
The Gorgon Medusa’s face changed slightly as she saw this scene, the fire in her eyes blazed fiercer as a look of interest suddenly entered her strange stony human face.

From little cracks, the cracks on Clark’s stony body quickly graduated to big cracks that extended all the way from his head to his waist. Then with a crash sound, everything shattered.

All the stone shattered and were flung away, the darkness before him seemed to have been purged out by an angel, the demonic power in him seemed to have been exorcised by a drink from a holy grail.


Morales’s eyes blinked open again, now fiercer than they ever were. Instead of the normal white paired with black eyeballs that were seen of every human, his eyes were now a glowing dark golden color.

Sparks seemed to spread through the air as his eyes clashed with that of the Medusa, this time nothing happened to him. On her part, the Medusa grasped her dark spear t

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