A dancing silhouette could be seen flying across the raining valleys. Wait, no not dancing, fighting should be the exact term. It seems to be fighting an invisible force, blow by blow resounded in the empty and wet valley, the wind and rain were blown of by the vigorous action of the silhouette. An open palm strike struck out in the empty space, it seemed to have hit something. It was then followed by a loud resounding crash, in front of the palm on the ground laid a huge crater. And inside that huge crater has a huge hole. "Open palm technique, basic 1.." the figure said, it's voice soothing, angelic and godlike, like an immortal speaking from the sky. Making one wanting to hear more. "Zhi Ruo! You damn wench!...I'll...get you... next ti-" a laud screeching noise pierced through the air before it suddenly stopped, the owner of the voice finally made itself visible laying inside the giant crater.
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