All Chapters of The Westbrook Games: Chapter 121
- Chapter 130
179 chapters
The truth you never knew...
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
VASQUEZ slowly climbed to his feet while Saul watched him.When he had gotten on his feet,he turned his head slightly to stare at his behind before he proceeded to dust it with his hands, making fast, swiping movements.When he was done with that,he turned to Saul and smiled vaguely.They stared at each other for the longest time,each of them lost in thoughts of how they had lived their lives thus far,it was nothing they could respectfully look back on.They had plundered,killed and hurt people to get ahead and been even far worse than the parents that they had loathed and had driven them to their street life."There was nothing we could have done…"Vasquez began, trailing off as soon as he started and Saul gave him a look."Nothing we could have done? Nothing we could have done Vas? There was a whole lot of things we could have done, we could have also quit but we chose to go on,we chose to kill rivals to stay longer in the business. We killed innocent people that got in our way and
The story behind.
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"I did not think…."Saul laughed.It was a dry,harsh sound and did not sound like a laugh to anyone that was listening but Saul had been laughing."I wasn't on purpose,I did not do it on purpose,I really did not think that…"He was Interrupted by Saul."Yes , that is exactly your problem Vasquez.You do not think...oh,what am I saying?",Saul asked himself as he chuckled yet again."You do think,in fact you think more than anyone that I know. You think and manipulate and scheme with that ball of hair that sits atop your neck. Oh yes,you do think especially not about anyone besides yourself,you never think of the consequences of your actionns. Lord only knows what happened to all the people in the shelter because I am so fuckin sure that they all probaby did not make it through the winter !",he stated.Through the winter?Oh yes,he remembered now.It was hard not to.When you lived on the streets,you never forgot the winters.You never noticed the other seasons, because you co
The reasons
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Saul was growling wildly in to the night air, earning the attention of all the other people that had looked away to the other cages at different points in time.As soon as he growled Loudly like an injured animal that needed to be put down,they had all turned to face him and his cage, to see what was going on.They found him to a corner growling his head off while Vasquez watched testily from a corner.Saul slapped his chest with the back of his palms,he repeated it again and again while Vasquez flinched at every new hit until Saul finally finished hitting himself and whirled around to face him,his face sporting a crazy expression as he glared at Vasquez."One minute",he whispered,his voice sounding like it hurt to talk.He stepped forward,stumbled in fact and Vasquez also stumbled back a pace,unsure of what Saul's endgame was.Saul barely noticed all of this movement as his eyes were only focused on Vasquez' eyes and neck,a look of murderous lust in his eyes."You have exactly one mi
The last hit
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Saul raised his hand to rub his face and sighed heavily, exhausted.He was exhausted because the stories were becoming too long and exhausting and he was having a hard time keeping up with all of them.Saul had no idea what to do.At first,he had been livid that Vasquez had pulled him in to a fight that was in no way his business but now he was even more livid that it was not just him that had been pulled in to the fight.His girls and their mother had also been pulled in to whatever stupid game that Vasquez was playing and just the thought of it had Saul very mad.But on another hand,he could not help but think of the fact that if not for this problems,he might have never known that he had children somewhere but still,at the same time,this whole issue could prove to be more dangerous than they had thought and anticipated and then his girls lives would be in danger,when he thought of it like that,it made him wonder if it was not better that they were alive and safe and he never knew a
The count
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
As soon as Vasquez hit the ground , the crowd went crazy with cheers.Anyone that heard them now might even think that Saul had been the preferred winner all along.Their cheering almost sounded like it was born of pride and happiness over Saul's win but if you listened closely enough to all the guttural moaning they were doing,you would soon realize that they were only that way because they got to see a fight,a bloody one at that.They did not care for the identity of who was down and who was the Victor,they simply cared that their sights were fed.Two men stepped forward from the shadows of the outer part of the cage,no one knew them but it was quite obvious that they were Vasquez' men.They were both as tall as the men that had locked the fighters in the cage,and although it had seemed impossible at first to find men that looked even more fierce,they managed it okay.They approached the cage in subtle steps and the crowd began to go quiet as they noticed them,they each shut up unti
