All Chapters of Treasure hunting in endless ocean: Chapter 191
- Chapter 200
266 chapters
Barrier - The beginning of the end
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Dan Frost stood in front of an old tree stump, wondering if it really contained the seal of the world. Most of the magic he knew needed blood sacrifice. So, he cut his palm with a dagger. The red blood fell on the white tree stump, staining its pristine white wood with bloody red. . Dan watched the tree stump in surprise, as the blood began to vanish right in front of his eyes. The tree stump is not even level, it’s slanted. The blood vanished clean off as the drops spilled towards the lower edge. He is too drunk and shocked to react. Merilyn was still in shock of seeing him removing the pommels. In fact, these glass pommels are a test that’s given to both masters and knights. All they have to do was to retrieve the pommels, but they never came off the tree stump. They were as tight as nails nailed into the wood. Neither the strongest man, nor the smartest mage could figure out any solution to the problem. The glass pommels were old. They were from a time before the tower it
The Sith
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
The temperature increased as the Drows walked north. It looked like any time they could reach an area with thin ice. However, just after three days of them starting the journey, temperature fell again. Not a fall from one or two degrees, but a temperature difference of hundreds of degrees. So much so, even the drows who have the highest fire power, greatest cold resistance could not move forward. However, they could not give up like this. Thus, they retreated to the nearest space station. This is how they came in.Each space station is usually associated with another four stations in four directions. Since they could not go forward, they must go sideways. Neerus had an ominous feeling. Thus, he divided the group. “ Lady Druid, Saugus, Orion and Taurus will go right. Althea, and the team will go backwards. Hermes and party will go right. One space mage accompanies each team. Grandmage Cosmos stays with me. In each space station, you will make space marks for the wild seeds comm
Winter madness
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Orion and his companions ran far. The approaching cold spell did not stop at all. The portals crumbled one after another as the space time anomaly and the weather hit at the same time. The last portal’s altar stones were cracking as they lifted their feet up to enter the space portal. Taurus, who had been running behind the group to protect them, lifted up grand mage Cosmos. “ Focus only on maintaining the tunnel ! “ he screamed at the old man. They ran away for four more space stops before they noticed they left the anomaly behind. The caravan is not much behind them. “ This anomaly is not natural.” Grand mage Cosmos said, as he looked back at the sky, where formless black lightning was spreading silently among the starry sky. If not for the starlight vanishing behind this black lighting, they wouldn’t even know a space time anomaly existed. “ I have seen it once before. “ The mage said, as he breathed heavily. His mana is exhausted. He could not take another step. All
The combat mission
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Nemo who’s slowly swaying in its exclusive floating water bubble suddenly opened eyes. The fish set its sight on Neil, who was sleeping all too sweetly. A laser-like beam emitted from its eyes and touched Neil’s forehead. The next moment, a fire drill sound went off in Neil’s head, startling him awake. “ what !? where !!.. where’s the fire ? “ Neil asked, frantically looking around. However, there’s no fire anywhere nearby. Slowly, Neil remembered there’s no fire to be had on the endless sea. Adele kept the lights up with magic. Everything else is done with mana too.The only fire lit is in the kitchen, which they make sure to put out safely every day. However, before his brain could even come up with this explanation, his gold fish assistant Nemo has taken on the reddest of red colors resembling lava. The water bubble even started emitting steam. “ Nemo ! “ Neil shrieked. He put his hand out to remove the fish, only to scald his hand. Thankfully, that bit of pain woke him u
Pack well
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Neil read over the explanation of the quest once again. In simple language, it went like this. Time worm is like a tardigrade that digests everything. Yet, even a tardigrade would have to poop sometimes. Unlike the normal beings, the Time-worm poop is chaotic time and space fragments, which cause space time anomalies. Unfortunately, a Drow king was caught in the space time anomaly this time. Khazhan the starbeast worked like a colony of bees. Every one of its soul fragments has the power to take root in another being and grow to a full fledged starbeast. Its growth rate increases exponentially when in the right kind of host. In a day, it forms the larva form, which is called Sith. In a hundred days, the sith will create a cocoon, to let itself mature. In three years, the cocoon will break, giving birth to a young starbeast. Even the young starbeast is at level hundred. However, it is twice as powerful as any other mythical creature. That is, compared to the kraken, its let
