All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
234 chapters
“Cough!” “Cough!”Morales’s eyes blinked open as soon as he heard this. Turning his head to the side, he first saw Udrez who was still asleep before seeing Bella. She was awake but she was stuck in a violent fit of coughing.Seeing her vibrating hips, he immediately sat up straight, took one each from the energy recovery potion and the health recovery potion before injecting them into the girl’s body.She reflexively reacted on feeling someone suddenly touch her but on hearing Morales’s voice, she relaxed and let him inject the potion into her body.Morales held her in his arms, gently rubbing her back to ease her coughing fit. This was something that he learned from his grandma back on earth. It was awkward but effective.As the urge to cough slowly eased, Bella finally calmed down, struggled to open her still swollen eyes before looking at her surroundings.She immediately noticed that she was in a
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In the royal palace, in a secret underground hall. The underground hall’s layout was just like a courtroom, with the head seat for the judge, the defendant’s table for a lawyer to present his client’s case, and the row of chairs at the back occupied by the spectators. At the head seat sat a middle-aged man. He had gray hair, reserved but sharp eyes, and a calm temperament. His head was lowered like he was uninterested in this gathering, but everyone in the hall could feel his cold but cool gaze resting on them, making them all continue feeling on their toes. The hall was just partially filled, and from the attire worn by most of the people, it could easily be discerned that they were of significant status in the palace. Right now, at the defendant’s table stood a middle-aged woman. And beside the gray-haired man who sat on the head seat stood a white-haired middle-aged man. The white sharp sword hanging from his waist indicated his identity.Read more
Waves hit the body of the huge wooden ship as it cruised through the waters at a not too fast and not too slow pace, its streamlined bow divided the raging waters apart to let its enormous body move more smoothly.Captain Inu’s ship was filled to the brim with passengers before leaving, this was partly due to his reputation and the sturdiness of his ship.In this era, though the outside space beyond the Beiger planet already developed to great unimaginable heights technologically, magically, and mystically, Beiger planet was still just a surface planet with little development.In Morales’s previous life, Beiger planet was modeled after earth, and after transmigrating here it was still the same.Most of the best enchanted and technological weapons and artifacts on the planet were those gotten from outside, the technological gadgets created in Beiger were still within the range of normal human reasoning.So also, where ships, most ships i
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Honk!! A sound chimed loudly in the sea, spreading the soundwaves through the atmosphere as smoke chugged out of the ship’s pipes. As this happened, the ship finally came to a stop at a sea harbor. As soon as it finally became motionless, activities exploded inside as the lots of seafaring passengers finally started coming down. This was Middle-Ray harbor, it was the only big harbor in this region that was convenient enough to accommodate large ships. In a few minutes, most of all the passengers in the ship alighted and new passengers started brawling their way forward to fight for the limited tickets, though they still haggled hard to lower the price. Wrapping himself up with the cloak that he stole again, Morales came down from the ship with his maid Bella. Udrez already obeyed his instructions and flew out before the ship stopped. The island accommodating this harbor was the biggest in this region but this was not Morales’s territor
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Inside the one-storied building sat a young man. His hair, clothes, and shoes were messy and rugged, he had a buff body filled with strength with a crazy look on his face, and a scar injury caused by a sword.He was currently seated on a throne-like chair in the living room, 2 scantily dressed girls sat on his laps and his 2 rough hands were currently groping towards the unsafe territory.Perhaps, feeling irritated all of a sudden, he abruptly squeezed hard, causing the 2 girls to yelp in pain but they quickly covered their mouths to muffle the sound.Behind the throne-like chair stood 4 guards, their faces were stony as they pretended not to see the uncomfortable scene before them.As this continued, the thudding sounds of steps running across the wooden stairs suddenly started reverberating. In a few seconds, the thudding sounds faded away before being followed by 2 knocks.Knock! Knock!The scar-faced young man’s expression warped i