The tap of dignity
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay was still smiling when she heard the commentator talk about Saul punching the Referee, this time she released The mute and laughed out as soon as she heard what Saul had done.It was so out of character for Saul that it made it even funnier to her.Saul was surprising her so much today that she wanted to sit and reminiscence on it all,alas,she couldn't very well do that."WELL,IT WOULD SEEM THAT SAUL IS NOT VERY SATISFIED WITH HOW THE REFEREE WENT ABOUT HIS WORK AND THE MULTIPLE BREAKS HE TOOK AS HE HAS JUST SUCCESSFULLY SIGNED A WARNING OVER TO THE REFEREE !!!",The Commentator said amidst laughter from the crowd and the Commentator himself.Clay eyed The mute for a while and when she was sure that he was immobile and would remain so for a while still she turned around and looked out the cage,in the direction that Saul had taken, searching for him. She found him a moment later,he was standing over the referee's body and holding out his hand for the man to take.Clay laughed.Onl
The vow
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
The Commentator stared at Saul as he settled down without an apparent care in the world."You can't be here",He iterated as he watched Saul munch on his snacks.Saul stopped chewing and turned completely to the man,his mouth still open from the chewing he had been doing.The Commentator's voice was different from what it sounded like over the speakers.Over the speakers,he usually sounded like he was jesting, trying to lighten the mood of a fight or just being humourous in general.He had projected an image of a jolly man and without thought , they had all accepted that image that was being projected on to them."WELL,THE FIRST FIGHT IS DEFINITELY FINE AND DONE WITH. IN SUBSEQUENT FIGHTS,WE KNOW THERE WILL BE QUITE A FEW SIMILARITIES AS EVERYONE WILL WANT TO END THEIR OWN FIGHTINGS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !!",As he spoke,his eyes remained on the person he was speaking for, Saul, who was already looking at him first.Sitting next to him and listening to his voice in this manner, because he
The study
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
The twins had never been ones to fight whilst having a lot on their mind.They had never stopped to think of plan of action or how to defend.When they fought,they were always only about two things.How fast they could cut their opponent open and how much they could make them bleed.When they had heard that they would both be fighting against one man,they had not particularly had any issues with it.They did not care about numbers in a fight,except you were counting number of bodies.And so,they had come here to make Juan in to one of those bodies,they did not care to win and have a loser.They had come with the intention of winning and having a dead body by their feet.Except, this was not working out as their intended dead body was refusing to be a dead body.They had both watched him fight several times,he was Vasquez' gauntlet dog,his top dog and they had expected something within that range but the man they were fighting seemed like a completely different individual.He was faste
The thoughts of why they were here.
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
" OH HO OH !!! SOMEONE SING ME A FUCKIN LULLABY !!! I NEED TO GO INTO LA LA LAND AND WARN JUAN OF THE IMPENDING DANGER ON HIS BODY !!! ".The commentary was a bundle of unhidden excitement as he spoke, laughing at Juan's predicament.Saul watched Juan from above, sitting above he had such a good view of what was going on down there.He could see Juan quite well and he could also hear The Commentator's jabbering quite loudly."NOW WAS THAT UNEXPECTED?!? NO,OF COURSE NOT!!! IT'S THE TWINS!!! AND THEY ARE CALLED SINS FOR A REASON!!!",He yelled while the crowd cheered back, obviously agreeing with his words.Saul only stared,it was not his place to say anything,they had all known what they had been getting in to and no one had made them do it.These were words he spoke to himself so that he did not have to sympathize gravely with the man in the cage.A man that was obviously mourning.Even if he was doing it in his own asinine way and subjecting himself to fights between people that had n
The ones to be pitied.
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Both th Commentator and Saul were quiet for a while after Saul's words.Sympathy.Or was it empathy that was more in need in such a situation?Saul had never known or been able to tell the difference between the two words.It had not made much of a difference since he had almost never had any reason to use the words sympathy and empathy before.The Commentator's hand climbed up to cover the mic,his second hand climbing too to cover his first hand that already covered the mic."You are mistaken",he whispered.Saul looked up at the Commentator's words wondering hat he meant and if he had been truly talking to him.The Commentator was already looking at him,he had a small smile that did not reach his eyes on his face."Mistaken?",Saul called,to be sure be heard right and true.The Commentator nodded solemnly before turning to look at the crowd before them."No one will be sympathetic of Juan,most especially not me.The world is full of pitiful people and among those pitiful people,we are