All Chapters of The Westbrook Games: Chapter 91
- Chapter 100
179 chapters
Different levels to it
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
They all looked shocked to different degrees but Juan's own topped the barrel.It was obvious now that he had been barely handling his sister's death and this betrayal would once again crumble his facade of ease.He blinked several times just to make sure that it was not his eyes that were deceiving him but that was even worse because each time he blinked and opened his eyes,he looked even more heartbroken that Ricky was standing over there.He was either an Oscar winning actor or was under a spell.He took a step forward like he was going to come on stage to confirm that Ricky was indeed over there and betraying him.But then he stopped after he had taken that step, closing his eyes probably with the hope that actually confirming that it was Ricky there would just make it so terrible.He looked like someone had just told him that his sister had not really died and it had all been nothing but an elaborate prank for him to laugh to.His mouth was permanently in a shape that one would n
The reckless promise
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"Ricky !!! You bloody buffoon!".Juan's screamed and screamed as he struggled to let himself loose from the two men that held him down.He did not seem to care about the men that were practically stepping on him and all he seemed to care about was reaching Ricky were he stood with his eyes I'm the air like he had never seen Juan,not to talk of gotten acquainted with him.The two men that held Juan down were even weirder than Juan who was screaming like a new born baby.They seemed hardly interested in the fact that they were holding someone down with their foot and seemed more interested in giggling about what no one was sure of.In the few seconds that it had taken the two men to hold Juan down, they had giggled and snickered almost five times.They were both slender and average heighted with sword sheaths resting in a crisscross pattern on their backs, there was two swords on each of them.And that was not all,they seemed to have something sharp sticking out of every part of their b
The vicarious child
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"Isn't this becoming quite interesting?"He had asked even louder than the first time and still no one looked his way.No one paid any mind to Vasquez because of course he was once again doing something stupid, he was stating the obvious like the clown the he was.No one,not even Clay was so deaf that he had not heard Alberto's confession and Vasquez' unnecessary take of it.With each passing moment,Clay realized how much their disadvantage in this fight was growing by.Everything was crumbling around Clay while she stood staring at Vasquez.Wasn't it enough that their plans had been leaked?Did they have to humor the asshole on top of it too?There was only two ways to win a fight that was majorly not in your favor.The first was simply by surprise,attack your opponent before they knew what was going on and end it as soon as it started, leaving no space for your opponent to even figure out what it was.And then,there was the strategy.If you had a strategy that was foolproof enough,y
The unschooled
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
This time around Juan was interrupted by Vasquez who was suddenly laughing and snorting behind them, they all turned around to observe him waiting for him to end his absolutely stupid display and inform them of what had him cracking up so badly.He did not stop anytime soon and kept at it like an idiot till he finally ran out of gas.He sighed, wiping a few stray tears from beneath his eyes before he eventually looked at them.He looked at all of them as soon as he was done with his display,his eyes mocking each and every one of them as his eyes flicked past all of them.June shook her head."Sometimes,I am afraid to grow old because people like you prove that old age is all about cynicism and just plain,old madness",She said, blinking innocently.June turned to the others."What are you guys waiting for?",She called.She glanced one last time at Vasquez."Honestly,I would like to listen to more of your sappiness but it is becoming increasingly disgusting and we do have a match to get
The girl in red
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"FINALLY !!! THE OPPOSITION HAS FINALLY GROWN THE BALLS TO COME OUT OF THEIR RABBIT HOLES !!!! LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE FUCKING ROAD !!!!".The commentators voice resounded around the whole field as the crowd erupted in cheers and a wail of loud catcalls as Clay's team came to stand under the light.They stood in a single file,squinting yet again as all of the fields lights were once again on them like it had been earlier when they had first arrived.But this time, the lighting team seemed to have gotten better because it only stayed on them for a short while before it went off of them and spread over the entirety of the field, allowing them see the rest of the field and the people that had gathered on it to watch the fighters scheduled for today.More people had arrived while they had been in the school hell with Vasquez and the field was now thronged full with people but still almost no one stood or sat at the stands,they had all crammed themselves on to the parts of the field tha
The two females
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"No!",June iterated as she stared at the man that was in front of her and waiting for her to take out her weapons so she could proceed to go in to this fight unarmed,like it was not enough that she had succumbed to all of their other annoying requests.He held out a small basket to June and June peered inside to see that the basket contained some knives, a rifle , a gun and another larger knife that looked like something a butcher would use and not a fighter because she just could not imagine why anyone would want to fight with such a tool.June looked around and sighed when she realized that no one seemed to have much of a problem with it.She took her hands out from behind her and glared at the man with venom as she began to take out her weapons.She slowly put her hands into her thigh straps and dramatically took out her guns, rolling them around her fingers before she eventually put them into the basket.The guard kept looking at her when she made no other moves to get out any oth
The fear of...
