All Chapters of Reborn in another world : Chapter 261
- Chapter 270
315 chapters
Reborn in another world /Scattered
Yu Zhúlín's complexion started to visibly look fine after Ravel waited out for a minute or two. His breathing became stable, and he didn't look as pasty as he did before. His wounds had closed, his bloodloss restored, and he was regenerating Qi properly now because he was given the pills by Ravel.Seeing the seemingly dead patient on the table come back to life just like that. There wasn't anything that the head medic could say, instead he opened and closed his mouth like an gaping fish as he stared at Ravel with uncertainty coating his expression. There was a odd silence where Yu Zhúlín's breathing was the only thing that could be heard in the room.And Ravel who was hovering above the unconscious body of Yu Zhúlín was the only person in the room that had a smile on his face. The butler leaned back after a while of observing. He put his hands together, and clapped.This caught everyone off guard, and when I said everyone, Yu Zhúlín who was sleeping on the table was included. The unco
[If taking food was a bribe, then Yu Zhúlín considered himself bribed]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
Yu Zhúlín looked away from Ravel's expression. His own brows were furrowing and he revealed a small discontented frown on his face. He moved his shoulders, and shrugged."Were you the one that saved me?" He asked, already knowing the full incompetency of the team of medics that was attending on the tournament. It made Yu Zhúlín wonder if they truly had saved someone's life with the level of expertise that they are showing. Surely not. It was hard for him to see these group of medics helped save anyone in a life threatening situation. The best these people could do was nurse up some scratches and prop up some dislocated joints here and there. So when Yu Zhúlín asked if Ravel saved him, he already knew the answer even before hearing it.And truly to his expectations. Ravel nodded, however, the butler shook his head afterwards. "You know, I follow a master right?" The Butler said knowingly. "Would I really act to my own accord to save you, sir Yu Zhúlín?" He added, there was a mischie
[Extra time]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
However, before Yu Zhúlín could reply a set of footsteps appeared behind Ravel. The door swung open, and Ravel turned around to see his master —and Yu Zhúlín's young miss and junior sister— standing at the doorway with a trace of frown on her masked face. From the distance between them, Ravel and Yu Zhúlín, they could feel the ire that was coming off Zhi Ruo. The smile on Ravel's face faltered, and as if it was his instincts, he went near Zhi Ruo to stand at her side. "Master," Ravel greeted, he bowed to Zhi Ruo who only proceeded to nod at his direction. There was a trace of apprehension on Yu Zhúlín's face that wasn't hidden, even after he lowered his head and bowed towards Zhi Ruo's direction. Zhi Ruo's eyes surveyed and scanned the room, and noticed the bloody mess Yu Zhúlín's blood made with a critical eye. She ignored the vague restlessness in Ravel's stance and faced the two men in the room. "Why were you guys taking so long?" She asked, she crossed her arms over her chest a
["He didn't know that he would get that far" neither did I—]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
Zhi Ruo's words fell like a heavy weight, plunging the room into an uncomfortable silence. Yu Zhúlín and Ravel exchanged glances, their eyes meeting in a momentary connection that spoke volumes. Zhi Ruo, keenly observant, caught the unspoken exchange, but chose to remain silent, tilting her head slightly as if to acknowledge the hidden meaning she had perceived. Confused as to what the two talked about beforehand for them to have an interaction like this. "I am healed, but I'm grateful to have some extra time to gather myself back up." Yu Zhúlín nodded, not a hint of mischievousness and ignorance was seen on his face. "I am not exactly in the right state of clothing, as you can see." Yu Zhúlín motioned to his half naked body. Zhi Ruo's understanding nod carried a hint of empathy as she resonated with Yu Zhúlín's predicament. She, too, yearned for the luxury of time, a precious respite from the impending task that loomed over her. However, her loyal butler's presence and her own inna
Reborn in another world /Scattered
"I'd tell them now if possible," Yu Zhúlín started a frown marred his face, "But the temptation of staying here and getting as much rest that I could is very much still on the table. And it definitely outweighs my want on going and informing the staff." He shrugged helplessly, like he could not do anything about it.Zhi Ruo scoffed at his direction taking in his shameless frown— no wait, he is smiling now. That idiot. "If you don't want to inform them, then I will have my servant inform them." Zhi Ruo didn't like wasting time, unless she was wasting time so that 'she' could waste time. And not the other way around.The expression on Yu Zhúlín's face broke, because he forgot Zhi Ruo could do those things. He may have given up on fighting to the next round, but it didn't mean that it hurt his pride. Zhi Ruo going and sending out Ravel in his place to announce that he was giving up hurt his ego more than he expects it to be.As Yu Zhúlín's face registered a mix of surprise, disappointmen
