Bam! Bam!

Not waiting for its prey to react again, the undead earth king immediately started stumping on the ground as it moved, spreading vibrations everywhere through the earth like an earthquake was imminent.

From the first attack to the second, to its arrival to the battlefield, to its forward movement now, no hesitation could be detected. When it found its prey, it pounced on it; no negotiations, that was its rule.

Morales’s companions didn’t need any reminder from him, seeing this their eyes widened as they used all the skills available to them to jump from where they originally stood.

Stacking both his flicker and zero gravity skill, Morales reacted and escaped much faster than all the others, he could barely be seen.

Pu! Pu! Pu!

The same rocks that already injured 3 of them jutted out of the ground again, and with mind-blowing force flew at them with equivalent speed.

The impact was thunderous as the previous locat

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