All Chapters of Treasure hunting in endless ocean: Chapter 201
- Chapter 210
266 chapters
Northern Ice - Arrow in blind
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Orion stood on the dias in front of all of his brethren. Prince Orion started speaking from the Dias." for thousands of years we have remained in this land . We did not run when it was cold , when there was a famine or when all the other races ostracized us. Yet today we must move. For there is a lot more at risk than our own race. The entire endless land is at risk . If we fall so will the world . "Orion finished his speech and looked for any objection to his words. There was none. " We will go south towards the tentacled monster. We need to scale its height. We have to find a way into the endless sea. This fight we cannot fight alone. We need all the help we can get . We will start with finding a way into the endless water. There will surely be a champion who can take up our cause. " Prince Orion explained. " what if no one is willing? " one of the guys asked him. “ There will be at least one. In the worst case, we would have to work with the sea dwellers. We may have to los
Barrier - stabilization
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Sasha winterchild roamed on the newly condensed ice cap atop the ravines. The ice was made with her ability, thus, compared to frozen lakes and rivers, it’s more clear. She could see the picture underneath the ice floor, full of black and red dots. All the sewage of the Strongfort is guided to the deepest point of the ravine. God knows what the warm temperature did to it, but one fine day, an explosion happened in the ravine. After that, like magic, few of the walls were lit with eternal fire. Sasha wondered what in the world happened there. Eventually, it’s mage Aberdeen who made a reasonable explanation, though Sasha thought it was bonkers. The sewage chambers under strongfort were natural caves, which are kind of connected to each other but not to the hot springs. This way, these sewage caves ran all the way down to the lava river flowing under the ravine. When heated in vacuum, the excrement degenerated, creating a flammable gas. The explosion broke the outlets of these g
To the other side
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Neil and Adele kept up a schedule of checking on the I-hole. It looked like two tornadoes fused to each other, with their wide mouths opening out into the sea. At times, just like tornados, some of the miscellaneous objects caught by the tornadoes fall into the eye. During normal times, they got expelled out of the hole just like the salt lotuses that Neil throws down the hole. This was such a periodically occurring phenomenon, Morgana and Merlin stand on watch trying to play a game of catch. Merlin is responsible for catching stuff that falls down outside the I-hole, while Morgana plays a reverse game of shooting the bubble. Instead of shooting bubbles, she shot a bubble, catching the stuff that was about to fall back inside the I-hole only to bounce back up. After a few bounces, either the object is completely destroyed, or falls somewhere on the I-hole, becoming part of its icewalls once more. However, now, all of a sudden, the bouncing stuff stopped. As Neil had taught them,
First contact
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Adele stopped the barrier shield. The next moment, she flew up at incredible speed, using all of her mana, towards the precipice. This is a gamble.Such flying uses enormous amounts of mana. So much so, it could very well leave her without the life saving ten percent. However, both her siblings would live for sure. The moment Adele’s foot landed on ice, she summoned Neil. Neil fell down with the shoes with soles shredded into pieces. Neil was in a daze even after he was saved for a while. “Aua..ahahhhhas.dahahhh….” he came to the real world with a shout. He patted his hands and feet, especially his feet which are about to get frostbite. Adele’s mana is down to the last dreg now. Morgana was hugging her scared, while Merlin’s eyes were shining like he had a revelation about the universe. “ I am not a Harrison pancake ! “ he exclaimed. Adle could not help but giggle at his silliness. “ Get me into a house “ Adele commanded, before passing out. Thankfully, Neil had the assem
Sage reawkened
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
They both caught sight of the purple cockroach leather that covered their sleigh.Neil’s party’s sleigh is pretty small, made of metal and the leather is used to make the overhead covering, including part of the sides. The Drow sleigh’s are simply uncut purple cockroach leather folded into different shapes to make both seats and covers. They both looked at the item and they both realized that the other party was the one who sold the items they kept buying. The drows chattered excitedly. Adele’s impressive plethora of languages are not at hand, because sage was put into another body. Nemo was still touring the terrain. Even if the fish comes back fast enough, it will still take an hour. After some time, the drows parted to let Orion walk up to Neil. The drows were blue in color, were from eight to ten foot tall, and had polkadot-like spots on their bodies. The color of these spots usually indicated their element. Orion’s own is a sparkling silver, while others ranged from black