[Because why would you share?]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
"_+)#)@)#/@(#)#($" intellectual curse words slipped from Alberu's mouth as he walked, stomping his feet as he went. It was to the point that even Zhi Ruo was impressed by the things that he said, not even once did a curse word repeat. The younger girl had half the mind to pull out a notepad and start jolting down notes for further reference."What the fuck do mean when you said that he won't be fighting on the next round? He's forfeiting?" Alberu asked for clarifications, like he could not believe that Yu Zhúlín even have a thought of giving up when he had a another chance. Like it was simply unheard of."You heard my servant, are you deaf or something? Why must you ask for a clarification." Exasperated, Zhi Ruo rolled her eyes at Alberu's antics. She still doesn't get the theatrics that the masked man was pushing through. Her first impression of the masked man wasn't like THIS, what changed? Apparently many things did.Alberu ignored Zhi Ruo's words, "Did I beat him that hard? He is
Reborn in another world /Scattered
Alberu shot Zhi Ruo a spur of a look seeing the food that was laid out in front of her. Everytime he tries to reach out for a bite, Ravel was there to swat his hands away with a smile— Alberu internally grumbles that although Ravel's smile was consider angelic, when it was directed to him like that, he can't help but be annoyed. And it was becoming apparent that Zhi Ruo was enjoying his struggle of stealing some food, and without him outwardly just asking her for some."Bastard," Alberu sorely muttered, his eyes darting on the food with jealousy that Zhi Ruo was visible rubbing his face with. However even after his words reached Zhi Ruo's ears, the girl only heard a bitter man that could not procure his own delicious food."Deal with it," Zhi Ruo chucked a bone an Alberu's direction, watching the object fly and was dodge with the masked man with ease. The girl however, caught a lag in the masked man's actions that made her ponder silently."What?" Alberu snapped at Zhi Ruo's directio
Reborn in another world /Scattered
"What is up with the delay?" His voice, laced with annoyance, pierced the quiet of the room, echoing off the walls like a dissonant melody. As he strode purposefully inside, the familiar face of the seasoned practitioner of the flights emerged from the shadows, drawing the attention of all present. A collective gaze turned towards him, a silent acknowledgment of his arrival, yet the air remained thick with unspoken tension, pregnant with anticipation for what would unfold next. In that suspended moment, every breath held its own story, every heartbeat a whispered tale, weaving together a narrative of expectation and uncertainty that hung palpably in the stillness of the room."Contestant Yu Zhúlín relinquished the fight against contestants Ye Zhi Ruo," announced one of the practitioners in the room, his hands flipping over a stack of official tournament papers adorned with the authoritative seal. "The decision has received approval from the overseers. Contestant Ye Zhi Ruo is now sla
[Masked encounter]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
Zhi Ruo entered the arena, her steps imbued with a delicate grace that seemed incongruous for someone about to engage in combat. The softness in her footfalls contrasted sharply with the anticipation that hung in the air, as if she carried a secret that defied the expectations of those watching. A gentle, almost malleable smile graced Zhi Ruo's face, its softness belying the intensity of the situation. However, her eyes held an unsettling quality, devoid of any discernible light. Staring into them felt as though one was peering into the pit of the abyss, an abyss that held secrets and depths that remained concealed from prying eyes.In stark contrast to Zhi Ruo's serene presence, the masked man bounded into the arena, seemingly intoxicated by the pulsating energy of the crowd. With arms outstretched, he embraced the cheers that reverberated around him, reveling in the cacophony of sound. His gaze danced from one corner of the venue to another, absorbing the kaleidoscope of colorful l
Reborn in another world /Scattered
"Introducing the woman in the mask, Ye Zhi Ruo! And opposite of her, the man in the mask Alberu Luminof!" The announcer's words set the crowd ablaze with excitement, Zhi Ruo could not help but et her lips quirk when she heard her name being chanted. A lot of banners was hung around her, offering her words of encouragement.It looked like one of those football games that you would go to. However, this was more spectacular and there were certainly more people in attendance compared to football games that Zhi Ruo went to at the past. But the excitement was delightful it seems, only to Alberu though.Zhi Ruo spared Alberu a tired glance before her attention was drawn back up again. But this time, it seems like the fight was officially starting.The announcer finally left the arena after a few words that Zhi Ruo tuned off. It wasn't until she saw the practioner step into her view did she realize that it was starting.Alberu looked around as the barrier went up to cover the arena. His eyes