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Inside the large but relatively rough and dirty sitting room, Bella sat on one of the better chairs while repeatedly fidgeting uncomfortably. She kept on stealing glances at Morales. What happened a few minutes ago still seemed like a dream to her, she never expected the small, timid, and cheerful Morales that she knew to suddenly evolve into a cold murderer that could kill without blinking an eye. The scene of the young master unsheathing and sheathing his sword kept on flashing on her head, and the scene of the local warlord’s body dropping lifelessly kept on ringing bells on her head. “This is unbelievable”. Her brain just kept yelling this. The more she thought of it, the more she felt like crying. She believed that it was probably because of the traumatic experiences that plagued Morales outside the palace that bred the new him. “I didn’t protect him enough”. She felt like sobbing. “What of her majesty, what would she think?” The
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As Morales walked out with the 3 supers trailing behind him, his thoughts quickly got embroiled by other things. From the looks that the supers gave him, he knew that they were trying to tell him something but they held back due to fear. He didn’t even need to guess it, because of his confident claim he knew that they were trying to emphasize the dangers of the sea to him. Compared to them, he knew far more about the horrors of the Larpotian sea so he didn’t need their reminder. He was just confident in himself and his knowledge, that was why he moved forward without hesitating. For his recruitment notice, he left the complicated math on the amount of remuneration to give to the workers to Bella. He could do it, but why do it when he had such a capable assistant? After setting his rules and revealing his goals to his new subordinates, he also introduced Bella to them and emphasized that she had the highest authority just below him on the whole island.
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As soon as Morales sat cross-legged in preparation for his breakthrough, Udrez flew through the window directly inside his new room. The Wyvern’s scarlet eyes watched its master attentively. Feeling the stare, Morales opened his eyes and turned to look at his pet. “Make sure that no one comes in here to disturb me”. “Yes, master”. Udrez nodded, its Wyvernic face still solemn and fearsome. After getting a little familiar with words, now it could communicate with its master more efficiently through its soul connection. After giving his pet instructions, Morales took a deep breath before ordering his system to show him his current attributes. ------------------------------------- Current attributes STR 151, DEX 53, END 73, INT 36, CHA 29 Free attribute points: 13 --------------------------------- Seeing this, he felt a little excited as he was about to experience another leap in strength since his t
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-----------------------------------Congratulations! Your energy level has increased to the Grade- D realm; your energy has acted as a temporary substitute for the Enchanted glove’s origin essence and you have unlocked a special weapon ability of the gloves.Special Weapon Ability:[Frenzy]- When activated- Cost: 500 Energy, 900 Stamina.Cooldown: 1 day.Duration of skill: 2 mins.The Frenzy ability has 2 modes; the berserker and crazy psychic mode.When activated, you enter the berserker mode.[Berserker mode:  +20% STR = -10% END; Every strike from you has a chance of dealing from 100% - 300% additional damage.][When on berserker mode, you only advance and not retreat. Your feet become unmovable, and no blow-back skill can affect you.]When activated, you enter the crazy psychic mode.[Crazy Psychic mode: Your Pugilist aura is amplified a hundred-fold. In this mode, your opponent will be affli
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Despite feeling the urge to strangle the system for putting him in such a choosing conundrum, Morales was able to force himself to stay calm as he carefully thought over all his skills. Thinking of this, he remembered that he’s not thoroughly gone through his new skills yet. “System, elaborate on my new skills”. ----------------------------------------- [Intuition of a Seer.] As a Space Seer, you have a very sharp intuition and this passive ability has granted you an even sharper intuition. You now have a great sense of danger. No ordinary powerhouse can sneak up on you to kill you, you can sense danger seconds ahead before it happens in reality. [Remark: I’m the all-seeing Seer.] … [Space Coordinates.] As a Space Seer, you have better control of space powers over the Space Neonate stage. You now have the ability to plant 3 Space seeds. Through the Space seeds, you can place special coordinates a
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