All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
234 chapters
Morales walked so fast that his legs left afterimages behind. His thoughts were not focused on the present as he walked, his brain was overwhelmed with joy and relief as he thought back on what he just saw.He wasn’t sure before when he felt it, but as soon as the system gave a notification, he confirmed his conjecture.Rushing back to his room, Bella was not inside. He heaved a sigh of relief at that as he quickly locked the door to prevent any disturbances before plunging himself straight on his bed.Trying hard to curb his excitement, he finally raised his head a bit from his bed. “System, is that true?”--------------------------------------[Yes, host has completed the 1st mission in the progressive mission series.][Mission completed: Finding clues.][1st mission reward: 1 system lottery draw ticket or a convergence reward slip.][The convergence reward slip will enable you to combine rewards of this mis
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Morales moved like a ghost in the night, cleverly bypassing all the royal guards that were on night patrol. With his current competency as a Pugilist, it was just like eating beans for him to remain hidden.Of course, the royal palace had strong guards. Guards who were already at the Grade C- level, but obviously those behemoths would not demote themselves to patrolling the night.Just like a phantom, he left his room unnoticed. He climbed down the palace building, silently moved through the enormous garden, took a sharp turn to behind the palace before navigating to the nearby artificial forest.Due to the huge layout of the palace, he had to spend 8 minutes before he finally navigated his way to the location of the small lake.The lake was gentle, with only slight ripples on its surface induced by the softly blowing wind. It reflected the stars in the skies, forming a beautiful sight to complement the beautiful night.Walking a few meters around
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After parting ways with Morales, Sandra had a complicated look on her face as she went back. Though she acted mature and collected throughout their conversation, she only did that to hide her fears and not embarrass herself.Only God knew how much she feared for her life after transmigrating. Meeting a fellow earthling, her most fervent wish was for the both of them to forget everything and spend the whole time together.The only problem was his identity. Why did he have to transmigrate as Prince Morales and not the formidable Prince Henry? She felt that fate was playing games with her life.Putting all these errant thoughts behind her, she focused on what she was doing. In a calm but swift manner, she navigated her way through the palace straight to the palace building.“Madam, you’re back”.Getting there, she was greeted by 2 maids who kept on fidgeting in the darkness. Seeing this, Sandra frowned.“Did anyone look
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In the darkness of the night, 3 figures moved rapidly across the royal district, jumping and moving through the shadows to hide their movements as they escaped in the night. Morales expertly destroyed every trail that they left behind while urging Bella to move faster. His saving grace was that his maidservant was also a powerful Pugilist, so she was not dragging him down. He didn’t know why, but his intuition was just pushing him to get out of the city as fast as possible, and there was no way that he would ignore such a warning. As soon as Sandra explained the circumstances to him, he did not dare stay for an additional minute as he quickly rushed back to his room. He didn’t have time to explain to Bella, he just rapidly skimmed through the details to her. Fortunately, she had full trust in him so she woke up and followed him without asking too many questions as soon as she heard that his life was in danger. It was shameful but despite being
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The situation changed so fast that the trio of monster girls took some time to react. From Morales’s arrival to his growling order, everything was so systematic that they were left stunned.As Lucia flew through the air due to the shoulder slam from her opponent, her eyes constricted suddenly as her warrior intuition warned her of incoming danger.Clang!Sparks flew in the air as she turned in the nick of time, blocking the spear’s stab at the moment before it stabbed into her back.She reflexively pulled while kicking with her left leg to disarm her opponent, but Bella did not let go as she took the initiative to jump at her also. With a booming sound, the sounds of flesh receiving vicious kicks reverberated.Both girls coughed blood and fell back from the kick powered by their Pugilist energy. As one, they both did a backflip, landed gracefully before rushing at each other again.By the time that this showdown started, Morales
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           Udrez appeared so suddenly that apart from Princess Melinda, the other 2 girls took some time to react to it. Despite her shout, the body was far slower than the thoughts when it came to reaction speed.            As a Pugilist, Lucia had a faster reaction speed. She was already moving out of the way when the Wyvern appeared, but Shasha now had her head directly under the beast’s opened maws.            Snap!            Udrez bit down viciously, but the expected sound of sharp teeth digging into flesh did not reverberate out.            A white light suddenly erupted out of thin air, quickly converging together to form the shape of a spherical shield. The wyvern’s teeth collided with this shield
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            Thud! Thud!            The sounds of running footsteps reverberated around the streets as the nearby city guards sprinted in the direction of the commotion. It didn’t take long before they got to the location of the battlefield.            When they got there, they only met an empty battlefield. The destruction around was the only evidence that a battle happened here.            The experienced bald-haired guard leader looked at the scene of the battle with a serious expression on his face. After adding a few clues together, he deduced that this was a battle between Grade- E powerhouses.            He turned to his subordinate. “Go inform the Sergeant”. He took a deep breath before continu
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Splash!A torchlight immediately turned in the direction of the water where the splash sound reverberated from. The old seaport guard held his cane tighter, his eyes strained to see through the dark as he carefully approached.“Who is there?”This was the port of Gilbratar, the biggest seaport in all of Beiger. Due to the numerous import and export services that went on in this place every day, it was always tightly guarded.Because of that, the old guard did not fear that it was a human who made the splash sound. He rather believed that it was a sea creature, he already encountered such a scenario countless times so he was experienced.With his long cane tightly in his grasp, he slowly arrived at the side of the sea. He pointed his torch inside but he could see nothing, only a long trail of something like a snake swimming across was left on the water.“Strange”. He muttered.He confirmed again that nothing was
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The fist wrapped with Pugilist energy punched into the mutated shark’s body through its opened mouth, wreaking untold havoc in the predator’s body. Surprisingly, the shark’s thick body held despite it howling in pain.Not deterred by this, Morales threw all caution to the wind and directly dived into the shark’s belly through its opened mouth.Squash! Boom!After 2 strikes that struck directly to the middle of its medulla oblongata, the shark opened its mouth wide in pain and numbness, its strong body became bloated before exploding into a rain of blood and flesh.---------------------------343Critical hit -543You have killed a mutated great white shark; you have gained 421 experience.--------------------Bright golden energy manifestations like fireworks filled the sky, illuminating the darkness of the night sky.Now drenched in blood, Morales tore himself out of the remains of the mut
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Amid the waves of the seawater, a figure suddenly emerged out of the water after swimming a distance spanning kilometers. Morales looked into the distance to confirm where he was going. Through his soul connection with his pet, he knew where it escaped to after they separated, but he still had to correct his path to avoid getting lost due to the distorted movement of the water. As soon as he annihilated the pursuit force of the soldiers, he did not hesitate before diving deep under the water. Through his space manipulation ability, he was able to make himself move faster under the water. As soon as he emerged out of the water, the first thing that was revealed to him was a small island among the fierce and constant undulating waves of the sea. He heaved a sigh of relief on seeing this; this was where he directed his pet to when he decided to stay and retaliate against the soldiers. Without hesitation, he dived back under the water to continue
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