
Congratulations! Your energy level has increased to the Grade- D realm; your energy has acted as a temporary substitute for the Enchanted glove’s origin essence and you have unlocked a special weapon ability of the gloves.

Special Weapon Ability:

[Frenzy]- When activated- Cost: 500 Energy, 900 Stamina.

Cooldown: 1 day.

Duration of skill: 2 mins.

The Frenzy ability has 2 modes; the berserker and crazy psychic mode.

When activated, you enter the berserker mode.

[Berserker mode:  +20% STR = -10% END; Every strike from you has a chance of dealing from 100% - 300% additional damage.]

[When on berserker mode, you only advance and not retreat. Your feet become unmovable, and no blow-back skill can affect you.]

When activated, you enter the crazy psychic mode.

[Crazy Psychic mode: Your Pugilist aura is amplified a hundred-fold. In this mode, your opponent will be affli

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