All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
234 chapters
A large colony of ants, that was the best equivalent that Morales could use to describe the sight that revealed itself before him and every other person in his group. They were all shocked stiff like frozen fish.Undead creatures filled their sight, not just undead but lots of undead creatures.Scriii!! Yeea! Huuiii! Hoa!If you’re looking for a cacophony of noise, this was a cacophony of noise.Seeing this scene, they came to the realization extremely fast. This was the main attack point of the main undead army summoned by the necromancer, it was not at the front road that led to the town as they expected.In a single wave, the loud noise being made by the overwhelming horde of undead creatures slammed into their ears.The extremely high decibels sound hit their ears like they were hammered by a sledgehammer, despite being supers they started bleeding from the noise and other orifices in their body immediately.Compared to the
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It was already over 3 hours since it started, but it showed no signs of stopping. Every single warrior of the town whether Pugilist or Mage was tired, but none left the battlefield. Commander Cecilia released another huge firebolt spell as over a dozen of the juvenile zombies were roasted to pieces, the fire spread out a little to burn the nearby undead creatures. Her face never showed any emotion since the battle started, it just remained in its poker state as she released devastating magic spells one after another. Her every spell, even the most basic of spells always took a few dozen lives of the undead creatures. She was the main reason why the A-1 defense perimeter was still standing strong. Apart from her prowess, the confident and never-yielding vibe being exuded by her emboldened all her subordinates to follow her example and pound their hardest at the filthy creatures. Neither living nor dead, but they called them undead. The
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As Morales bulldozed his way back across the sea of undead creatures, he tried to minimize his energy usage. Though he kept a cool face while speaking with the female Commander, he was feeling exhausted a bit.He was not an energy entity; he didn’t have unlimited energy. This was the one thing he hated the most about Space World, then he complained a lot to the company but here, who could he complain to?Should he complain to undead beasts? No, that would only lead to more filth being thrown at his face.Sprinting across without pause, his hands kept on doing the work that he was already familiar with, slashing skeletons and zombies apart without a care of the world while his race manipulation ability continued its dark work.After using his race specialty skills repeatedly for over a month, he already got the hang of how to better work with them.Unlike before, using them now requires less energy from him. Despite this, they were still energ
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After moving across the town and spreading destruction for over 20 minutes, the horde of undead creatures that started from the outskirts of the forbidden forest finally got to the Baron’s mansion. And unlike the previous time, they ballooned in size again. The giant mummified monster that smacked Morales was still there, but it was no longer leading at the front. Apart from the 2 giant skeleton warriors that accompanied her on the way, others already joined also. 3 zombies whose rotten flesh towered into the skies like skyscrapers lumbered forward like fantasy trucks, the kind that could crush mountains apart with a single step. An undead fairy glowing with blinding dark light was also hovering in the air above the horde, dark undead magic power emanating from her body in waves like she was Hades himself. These giants were the ones leading the horde, but they were also tons of mini-giant undead creatures among them now. Everywhere tha
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Undead creatures already surrounded the Pugilist dojo, lots of undead dripping with filth hauled themselves forward intending to breach and go inside it but they were firmly repelled back.A slightly transparent blue magical shield surrounded the dojo, protecting it from the attacks of the horde that were surrounding it.As the dojo was built at the far end of the town, fewer undead creatures were here compared to the location where the Baron’s mansion was erected.If that side was an ocean, then this was a lake of undead creatures.On getting here, the first problem that Morales and his companions encountered was how to gain access inside the dojo as just like the undead creatures, the Pugilist dojo locked them outside.As they stood outside fighting the undead creatures while thinking of a solution, Chloe suddenly pushed Morales aside and stepped forward with a swagger in her steps.Getting to the blue glowing shield, she placed her
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Leaving the main dojo building, Morales felt a little regret thinking about all the wealth in this place that he was leaving behind. He was sure that when the bigger undead creatures came here, they would easily deplete the energy of the shield and raze the Border town Pugilist dojo to the ground. Whatever he did not take now would be destroyed later. In such a scenario, a normal person would have decided to take all the wealth for himself, but no, taking unnecessary load would only slow him down which may prove fatal when they started escaping again. Despite feeling that it was a pity, this did not linger in his mind for long as he quickly led his companions in the direction of the headmaster’s bungalow. From the goodies that they found after raiding the main dojo building’s armory, he was pretty sure that other juicy ones would be in the headmaster’s bungalow. The man was not petty to himself. He would not forgive himself if he left a possib
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“Umm?” “I’m sorry, it seems this thing is stuck”. Morales had an embarrassed expression on his face as he answered Chloe while his hand tried to force the big egg in more roughly. He already willed with all his willpower for the past 1 minute, but his storage ring was proving stubborn. It was not f*cking taking the egg in. Seeing what he was doing, Chloe had a strange expression on her face. She was confused at first, but looking at him for a few more seconds was able to clarify her guess. “Are you trying to force that egg inside the storage ring?” “Err?” “My gosh, Zero, are you so dumb? Storage rings only store non-living things, that egg is surely a live egg, right?” “Ha-ha, I hit my foot, let’s go”. The next moment, they were already outside the headmaster’s bungalow. With Morales feeling super embarrassed while giving her hints to stop it, Chloe finally stopped and didn’t pursue it further. As they s
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As Morales and his companions continued their escape, they remembered something vital- they didn’t know the direction where the evacuation force was escaping to. They just didn’t think in that direction before, and the situation left them feeling awkward. They couldn’t stop, in the end, they just made a few calculations, added luck to it, and randomly decided on a direction. When choosing, Morales increased his luck points with his attribute regulator to the max so he was quite confident in the direction that he decided on. After coming to a consensus on the direction to follow, they no longer wasted time as they quickly continued forward. Staying back for another minute meant more danger, the undead horde just kept on increasing both in quantity and in quality. The rate of increase was frightening. They’ve been escaping for 10 minutes already, and in this small time frame, they have already encountered 2 of the giant undead creatures. They we
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Bam! Bam!Not waiting for its prey to react again, the undead earth king immediately started stumping on the ground as it moved, spreading vibrations everywhere through the earth like an earthquake was imminent.From the first attack to the second, to its arrival to the battlefield, to its forward movement now, no hesitation could be detected. When it found its prey, it pounced on it; no negotiations, that was its rule.Morales’s companions didn’t need any reminder from him, seeing this their eyes widened as they used all the skills available to them to jump from where they originally stood.Stacking both his flicker and zero gravity skill, Morales reacted and escaped much faster than all the others, he could barely be seen.Pu! Pu! Pu!The same rocks that already injured 3 of them jutted out of the ground again, and with mind-blowing force flew at them with equivalent speed.The impact was thunderous as the previous locat
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--------------------------------------- Critical hit -3679 Critical hit -1280 [×3] Critical hit -841 [×2] Critical hit -567 [×4] Critical hit -267 [×6] You have dealt multiple critical hits to a single opponent; you have activated a hidden innate ability: The Hit Lord: +10% increased chance to get critical hits and +4% damage for 120 seconds. You have inflicted your opponent with the stun state: Mild [But with progressively increasing effect.] ------------------------------- As soon as Morales’s fists came into contact with the Earth King’s face, Pugilist energy exploded, dealing astronomical damage to the monster as earth fragments flew everywhere like rain. Griii…! It tried to stabilize its steps but it could not as Morales was not done with it yet. The Mountain Breaking Fist may be a one-punch skill, but Clifford Decree was not the same. It was for a duration of 10 seco
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