All Chapters of The Westbrook Games: Chapter 41
- Chapter 50
179 chapters
The new level
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay had fallen and plunged to the ground,her body had bounced off twice like she was some sort of elastic human and ther was nothing but a physics experiment.Clay had expected some kind of quiet after she fell but alas she had not gotten that,she instead was stuck in a haze of noise and darkness.She had not escaped and was conscious to everything around her,it irked her.She could hear all of them,their talking was distorted but she could not bring herself to open her eyes to see who was talking .She was just too tired , all she wanted was to keep her eyes closed and shut out their yelling, couldn't she get a few minutes of quiet so that she could rest?"Clay???!!!", Someone was yelling her name like there was some emergency going on.She could hear the urgency in the voice, the person was obviously scared for her,did they think she was dying?A thought came to her then,she was probably really bloody and messy from the tree climbing and all the falling she had done today,maybe it
First shift
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
JUNEAfter they had successfully albeit turbulently managed to help Clay into her room,she has slept off almost immediately.They had disinfected Clay's wound and wrapped it up in bandages while she had been sleeping and it had not been easy at all since Jared would not come anywhere near her blood and both June and Saul had absolutely no useful medical knowledge.All they seemed to know we'ree food combinations that were supposedly deadly.When their struggle had finally ended,they had all been almost as exhausted as Clay was.Saul had decided that they watch her in shifts so they could rest but instead of saying it straightforwardly,he had instead made a bad joke of not letting their best fighter run away on them after she realized that she was always getting injured around them and they were simply too much trouble , none of them had laughed even when they realized that he was just trying to ease their emotions.Well,it was because he was mostly right.Jared had of course taken the
Crash class
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay must have been seating for hours since June left her to focus on her work because when she decided to stand up, her legs had fallen deeply asleep and had cramped up terribly.She grimaced and immediately sat back down as she raised her legs up.She had to massage them for a long while before they decided to work again without buzzing her every few seconds like they were electrically charged.While she had been studying and drawing more pictures , Saul had first come in .He had peeked around the room cautiously and when his eyes had landed on Clay,he had looked even more cautious.She watched him come into the room and something came to her mind,he was almost to her when Clay had rolled her eyes and told him that she did remember him and he ought to just leave.Saul had blinked rapidly at her for a few minutes before he had just offered his help to draw some of the parts of the steel and Clay had hurriedly chased him away before he made another ridiculous offer to help .Not so v
The trainer and trainee
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
They were both sweating profusely but strangely,they were having a lot more fun than either of them had thought possible so they had kept up with it.They had also found common ground in struggling to best the other person in strength and durability so they were adamant on not giving up,at least not as first."Again,one more time !!",Clay yelled loudly.June ran forward as soon as Clay barked the order and began to block Clay's onehanded swings at her like they had been practicing to.Clay was slower than she would have liked because her hand hurt everytime she moved it but she was still fast enough to keep June on her toes.She had consoled herself with the theory that every time her hand hurt, it was healing more .She noticed that June was getting used to her attacks and doing a good job of blocking her hits but she always tended to get too engrossed in one and almost never made provisions for new attacks and moves, so, Clay suddenly kicked her and just like she had anticipated,Jun
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay did not sleep for five minutes or ten minutes .And she would have continued to sleep for a lot longer If Jared had not woken her up .Clay was quite groggy as she was tapped awake , she turned over in the bed , groaning as she did so.Her nap had been going so well." Is it ten minutes now?Let me sleep for an extra five minutes , will you ? ",She called groggily to whoever was waking her with so much determination.The person that had been waking her began to snicker,so she opened her eyes.When she opened her eyes, she could not make out the face of whoever was snickering because the room was so dark .She wondered just how long she had been sleeping for that the room had already become dark ."How long have I been asleep for? It could not have been over thirty minutes,why the hassle ?",She whined in irritation."You are right,it could not be over thirty minutes,it has been a very long time now,a couple of hours even",He told her.Jared's voice ended her curiosity as he paused
