personal and tyrannical island name”. Commander Arachnid commented loudly as he could not help the wide smile that was planted on his face at this moment.His subordinates had mixed expressions on their faces. Most of them had smiles on their faces also, few were neutral, while the rest either had looks of doubt on their faces or some of them even frowned.Of course, after the energy shield was erected, all the work of the spies were rendered useless since their spy methods could not penetrate the barrier that was created by the energy shield.Despite not knowing what was going inside, those that were originally paying attention to the Great Pirate Campaign still paid attention to the island.After a few hours, when it seemed that nothing was happening in the island, fireworks were suddenly fired into the sky in a celebratory manner.Fol
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Morales stood rigidly as he silently looked at his body reflection that was being projected on the mirror.At this moment, he was dressed in a black designer suit that was paired with a red bow tie. Printed on the chest pocket side of the suit was a group of words that revealed Morales’s identity.“Prince Morales Clifford”.“King Alexander IV’s 34th son”.As Morales silently looked at his reflection on the mirror, memories quickly rolled in his head as he recalled everything that he had encountered from the day of his transmigration to today.Everything felt just like a dream to him.In his sight, it seemed like just yesterday when he transmigrated into the body of a boy who bore the same name as he did in a dungeon.He still vividly remembered the fear that gripped his heart when he finally came to terms with the fact that he really transmigrated.Suddenly transmigrating from a di
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The Clifford royal palace was lavishly decorated today. Perhaps, in other kingdoms, the burial of the king was a cause for sadness across the whole planet. But this was not the case on Beiger planet, it was a different scene entirely on this planet. According to the first Clifford Ancestor, the death of a King was not a cause for worry, it should be celebrated since the young were finally allowed to rise and take the mantle. The young shall lead, this was the ideology of the first Clifford Ancestor. This was the reason why he encouraged polygamy at its finest, just like the original Clifford who grew so strong to the pinnacle of the Grade S Realm, the Pugilist who at his peak shook Space World itself. The rich history of the Clifford family was part of the reason why the family was not fragmented yet, this was because there was harmony in history. By sharing such a rich history that no other family on the planet could match, the Cliffo
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30 minutes after the official burial of the late King.As soon as the late King was laid to rest, a huge celebration feast started across the planet. At least, in places that cared and still believed that they were under the rulership of the Clifford family.The coming to play of Clifford’s newest generation was to be celebrated, and the celebration was also an acknowledgment of the feats that King Alexander IV accomplished during his reign on the planet.This celebration did not elude the royal palace.The servants, relatives, and other people that were related to the family mostly had today as a day off to go and join the celebration.As for the core members of the Clifford family, the elders of the Council of Elders were all gathered inside a large hall in the palace.They were not the only ones that were in here, the seed of King Alexander IV who were all heirs to the throne were invited to celebrate and to dine with the elders whi
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Shortly after Morales summoned the upper echelons of his fleet, they started appearing one by one in his special office that was constructed inside the new Morales Island. In just 2 minutes, they were all gathered. Morales took a deep breath as he swept a gaze through his upper echelons that were gathered with his Space Vision skill. From Bella who was his only companion in his days of early beginning, without him knowing, he had grown so much to this extent. Commander Nightowl, Shadow, Bella, Lord Devon Manacre, Lady Elizabeth, Tigerclaw, Bigfoot, some other familiar faces, and some faces that he was not even familiar with which showed the current size of the Morales Fleet. Just thinking back to the past left Morales smiling, he could really feel the essence of little drops of water making a mighty ocean. From the small Morales Fleet, it was now a superpower of the Larpotian Sea. After she became his subordinate, the previous
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“Who is this?” Morales was confused at first on seeing his ringing communication device, but as soon as he picked up the call, his confusion cleared and was quickly replaced by surprise and speculations. “Morales, right?” On hearing the dignified voice that reverberated from the other side of the virtual projection screen, Morales snapped out of his daze. “Esteemed Pirate Admiral!” Morales quickly expressed his respect by standing up. Being contacted so suddenly by the well-known Frenzy Psychic, Morales experienced a rapid rush of emotions. It did not take him long before he connected this call to the achievements of his fleet in the just-concluded campaign. Though he really wanted to know the reason why this Pirate Admiral called, he did not dare keep him waiting. He put on the most polite smile that he could before asking the universal question. “To what honor am I receiving this unexpected call?” On hearing t
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After the secret gathering that was convened in a secret virtual domain, Morales took his time communicating with the Pirate Admiral.Pirate Admiral Frenzy no longer hid anything from him.As he said, they discovered the fatal plan of the necromancers 2 years ago. Since then, they went into work on gathering manpower and trying to infiltrate the Necromancer’s Den to gather information.When the gathering started, it comprised only Pirate Admiral Frenzy and Pirate Admiral Rage. These 2 were the progenitors of the gathering, and they were responsible for the rapid growth of the gathering in the past 2 years.Compared to when it started, the gathering was now countless times more powerful. They looked invisible, but not so invisible against the Necromancer’s Den.The Necromancer’s Den already changed a lot, Gorge Dame was no longer the sole leader. Though the pyramid has not descended yet, the Undead Pharoah, Khufu was already extend
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Morales’s rapid increase in power made him feel surreal.For some reason, he felt that he was finally looking down on this planet from a vantage point. Getting to this strength level so rapidly would have affected new timers, but he was an old-timer.In his previous world, as an avid Space World gamer, he was among the first patch of players to level up to the Grade A Calamity realm.With such an achievement, leveling to the Grade C- realm seemed inconsequential though he would be beaten to death if any of the other Grade C- experts currently in Beiger planet heard him say that.In his luxurious room that was built inside his new mansion in Morales Island, Morales sat as a lot of things went through his mind.Tomorrow was the D-Day for the hunt mission to get the head of the notorious Gorge Dame to commence. But before going on this mission, Morales decided to make a trip alongside Bella.Once he informed Bella, she did not refuse, and
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As soon as Morales settled down, he swept his gaze through the enormous hall building and saw that a lot of people were already gathered here. Even as he came, others were also coming. The hunting alliance already put everything in order before convening this gathering. From the most important warrior to the least important, even the mysterious Elder Lorrain of the Clifford family were all present. Like before, Pirate Admiral Frenzy was the one who stood up to speak. He was seated alongside his fellow counterparts at the very front of the hall. Morales eyed these seats. With his current status as a Grade C- expert, if he revealed his real strength, he could easily become one of the higher-ups of this alliance. Despite the fame and prestige that may follow, Morales was okay with being prudent. He already had his own plans in place for this mission. To others, it was just about killing the necromancers and getting rid of a disast
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Warp! The advanced airship succeeded in infiltrating inside the Necromancy domain that the Necromancy alliance was famed for without triggering any alarms. This was a sign of a good omen towards the overall mission. None of the warriors that were recruited into the vanguard team cheered though, this was because they knew that this was just the calm before the storm. This act that they just started was an act of war! Inside the necromancy domain was like a dark endless void filled with chaotic space that kept on ravaging through anything that they could devour. It was now night, but the effects of the night here were amplified several folds. The extreme darkness, gloominess, and absolute silence gave this region the spookiest attribute that it could afford. This strange vacant void seemed spooky, but not to the warriors that came for this mission who were all battle-hardened veterans. None of them were flustered, they kn
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