As Morales and his companions continued their escape, they remembered something vital- they didn’t know the direction where the evacuation force was escaping to.

They just didn’t think in that direction before, and the situation left them feeling awkward. They couldn’t stop, in the end, they just made a few calculations, added luck to it, and randomly decided on a direction.

When choosing, Morales increased his luck points with his attribute regulator to the max so he was quite confident in the direction that he decided on.

After coming to a consensus on the direction to follow, they no longer wasted time as they quickly continued forward.

Staying back for another minute meant more danger, the undead horde just kept on increasing both in quantity and in quality. The rate of increase was frightening.

They’ve been escaping for 10 minutes already, and in this small time frame, they have already encountered 2 of the giant undead creatures. They we


Guys, I'm sorry for the late release once again.

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