All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 231 - Chapter 234
234 chapters
While reveling in the shock on the infiltrators’ faces on seeing his surprising compatriot, Gorge Dame spread his hands wide in an exaggeratedly expressive gesture to attract as much attention as possible. “I knew that you would come!” “I knew that you would all come, I’ve been waiting long enough!” “When I started my ambitious plan to induce the descent of the mythical great pyramid of Giza, I knew from the onset that such a plan could not be hidden from your scrutinizing gazes for long”. “To counter and prepare for this, I simply decided not to hide it. Through careful baiting and meticulously patient guidance over the years, I was able to remote control your important decisions till I led you all here”. “Hehehe!” “It feels so good to see enemies fooling themselves, so damn good!” “I didn’t just bring you here to enjoy yourselves though. Like a said, you all just earned yourselves a front-row seat to the end of the world”.Read more
Perhaps, Gorge Dame was right, this was indeed the end of the world! The Pharoah’s declaration of conquer was what flipped the delicate balance, Beiger planet was plunged into a world war after years of fairly stable development. As soon as Pharoah Khufu declared conquer, it was like an authoritative galaxy-wide order was given. All the undead beasts who answered to this ancient Pharoah listened and acted when he spoke. The pyramid opened up into individual triangular shuttles after the order, these shuttles turned into superspeed ferries to transport an endless army of undead creatures to all corners of Beiger planet. Beiger planet faced its greatest test of destruction yet. Faced against this predator of planets, Beiger planet faced a challenge where they had to rally their full strength just to present the most basic resistance. Faced against a common enemy that could annihilate all life from the planet, all political inclinations w
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Only 13% of the human population was left on Beiger planet, this was why the Suicide Squad was tasked to achieve the impossible since the impossible was the only achievement that could turn the tides of this war. Donning a special Pugilist armor that was made to fit his physique, and to enhance his Pugilist energy and endurance in battle, Morales was more than ready to take on this impossible mission. As one of the 3 Grade C- experts of this Suicide Squad, he had 1/3rd overall authority over any decision-making of the squad. As soon as they went deep inside the pyramid enough, and the number of zombies and other undead creatures swarming towards them started becoming too much, Morales gave a suggestion. “Let’s separate!” Morales could boast of being the warrior with the most knowledge about this Pyramid. Putting aside its deliberate model after earth’s pyramid of Giza, this was a battlefield where he had farmed for experience points like a man
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When only less than 8% of the human population were left alive on Beiger planet, King Morales Clifford stood up to the challenge and rescued humanity! The clips were viral all across the planet after all the undead creatures that were terrorizing the biggest armies of the planets disappeared at the same time. The heroic battle of the new King could never be forgotten. Though the Pyramid was locked from the outside world when Morales was engaged in his epoch-changing battle against the Medusa and the mummified monster, there were countless experts who could recreate the scene. By recreating the scene, not only did the surviving humans know who rescued them, they saw it in the most impressive fashion possible. Once all the undead creatures disappeared like they were mere illusions, a much sought-after peace finally came unto Beiger planet. The next day after the final battle, the Vice Pirate Admiral who was once an outcast became a legen
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