All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
234 chapters
Ptui! Morales pulled his storm sword out of the undead mummy, the windstorm shield around him automatically throwing the rotten flesh and filth of his dead enemies far away from him. Standing among the sea of undead creatures, he kept his back straight and looked down imperiously at the 3 smitten giant undead creatures that were lying at his feet. -------------------------------------------- You have killed a saturated giant undead mummy; you have gained 42,000 experience. You have killed a saturated giant undead zombie; you have gained 41,000 experience. You have killed a saturated giant undead mage Lich; you have gained 48,000 experience. You have gained 3 rare monster cores. -------------------------------------- As he expected, as undead creatures personally summoned by the necromancer, they were far stronger than the other undead creatures that he encountered on the way while escaping. Despite the c
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“Move faster, we can make it!” Alexander yelled at the top of his voice again despite it already becoming hoarse. He stabbed another saturated zombie to death in the process as he motivated the warriors and civilians following him to increase their pace. Everywhere around him was filled with undead creatures, the sight was brain-numbing. He already had the urge to give up more than once already, but some factors still motivated him to continue pushing forward. Even till now, he could still hear his master’s voice ringing in his head. “Alexander, promise me that you’ll take the civilians to safety”. His brain just couldn’t forget that moment. He didn’t know where his master was currently or if he was even still alive, all he knew was that his master wanted him to take the civilians to safety. Despite already getting to the end of the Border town leading to the nearby city, the horde of undead creatures was still tightly behind them, biting sava
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3 hours later, Morales flew out of the already destroyed town. Compared to the first time when he just came for his recruitment into the Pugilist dojo, Border town was now just a mere fragment of its former self.As he flew out of the town still engulfed in a windstorm, he looked down at the destruction that was done by the invasion.Flames, they still engulfed the town from the first time that he saw them back at the periphery of the forbidden forest till now. 70% of the buildings in the town already collapsed, making it look like an abandoned ruin.The earth caved in at various locations, forming depressions across the town. The Baron’s mansion was now just part of the many destroyed buildings, all of its previous luxury were nowhere to be found.The Pugilist dojo and mage tower were not spared also.Throughout the town was a sight filled with corpses. Over 5000 civilians were now lying dead in the town, including the undead creatures that
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“They are not dead, they just returned to our divine makeup of eternal slumber. From dust we were made, and to dust we will return”. “It’s a sad thing; but instead of mourning them, we should rather be happy that they went into the bosom of the lord. A human is nothing but…” The priest held the holy bible while gesticulating at the crowd that was before him to better give emphasis to his words. His voice was calm and collected, his voice felt like it didn’t belong to this world, it was soothing. He was dressed in a white priest robe, he held a cross on one hand and the holy bible on the other. With the huge crowd before him, they all stood before the large cemetery whose foundations stood on a wide expanse of land. The aura in the air was sad, burials were always sad. As he preached, a group of people dressed on black gently handled the bodies that were wrapped on white linen before dropping them inside the already dug graves. His prea
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Central City, Tingen State Regional Headquarters, Duke Richard’s Mansion. In the great Duke Richard’s mansion, an emergency meeting was suddenly called for in the state governance hall. The emergency alert level was at the purple level, which showed that it was of high importance. All around the central city, high-level Marquesses and Earls who were part of the governing authorities of the region were currently rushing over under the summons of the great Duke. They didn’t know exactly what happened, they had an inkling of a guess as they’ve already received some information from their sources, but this did not stop them from responding to the summons immediately. The ones that were currently not dispensable in the city were diligent enough to send messages of leave back to the duke’s mansion immediately. The duke’s mansion was the undisputed biggest and most luxurious mansion in all of Tingen State. From the first day that it was built under t
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Gri!! Hearing the sound similar to that of grumbling thunder beside him, Morales smiled and turned to look at it. There he saw it; his pet was trying hard to act cute by making cute sounds but its vocal cords failed it miserably. All it could produce were growling sounds which were in no way cute, the sight only brought a wider smile to Morales’s face. As he rubbed its rough scaly skin, he could not help but think again about how it was able to escape as soon as the eye of the storm phenomenon of the undead energy ended. Due to the soul connection that he already established with the beast, when he got all the buffs from taking the Chakra gene liberator, he knew that it was still alive but didn’t know its exact whereabouts. It was after he flew out of the Border town and all the buffs left him did the wyvern appear again. When the Wyvern suddenly appeared to him at that point, he almost got a heart attack. It appeared out of nowhere.Read more
Beiger planet was divided into 2 large domains, both sub-ruled by the 2 great dukes under the overall leadership of King Alexander IV. The 2 domains were the South and North domain.Duke William was in charge of the North domain, while Duke Richard was in charge of the South domain. All the other lords on the planet were under these 2 dukes and the king.Both domains converged at a single point which was also the center of the planet, and it was named by the first patriarch of the Clifford family as the Central domain.Before humans became the rulers of the planet, it was recorded in history that centuries ago, creatures like the giants, titans, fairies, and vampires were the ones who ruled the planet while the humans were their vassals.Because of the relatively weak bloodline of a human compared to these primordial creatures with gifted bloodline power, humans originally had no hopes of rising to a position of power.This changed though, after th
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Kakakaka!Hearing the rickety sound that the train made as it slowly pulled to a stop, Morales felt like facepalming.What a glorious carriage this was! A descendent of the great Clifford family, not just a descendent but a prince, taking such an old train.No matter how shameless he originally was before now, he still felt his omnipotent thick skin melting as he felt his face burn like it was punished to face the sun for a whole day.“I’m really the most miserable prince ever”.Consoling himself with the promise of the system that he would soon become the clan head and dominate the world, he felt a lot better about himself all of a sudden.As soon as he paid and came down from the train, he took a deep breath to savor the fresh air of this new region before surveying the optimistic atmosphere of the Central domain.Even when he was just a player in the game, it was not an easy feat for him to get access to this doma
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Timothy was a prince of the Clifford family too, making him Morales’s half-brother. Unlike most of the royal children, he already gave up all ambitions of fighting for the throne and was fervently behind his sister.In the whole palace, he was the most fervent supporter of Princess Melinda.Like the system evaluated when Morales just transmigrated into this body, the former Morales was indeed a spoiled young lord. And Timothy was his most nightmarish bully, he even developed a trauma for the young prince.Before coming, Morales’s original intention was to return to the palace without attracting too much attention. Observe first, before deciding on his next course of action.But from the scene of the guards to the appearance of his half-brother now, it seems that his plan was destined not to succeed.Well, he was a man who never made a move without getting a contingency plan first. And his contingency was to flip the switch, completely p
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A few hours later in the afternoon, Morales woke up to see his maidservant working in the nearby kitchen. He was already feeling hungry, so he didn’t go closer to disturb her cooking. This was one of his many disadvantages. Unlike most of the other royal children, he was no longer served food by the royal chefs. Bella prepared everything for him. As he silently walked around the large room, he imprinted the familiar sight into his head again. A bed, a table, a sofa, 3 chairs, and a big picture frame of himself, and his mother beside the wall clock. This was all that comprised his room. The history of his mother was just too inconsequential for him to pay much attention to. For him, the late woman was the mother of this body, but not his real mother. From his memories, he knew that she was among the least favored wives of the king. She died because of oppression from the other favored queens. “Little Morales, the food is ready”. Read more