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
June took a step back from Kaya who watched her carefully as she stepped away from her."We don't have to fight until the referee indicates that we should begin fighting so,Stay away from me till then,I don't want to get close to you until it is absolutely necessary",June said as she sneered at the purple haired woman.Kaya stared at her in dissapointment but she listened to her and stepped back from her.Even though she had stepped back,her eyes had not left June for even the shortest second."IT SEEMS THAT THE GIRLS HAVE COME TO A VERBAL AGREEMENT TO STAY OUT OF EACH OTHER'S WAY UNTIL THZ ACTUAL FIGHT BEGINS WHICH IS A GREAT WAY TO AVOID CONFLICT AND FATIGUE BEFORE THE FIGHT".The commentator had yelled this before moving to the next few things that he had to say,the crowd booing as they realized that they would not be getting their dose of pre match violence from Kaya and June like they had thought."YES,YES. I GENUINELY UNDERSTAND YOUR PAIN AND JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE SPECTATORS
The handsome duo
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Saul blinked at Clay's question and was silent for a while as he turned to stare at June's cage and where she probably stood inside of it.He eventually turned to Clay and smiled as he shook his head in the negative ."No, I have always known. I figured out a while back when I noticed that she never closed the door to her room back at the church too and she hated going anywhere alone,if she was left alone for too long,she would get cranky and act out, so it was quite obvious that she hated lone spaces",he explained slowly."Oh...I see",was Clay's only reply as she began to remember instances where Saul's statements had indeed been true.Clay nodded, thoroughly ashamed that she had never even noticed this and had been too eager to label everything June did as acting out.She looked up to the darkened cage and hoped that she was okay .Saul looked at Clay then and noticed the way her fists were clenched.He smiled vaguely.The girls never seemed to be on the same page about anything but
The egoistic leader
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"GOODNESS , THERE IS NO VIOLENCE BETWEEN THE TWO MEN , THEY ARE SMILING AND BEING QUITE CIVIL . WELL , IT WOULD SEEM THAT THIS MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE THE MOST INTERESTING OF ALL THE FIGHTS BECAUSE TELL ME JUST HOW CONFIDENT YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE TO SMILE THAT MUCH WITH YOUR OPPONENT ?!?! "It would seem that the Commentator was unnecessarily kissing Vasquez' ass seeing how he had still not commented one normal thing about him.Not normal but at least spoken in the true manner they were all already used to hearing him speak.It seemed that he was only full of words of praise when it came to Vasquez.Clay was unsure about this match up for many reasons.One of it was how cunny she just knew that Vasquez was.She had no idea how good of a fighter he was but seeing as he had been in a street gang,he was probably pretty okay.It wasn't exactly that she did not trust Saul,no that wasn't it either.She just knew that Vasquez would pull something shady.What had just happened in the back stage
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"WELL , IT SEEMS THAT VASQUEZ AND SAUL HAVE MANAGED TO REMAIN FRIENDS DESPITE EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED, DOES THAT NOT JUST PUT A DAMPER ON OUR PLANS FOR SOME BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS TO ENEMIES ACTION?""BUT IT STILL DOES NOT MATTER BECAUSE AS THEY FIGHT TODAY,WE WILL FEEL THE THRILL OF BETRAYAL IN EVERY BLOW AND HATE IN EVERY PUNCH AND EACH TIME BLOOD IS SPILLED,WE WILL KNOW THAT IT IS AS A RESULT IF RAGE!!!".The light turned on in the Commentator's box and the crowd could clearly see him.He was standing on the partition that separated his seat from the rest of the crowd.He had cut his combat pants in to shorts and his vest in to what seemed like a crop top without sleeves to show off his sickly thin body.He was wearing the game boots that seemed ten sizes too large and he looked like he might fall at any moment.It was strange that a voice that deep was coming from a man that tiny.He was jumping about on the very thin edge of the partition and was yelling incomprehensible words as