Morales tried to talk but he could not, talking that originally seemed easy to him was now like a chore. He could not turn his head, it just remained fixed on the frightening monster before him.


The Gorgon Medusa had a calm, spooky, and terrifying look on her undead face as snakes wriggled in the air like they wanted to escape while at the same time wanted to stay in place in her head.

She was tall, extremely tall.

She was not as tall as the giant undead creatures like the mummified monster but considering that she was in a humanoid form, she was just like a giant compared to Morales and the others.

She was dressed in revealing clothes. The clothes looked ancient, with various forbidden arcane symbols embedded around them to form complicated patterns.

In the place of her eyes were burning fire. It shone a pure red color as the fire burned like inside the sockets were the depths of hell, the temperature dropped as it moved forwa

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