Adele meets sage
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Neil was very surprised at Sage’s behavior. Sure, she had always felt a little off, a little too robotic. Seems like a fanatic. Since they have not touched her inverted scale, they did not find it. “ How are you going to fight a starbeast ? you have neither mana, nor physical prowess. “ Neil said sarcastically. Sage stayed silent. “ She’s not much of an adviser. “ a voice sounded from behind Neil. Neil whirled around. He did not want adele to see that he had awoken Sage. “ Why did you try to kill me ? I thought we were close. We are closer than .. ‘ a mother and .. daughter’. “ Adele spat out the last words with a sob. “ Believe me, Adele Young ! I have loved you like a daughter. However, nothing could be more important guarding the hope of the new generation. When I die, so will the knowledge I possess. I can not take the chance of such a thing to happen. “ Sage refuted. Adele looked on at her in shock.“ So you tried to kill me for the betterment of the world ? “ Adele spat
Barrier - Every thing becomes calm
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
With the winter cleaning, the mood in the castle seems to have changed overnight. It seems the cleaning had been the necessary outlet for most of the servants and folks who were stuck in Strongfort through the rule of Flayers. While only the main gate hoisted the flag of Winterchildren, today, the entire throne room is bedecked with hanging banners with the Winterchild insignia. Sasha decided to melt all the gold, silver and steel belonging to Flayers, to get ready for the winter plowing. Sitting on the elderwood throne, she had an epiphany. In winter, to survive is to win. A thousand swords could not win a dragon. A thousand dragons could not raise a single crop. She has a thousand grievances against Cortana Lustre, half as many with Olivia Harvest. Looking at the men and women puttering about the great hall, Sasha wondered, just how many of them lost family members to Raul’s campaign ? Would they have gone through this bitter experience had their fathers, husbands and broth
The emotional entanglement
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Adele looked at him with blazing eyes. “ Adele Young ! You have lost your reserve. I have lost my shyness. Do you think we would have talked to each other even on prom night ? “ Neil asked her. Adele calmed down. She probably wouldn’t. As much as she would like to say she never discriminated against another, she would not have freely made the choice of going to Neil. Why ?! The answer is simple. Because he is from the other side of the track. Neil is an orphan. His uncle is a blue collar worker. Like the purest heroines of teen movies, she had never ever thought about such things at all - is something of a lie. For Adele, her social network is something she built against her taste for sheer profit. She is everyone’s best friend, but no one is her best friend. She wanted Neil to be her best friend, but … he is from the other side of the track was the least of the problems she had. He was an honors student. He was a track athlete, he is part of the chess club, he appreciat
the investigation
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Neil was shocked at Sage’s words. He did not think of this twist. He read the information that the race of Sage, the Bee masters have something similar to a hive mind. For the first time in his life, Neil learned one should never ever try to get involved with fights between women. All anime and movies are wrong. What ‘ I have always thought of you as best friend ‘ and ‘ I loved you most in the world ‘ ? Real life cat fights are scary and most definitely not his forte. Moreover, despite this being an Isekai, he is not in an anime hero position. There are thousands of people around ! It is going to be very much the same as the real world when he actually gets out. For now, though, he will shut up and let the two women duke it out. He just walked back , settled down with twizzlers. Adele’s hands moved faster than Sage’s mana. Sage screamed. A glowing white light exited from Sage. [ Your partner Saintess Adele Young passes on a sleeping soul to you. ] A message showed up in
Barrier - Life goes on
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Winterchildren remained for a day in the field, retrieving all the horses, taking care of any deserters and such. Dan led a hundred man team using roughly built ropeways to cross into Strongfort, to the castle's surrender. After some thought, Sasha joined Dan inside the castle. The staff they were used to were mostly dead, or were in such bad shape, Sasha couldn’t help but shed tears. The cook Mary, who made the best meat pies, had her thumb cut off because Lord Flayer did not like her meat pie. The stable groom Harken was flagged till the flesh on his back in shreds because Rogue’s horse liked the touch of the Harken more than his own. Each and every person in the castle had a story. Sasha assembled all the staff in front of them. “ I know many of you are frightened. I also know Flayers were your lords. As long as you confess what you have done; as long as you provide evidence that helps the Winterchilds, you will be forgiven. I will even keep you in service. “ Sasha promised