Barrier - The first omen
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Sasha returned to Harvest to see a Dan severely change due to whatever happened to him. Fortunately, the war is won. There's nothing the Harvest family could do save submit to the winterchild family. she has taken the oaths of loyalty, and returned to their own castle, Strongfort. however, things were quite different when they faced Flayer family, the vassal who betrayed Raul. Rogue had a brilliant infantry of three thousand, and a strong cavalry of one thousand. it's impossible for him not to win, unless Sasha uses her dragon Moon snow. Thus, that is exactly what she did. If only she knew the implications of what she is about to do. at this time, all she cared about was winning over the Flayers. The thousand man strong cavalry in front of the Strongfort could not build enough momentum to sweep through the winter army which was fighting in the melee. The two thousand strong cavalry which left strongfort yesterday night is supposed to come through two of the wide routes, one comin
Barrier - Corruption spreads
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Winterchildren remained for a day in the field, retrieving all the horses, taking care of any deserters and such. Dan led a hundred man team using roughly built ropeways to cross into Strongfort, to the castle's surrender. After some thought, Sasha joined Dan inside the castle. The staff they were used to were mostly dead, or were in such bad shape, Sasha couldn’t help but shed tears. The cook Mary, who made the best meat pies, had her thumb cut off because Lord Flayer did not like her meat pie. The stable groom Harken was flagged till the flesh on his back in shreds because Rogue’s horse liked the touch of the Harken more than his own. Each and every person in the castle had a story. Sasha assembled all the staff in front of them. “ I know many of you are frightened. I also know Flayers were your lords. As long as you confess what you have done; as long as you provide evidence that helps the Winterchilds, you will be forgiven. I will even keep you in service. “ Sasha p
Northern Ice - The Warning
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Orion and his party set off towards their main camp on foot. This is the last leg of their journey. Cosmos looked at the back of Orion in contemplation. ‘ Lord Orion ! I thought you were the most unbefitting ruler I have ever seen. You were timid, shy and silent. Now I see, I couldn’t be more wrong ! You were silent because you had nothing to speak ! you were timid because you were facing the unknown ! Even at such a young age, you were not reckless like Neereus and I. I really misunderstood you. ‘ Taurus looked at Orion likewise. ‘ I always wondered why uncle insisted on you as the heir. After all, I am more powerful, decisive and have leadership ability. Now I see. With me on the throne, the drow kingdom would only survive as it was. With you at the hem, it could weather any storm and reach new heights with every calamity it faces. Ah ! to be thwarted in such a manner … ! But for the drow kingdom, I will submit for now. You better not disappoint me, Orion Starlight ! ‘ Taurus t
Rabbit Hole
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Neil and Adele traveled with the speed boat towards the icy wormhole in the sea. It’s a perfectly ‘ I ‘ shaped, where a tornado pierced the sea and froze it. The edges are curved, the walls in between are straight and sloping, the other side is visible only as an abyss. It was very scary. Neil retrieved a flower crystal from the green lotus, threw it down the hole. ...…The shard is still traveling. All of a sudden, the salt flower shone with unbearable brightness, throwing lighting all over the place. The salt shard exploded with a bang. It seems that the fluke weather phenomenon that had let Rudy and others out is over. Neil is only a highschool student, but he has read just enough about the time and space phenomenon to know that the time worm body has covered the hole once more. They have no choice but to wait here, every day, throwing a rock of salt down the hole. ▬ ● ◘ ◘ ● ▬ On the other side, Orion’s ho
Barrier - band aid on bullet wound
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Sasha winterchild roamed on the newly condensed ice cap atop the ravines. The ice was made with her ability, thus, compared to frozen lakes and rivers, it’s more clear. She could see the picture underneath the ice floor, full of black and red dots. All the sewage of the Strongfort is guided to the deepest point of the ravine. God knows what the warm temperature did to it, but one fine day, an explosion happened in the ravine. After that, like magic, few of the walls were lit with eternal fire. Sasha wondered what in the world happened there. Eventually, it’s mage Aberdeen who made a reasonable explanation, though Sasha thought it was bonkers. The sewage chambers under strongfort were natural caves, which are kind of connected to each other but not to the hot springs. This way, these sewage caves ran all the way down to the lava river flowing under the ravine. When heated in vacuum, the excrement degenerated, creating a flammable gas. The explosion broke the outlets of these g