All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
234 chapters
The temperature in the atmosphere rapidly rose, the weather suddenly changed like a rain of fire was about to pour down. A strange tense feeling took over the group of humans immediately even before the roar sounded.When it finally sounded, the roar almost burst Morales’s ears as his danger instinct kicked in immediately, prompting him to leap out of the way on time.As soon as he left the way, burning hot fire poured past his previous location and straight into the mummified monster’s body. It was in the process of lunging forward before, but it shrank back immediately after being touched by the fire.“Roar!”Whatever beast that was behind them was clearly filled with vengeance against the mummified monster, it poured the fire relentlessly on the undead mummy.The temperature of the fire rose so high that the air itself started warping and distorting, prompting various folds and squeezes to open up in the air space.Read more
Before leaving, Morales did not forget to gorge out the monster cores of the 2 giant undead creatures. Since he transmigrated to this world, the Earth King’s core was undoubtedly the most valuable core that he’s taken by his own hand. It was only below the huge monster core that headmaster Cinnabar gave him after he broke the dojo dungeon’s record. Talking of the headmaster, he could not help but worry about his safety. Though he saw him the other time when they went to the church, it was blurry due to the distance between them. The more they continued staying in the town, the more chances that they would not survive this invasion. He didn’t have any attachment to the headmaster, but being a student under him and having received some privileges from him during the few months of his stay in the Pugilist dojo made him a little sentimental. Putting that at the back of his mind, he brought his focus back to the present again. After burying
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------------------------------------------You have killed a saturated juvenile skeleton warrior [×6], you have gained 4890 experience.You have killed a saturated juvenile zombie dog [×12], you have gained 6234 experience.You have killed a saturated zombie bat [×34], you have gained 10238 experience.You have killed a saturated…------------------------------------Boom! Boom!Morales released burst after burst of his dark golden Pugilist energy as the atmosphere got bathed in gold. The Pugilist energy empowered his attacks, he just kept on bombarding the undead creatures like he was an artillery vehicle.This time, preserving energy was no longer in his dictionary, all that was in his head was escape faster and escape even faster.As he ran forward, swiftly bulldozing through the horde of juvenile undead creatures with his body and skills, he did not forget to use his space specialty abilities
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Almost at the same time that Morales shouted no, Chloe and the others finally reacted to the sudden entrance of another opponent and the death of their companion. The shock brought by it was too sudden and abrupt, it slowed their reactions and they paid for it severely. Ptui! Ptui! The sharp branches of the undead plant drilling out of the ground did not miss the opportunity. With 4 swift stabs, it killed 2 other guards immediately, leaving another one and Dave seriously injured. The vampire tried to take advantage of the shock to take another easy kill but Morales finally landed. With anger, hate, and regret showing in his face, he unleashed disaster. Boom! At the last moment, it still dodged the sword attack, proving Morales’s speculation that it was already at the level of the giant undead creatures. This was not all that he came down with though, the air came down with him as he wreaked havoc across the area immediately. Hi
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Morales tried to talk but he could not, talking that originally seemed easy to him was now like a chore. He could not turn his head, it just remained fixed on the frightening monster before him.Hiss…!The Gorgon Medusa had a calm, spooky, and terrifying look on her undead face as snakes wriggled in the air like they wanted to escape while at the same time wanted to stay in place in her head.She was tall, extremely tall.She was not as tall as the giant undead creatures like the mummified monster but considering that she was in a humanoid form, she was just like a giant compared to Morales and the others.She was dressed in revealing clothes. The clothes looked ancient, with various forbidden arcane symbols embedded around them to form complicated patterns.In the place of her eyes were burning fire. It shone a pure red color as the fire burned like inside the sockets were the depths of hell, the temperature dropped as it moved forwa
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Crack!The Gorgon Medusa’s face changed slightly as she saw this scene, the fire in her eyes blazed fiercer as a look of interest suddenly entered her strange stony human face.From little cracks, the cracks on Clark’s stony body quickly graduated to big cracks that extended all the way from his head to his waist. Then with a crash sound, everything shattered.All the stone shattered and were flung away, the darkness before him seemed to have been purged out by an angel, the demonic power in him seemed to have been exorcised by a drink from a holy grail.Blink!Morales’s eyes blinked open again, now fiercer than they ever were. Instead of the normal white paired with black eyeballs that were seen of every human, his eyes were now a glowing dark golden color.Sparks seemed to spread through the air as his eyes clashed with that of the Medusa, this time nothing happened to him. On her part, the Medusa grasped her dark spear t
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BOOM!The air shook, squeezing and clashing like clapping thunders. The earth vibrated, destroying the foundation that was already formed of it for years as another skill was released.Another cluster of buildings collapsed to the tyranny of the ongoing battle, serving as another emphasis to better show the intensity of the ongoing battle between the Gorgon Medusa and the Space Neonate bloodline holder.The tall Medusa’s enormous body crashed at other buildings, razing them to the ground as the force of the skill pushed her back.Anger was visible in her burning fiery eyes, but frustration was also reflecting. For the past minute, only her thick stony skin had protected her from the tyranny of this man as Morales trashed her completely.He was currently hovering in the air, the air constantly raged around him, forming windstorms like he was the god of thunder.Seeing that she was standing up, he picked up speed and started flying in he
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10 minutes, Morales was already battling the Medusa for 10 minutes, and though he was the one dominating throughout, the frightening vitality of the undead monster carried it till now. Their battlefield already stretched for kilometers, and it was no exaggeration saying that millions of juvenile undead creatures already died to the devastating shockwaves of their battle. It was just like a clash of evil and good, a clash of white and black, that was how intense their battle was and none of them had intentions of yielding to the other. The Gorgon Medusa already used all the options available to her, every single perk that followed her bloodline had been tried by her but everything was proving to be naught before this human opponent. Morales had only heard of the gene liberation potion before in the game, but having the opportunity to consume it now showed him how badass it was. With buffs like unlimited energy, no cooldowns, and an increase in
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“Commander, the A-2 defense perimeter has already fallen apart”.Commander Cecilia heard the report of her subordinate, but she could not even reply not to talk of turning her head as she was also in a pinch. She only nodded before focusing back on her battle.She released magic spell after magic spell into the battlefield as her forehead was already soaked with sweat, despite this the effects of her efforts were minimal.Compared to when the battle just started, all her spells were less effective on the undead creatures now as they seemed to have received a strange comprehensive buff from nowhere.A few minutes ago, Commander Pocoli of the A-2 defense perimeter finally succumbed to the attacks of the undead horde and died.As he was the main pillar of support of the defense perimeter, his death resulted in a complete breakdown of the sturdy defense that they already put in herculean efforts painstakingly to develop.None of his
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Commander Cecilia could not clearly see the human that was wrapped in the windstorm, but from the little that she saw, she was able to make some deductions. First, he/she was a Pugilist and could control the wind. The figure surrounded by a dark golden windstorm moved so fast to their location that all she saw was a blur. And like a meteorite falling from space, it plunged down into their midst, causing her to reflexively close her eyes. Boom! The impact shook her very perception of the world as dust, earth, and rock fragments started flying about. Amid this commotion, Morales rose again with everything at the hollow of his palms. From afar, he already saw the hopeless situation of the warriors who remained to fight against the undead creatures. And from afar, he also already calculated the most efficient way to make his debut on the battlefield. Standing back up from the pit that he just created with his landing, his dark golden eyes glared a
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