All Chapters of My Wonder System : Chapter 21 - Chapter 25
25 chapters
Military Test (02)
Even Kate seemed surprised by how Frank had only taken twenty seconds to finish the course."Are you sure you didn't make any mistakes with the button?" Kate asked."No, that's the accurate time," Josh said.Everyone stared at Frank as he walked back to his spot and the stares were making him a little uncomfortable."I just destroyed your time record," Frank said, looking directly into Christian's eyes."I'm not the one with the time record," Christiana said. "Have you forgotten about princess Rapunzel?"It was at that moment that Frank looked in her direction and caught her looking in their direction but she had turned away quickly."Yeah," Frank said."When did you become so fast?" Carl asked."I don't know, maybe during my frequent runs away from beasts," Frank said."You were so fast the discs hadn't even gotten that close when you ran past them," Carl said."Stop praising him Carl, I can feel his head inflating from here," Christiana said.'I guess she'll never stop teasing me.'
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Military Test (03)
The second test looked pretty harder than the first one but it was nowhere near its complexity.Carl had just completed the second test with a loud bang and a compliment from Kate. Now that he had been the first to try it out as a demonstration, Kate began to call out the rest of the students from the list she had in her hands now.The students being called out were finding it difficult to push the pendulum, those who managed to get it to the pendulum were only able to make tiny clang sounds while a few of them had given up on the way.There were still some who had managed to create reasonable bangs but they still weren't up to the one Carl had created."How heavy is that thing?" Frank asked."Really heavy and that's why they are making mistakes," Carl said."What do you mean?" Christiana asked."They are trying to use all their strength at the beginning instead of slowly pushing it with little strength and then increasing it when they get close to the disc," Carl explained."I don't
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Frank was quite bummed that he had been so unfortunate to make such a small sound after he had put in so much effort.'All that and I still did the poorest.' Frank thought, staring at his legs.[ Superspeed deactivated ]"What happened man? You were doing so well until the last part." Carl said after Frank had walked back to them."I slipped, that's what happened," Frank said with a low tone."You sure did," Christiana said with a smirk on her face."Don't worry man you'll make up for it in the next round," Carl said, patting him on his shoulder."I think that will be the final round for your test." Lieutenant Kate said."Oh, there's no next round," Carl said as he slowly removed his hand from Frank's shoulder."Now it's time to give you your different rank badges and your development watch." Lieutenant Kate said as the pendulum and the disc slowly began to return from where they came from.Two boxes rose beside her on each side after she had taken a few steps back.She picked up her
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Soft Side Of Her
Frank walked into their apartment with Arnold to see his mother sitting on her bed."Hi, Mom," Frank said."Hi honey Christiana came in a few minutes ago, she said you guys were walking slow," Jessica said."She said that?" Frank said, turning his gaze to the door to their room."Yeah, and she looked really upset. Did you guys do anything to upset her?" Jessica asked."No mom, I don't think I did anything to upset her," Frank said."You didn't? I wonder what she's upset about then." Jessica said."Don't worry mom, I'll go ask her," Frank said heading towards the door."You haven't told me how your first day at the academy was," Jessica said."It was great mom," Frank said quickly entering the room.He left the door open for Arnold who had entered the room a few seconds after him.The blonde haired teenager scanned the room with his eyes but there was no sign of Christiana but that was no problem because he knew where she was.He slowly opened the door leading to the balcony to see her
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Telling Her The Secret
"I know what I saw Frank and I am very sure that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me," Christiana said moving closer to him."You didn't see anything, I just threw the watch up and it fell back to the floor," Frank said, picking up his watch and strapping it back to his wrist.Christiana didn't say anything again as she stood over him with a warm expression on her face."What, why did you come back?" Frank said raising his head to look at her before bringing it down again."Frank," Christiana called."Yeah.""You said we're family now right?" Christiana said."Yeah, we are," Frank said with a nod."Okay," Christiana said as she sat beside him on the bench. "And family shouldn't keep secrets from one another right?""Ugh….. sometimes they do," Frank said. "Wait, is this about the watch?""I know what I saw Frank and I also know when people are lying." She said,"No, you don't," Frank said."You were one of the few boys in our class that didn't have a problem looking me in the face," C
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