All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
234 chapters
“Alexander, what brought you here?” Headmaster Cinnabar had a pleased expression on his face as he looked down at his best student fondly.Alexander was undoubtedly the most talented dojo instructor in the whole Border town dojo, the headmaster was even sure that the young lad had the potential to surpass him in the future.Perhaps, to other superiors, this would have made them wary and suppress the still budding prodigy, or some may even go as far as plotting to kill him. But to him, none of these mattered.In a normal sense, it was not normal for such a talented Pugilist to still stay here in such a backward town. The truth was that instructor Alexander and the headmaster had a relationship that was closer than what was made known to the public.The headmaster was born and bred in the Border town, so it was normal that he remained loyal to it but instructor Alexander was not.What brought him to the town was a fateful encounter betwee
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The group of 4 roommates had to walk a significant distance away from the town before they finally saw the perimeter of the forbidden forest, it was an admirable yet intimidating sight. The forbidden forest is the biggest in Beiger, and it didn’t just cover a single region. The tentacles of the dreaded forest extended across the whole Beiger planet, making it the most dangerous place on the planet. The forest that Morales passed through after escaping from the mining base was just a small extension of the forbidden forest, but that one alone was filled with dangerous beasts. The part of the forbidden forest that bordered the Border town was just the periphery region. According to legends, only powerful Grade C experts could reach the depths of the forest and survive it. The horrors hidden in the forbidden forest were not something that commoners or mere supers could endure, only the real experts could survive them. After getting to the territo
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“Morales, what’s happening?” Dave was freaking out more and was already on the verge of losing it when he saw the unusual grave expression on Morales’s face, he was already hating today.Morales grabbed him roughly on the shoulders, shook him before answering. “We are in danger, Dave”.“Listen to me, panicking will not do anything. Right now, I want you to go out there and bring both Rose and Chloe here immediately. They are a few dozen meters away from us, it’s not far”.“I want to think about some things now, so I can’t go with you. But I want you to be fast. You can do this, right?”“Y…, yes, I think so”.“Good! Go, go!”Falling down and scrambling up again, a confused and terrified Dave ran away in the direction that Morales pointed at for him. He had a lot of questions but he was too terrified to ask them.As soon as Dave disapp
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Border town was burning! The whole town underestimated the danger, they were too confident in the statistics and trends that they already observed for the past few years. They forgot the most vital fact that change was ever-present. Change was not showing now did not mean that it was not there, it was just hiding. The day that you let your guard down, it would sneak up on you and attack like a legendary assassin. Instructor Alexander already received specific orders from his master as soon as the battle began, the only problem was that he found it hard to obey such orders. He felt terribly guilty. In a sense, everything that was happening currently was indirectly caused by him. After he punished Morales and his friends to take a beast cleaning sweep at the periphery zone of the forbidden forest, he forgot about the message that he received a few days ago. Hoping that the group of 4 mischievous roommates would surprise him and unravel t
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Of headmaster Cinnabar’s twelve personal students, only 5 stayed behind with him. Despite the others' willingness to stay and die with him, he forced them to leave under Alexander’s leadership. Necromancers! He’s never seen one with his eyes, but he sure as hell had heard terrifying stories about them. His late Master always told him tales of his encounters and battles with the evil magicians. He’s heard about how they can massacre a whole town just to train their magic, about how they can kill hundreds of unborn children and their mothers just to refine their control of dark arcane magic. He’s heard about how powerful they are compared to regular mages. He’s heard of their ruthlessness; he’s heard of their viciousness. His only regret despite knowing all these was not encountering them once. Now, after he already passed his twilight years, the opportunity to duel with a real necromancer finally presented itself before him. He could he
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Ptui! The sound of a sharp object stabbing into flesh loudly reverberated. Before the oversized zombie that towered above the others could react, Morales dragged his storm sword sideways as rotten blood sprayed at him. The blood did not touch his body though, his dark golden energy formed a shield around him that blocked all the gore from splashing on his body. The zombie that was before him got split in 2 directly from the middle of its abdomen. As its abdomen spurted blood, it made a disconcerting squelching sound before falling down dead. As soon as the zombie fell before his feet, he dodged to the side as a sharp bone spike stabbed at his previous location. With a single movement of his body, he turned around and grabbed the big skeleton warrior on the skull. Bending the scowling skull slightly, his sword sliced through its bony neck without much resistance. As soon as he killed the oversized zombie and skeleton warrior, dozens of
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As soon as the decision was relayed to the 2 Pugilists who stood at the entrance, they finally started preparation for the leap of faith. Yes, it was a great leap of faith to leave their only hope of defense which was the wall. Morales asked if there was armor and higher-grade weapons here for his and his roommates to use, but the guards said no. As they’ve never encountered a situation like this before, they normally don’t keep their weapons here in the wall. They were always kept in the town where every guard could easily have access to them. Morales was slightly disappointed on hearing that, but this did not deter him from his decision to leave. Back in the game, when undead energy completely invades a player, the player turns into a zombie. They would then suffer from disorientation; their character would go out of their control. In the end, to turn back to normal they either had to die or wait out the duration of the undead state. Read more
Morales felt like falling down to sleep from exhaustion but he could not afford to do that as the situation didn’t permit it. After being trashed by the enormous mummified monster a few minutes ago and losing a sizeable chunk from his health points, he finally left all illusions to act cool behind and ran for his dear life. He never expected to see such a strong mummified monster in a location that was just being fed and sustained with undead energy, his confidence in his assumption was what led to the previous scenario. From then, he learned his lesson though as he never volunteered to take on any of the big undead monsters again. If you are escaping, wait for me, I’m escaping too- this became his new pledge. As soon as they escaped from the position of the defense wall, despite the mistake of leaving the gate open they did not care and ran for their lives. Because of this, zombies and skeleton warriors were already flooding the road that led
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After the incident a few minutes ago, the group of escaping guards and students became more alert. After being on the run and fighting together for minutes, they already developed a certain trust for each other.When they just saw Morales and his roommates, the guards originally looked down on them a bit due to their relatively young faces but after this short journey with them, they learned to respect them.They already recognized Morales as their default leader. Not only because of his strength and knowledge, but he also had that certain demeanor that demanded respect in tense situations.Adding that to the fact that he already saved their lives numerous times, everyone in the group gave their silent consent to make him the leader.Apart from him, the 3 other dojo students could not be trifled with either.Because this was their second real battle experience after the assassination a few days ago, Chloe and the others were still spooked a bit eve
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Seeing the petite little girl’s frame while pairing it with the fangs dripping dark red blood from her mouth, the rot oozing from her body, and her bat wings, all the people following Morales felt goosebumps. The contrast was too much, a small girl turning into an undead creature and wielding such power was too unreal. They heard the name that Morales called, but they had no idea what it meant. Was that the name of the girl, or was it the name of whatever possessed her? They didn’t know. Though they didn’t know, they felt fear for her. “What horror from hell was this?” Yiiiiii…!! Seeing them sprint forward in her direction, she screamed angrily before increasing her speed in the air. Hearing the weird noise made by her screaming, they shuddered in fear. Morales was unfazed by this basic intimidation technique though. After fighting undead creatures for so long, he felt rusty before, but his gut feeling told him that he was grad
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