
A torchlight immediately turned in the direction of the water where the splash sound reverberated from. The old seaport guard held his cane tighter, his eyes strained to see through the dark as he carefully approached.

“Who is there?”

This was the port of Gilbratar, the biggest seaport in all of Beiger. Due to the numerous import and export services that went on in this place every day, it was always tightly guarded.

Because of that, the old guard did not fear that it was a human who made the splash sound. He rather believed that it was a sea creature, he already encountered such a scenario countless times so he was experienced.

With his long cane tightly in his grasp, he slowly arrived at the side of the sea. He pointed his torch inside but he could see nothing, only a long trail of something like a snake swimming across was left on the water.

“Strange”. He muttered.

He confirmed again that nothing was

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