Euphemia IThe headline read: "Florentine Colony of South Morocco declares war!"Below it, in much smaller print, were the words: 'Emperor Francois charges War Group Victorian with the defense of Morocco. Aquroya and Reim agree the matter is a colonial incident - war averted.'My driver looked back at me from the mirror. "Are you alright, your highness?""Yes. I'm just nervous," I said. It was only half a lie."What's there to be nervous about? Prince Henri is your brother.""When my brother calls on me, it's always to his estate or a cafe.""I see."Did she? Maybe she did. I turned my attention back to the newspaper. Calixte and Victoria were in Morocco. The defense of the colony would be left to them. I had faith in my sister's command, but Calixte was untested. Sure, he had an unnatural reserve of mana, but what did my fourteen-year-old brother know about war? We had only debuted a few months ago.He was going to be a mounted knight, flying a warplane, but that just put him in the
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