The sun had appeared early that morning, it was seen high above the Kang mountain with its light and ray shining above the mountain. Asura didn't remember being skilled in mountain climbing or anything like that, but he found himself struggling to make it to the top most of the mountain. With both hands clenched at the rocks sticking out and both of his legs hanging from the rocks below, he tried to climb further while avoiding falling. He couldn't take the risk, he didn't even look down to avoid erupting the fear of heights he once had. And he didn't want to fall either. He held it tightly, looking upwards as he took it slowly and steadily. He climbed and climbed until he was finally at the top. He took his time carefully to grab a firm hold above and then managed his legs to a safe spot. With that settled, he finally rolled himself to the top which was a balanced land. Finally, he made it. Asura lay on the
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