Turn after turn
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
JOSÉ !JOSÉ !!JOSÉ !!!The crowd was chanting repeatedly as the commentator egged them on with all of his might .The crowd began to edge forward , strategically taking or rather pushing June forward along with them so she did not have any avenue to change her mind or escape when she did change her mind .From down here , Clay could not make out anything that was happening within the ring or in front of it , the crowd was making sure of it while still counting .She turned around and checked the bleachers considering climbing on to them,they were farther from the fight and would afford a great view but then,they would also make it harder if she needed to offer help,she could not exactly offer any help from all the way over there.Even though they offered a better view of what was happening, they were strangely vacant which made people avoid them and in turn a continued vacancy was occuring in the bleachers since no one wanted to be the first to sit over there.It seemed people prefer
Real life heroes
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
The crowd was wild,charged like there was electricity flowing between them,they had responded positively like when a like charge meets an unlike charge. " WAS THAT A SLAP ?!?! DID JOSÉ SLAP HER BECAUSE SHE WAS ONLY DESERVING OF A SLAP AND NOT AN ACTUAL HIT ?!?! "June remained on the floor for a moment while the crowd hailed José,chanting her name as they applauded her . José did not pay attention to any of this and only focused on stretching and cracking her neck loud enough for the entire crowd to hear or at least create the illusion that they had heard.When she was done,she turned around, headed to where June still lay, flexing her fist and legs as she stalked towards June.As she approached,the crowd's chanting increased again and,June raised her head and saw her coming , she scrambled to get on her feet , stumbling all over as she did so .She was almost to her feet when José reached her, unlike the hesitating José that had existed just a moment ago , this José had no chill an
Saving grace
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
José blinked twice and fell down like she had been forwarded,the whole gym broke out in cheers.It was more than enough evidence that the crowd did not care who was winning.Clay sighed in relief because another fear she had was that if June won,they might even be in more trouble.She was strangely so proud of June, especially because she did not tap out of the fight."IT IS THE UNDER BITCH RISEN FROM THE DEAD AND SHE HAS COME BEARING A HUGE GRUDGE !!! ".The crowd went even wilder with the commentary while José remained unmoving in the floor, it seemed they were only here for entertainment, they did not care if it was José or June that was providing it or at the receiving end of it .Clay watched as June stumbled back after striking José with her chair that was still strangely straight.What was it even made from?José had stumbled forward and fallen to her knees but she was getting back up again in a few seconds and was staring at June with a very specific disgust,like she was broke
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay opened her eyes when something hit suddenly hit her, jarring her awake almost too abruptly.She blinked lazily in her awakening for a few moments,she was unaware of her surrounding for about five seconds,looking around frantically for any familiar items before she slowly remembered that they had still not left the clinic and hurriedly scrambled off, jumping on to her feet .The second thing she remembered was that something had hit her and that was what had woken her up , she looked down to find a small roll of Band-Aids .Clay picked it up,gettiing an eerie vibe suddenly before she heard a throat clearing and looked towards where June had lain before she had fallen asleep.She turned to find that June was awake and glaring at her,some more memories of what was going on and the situation they were in came to her and Clay stilled temporarily for a moment before she ran for June.Clay rushed forward,taking her flashlight with her and disposing off the band-aid that had been thrown
June Says
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"I was quite sure I would enjoy the death of one of you today",The voice said.They all turned to the source of the sound and saw Top dog come out from behind the men that had gathered around them , the men all had their flashlights on Clay and the others .Clay's hand twitched,she had nothing useful on her except her own flashlight,they were already outnumbered and the others had no weapon either,this was not looking great.June could not even stand properly and had to be supported by Clay and Saul.If they decided to attack them now, it would all go to shit,for them mostly.The only logical way to get out of this would be to talk Top dog down or even go as far as begging him to let them go.Clay was not prideful when it came to matters of life, even when it involved begging assholes like Top dog.So,Clay transferred June totally on to Saul's side,freeing herself before she slowly stepped forward , raising her arm to show that she was unarmed ."You can not just stop us because you d