All Chapters of Exiled from paradise: Chapter 241
- Chapter 250
478 chapters
Chapter 179: The last battle (Part 11)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
“Doing no matter what just to achieve their desired happiness. A true essence of being a human. Everything action man-made is for their happiness.”Gabriel whispered sensing the passing of thousands of souls to the other side.The blinding light that occurred only for seconds took the lives of many. There is no excuse for this. This is pure evil. However, Gabriel whose an angel thinks that this event is necessary. More than half of the world's population just vanished. The fewer people there are the more resources. Hunger, poverty, sickness, etc will be under control with less population.A controlled world with rulers like Riku who could live for eternity was ideal. For eternity the world will be at peace.Gabriel well up with tears crying for the people who sacrificed their lives for this outcome. Gabriel clenched her chest and started thinking that she might be evil. Why did she let this on happening? Is this the only choice? She wonders if the god of light will still be able to ac
Chapter 180: The last battle (Part 12)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
After Gabriel's angelic transformation, Selene pressed her both hands together ready to unleash energy that would obliterate the city. Still, moving within a second… Gabriel took a weapon from her hidden inventory. Not exactly look like a weapon, but this weapon is considered one of the deadliest in the heavenly realm and only those who have reached high-ranking status could manifest.Golden horn appeared instantly on Gabriel's both hands. She inhaled heavily and blows the horn. Releasing ungodly loud sound. The sound destroyed Selene’s eardrums and all holes in her body bleeds blood.Meanwhile, Gabriel took a recoil and her nose gushed a glass amount of blood.They are now both away from the second. The clock started ticking again. The same little girl holding the ball worried about what was going on noticing her teacher in pain. Shifting her eyes to another teacher--Kisara.“Our teacher is fighting…” She muttered.Gabriel bites her lips.“Another fail… Sounds waves are the only thin
Chapter 181: Handed Lullaby (Part 1)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
(Kiyoko’s perspective) Am I fortunate or am I misfortunate? Sometimes I asked myself these over and over again these silly questions. I was born into a wealthy family in Ren. Treated with care and was able to get all the material things I wanted at birth. However, at a young age, I find out that material things weren’t the joy of this world. The praise and expectations are what I desire. What kind of kid wanted to be pressured by the adults around her? You might be wondering. To our family, expectation means everything. Expectation means you have value. If you have value your life was its meaning. I grew up jealous of my siblings. All of them are parsed and expected to be great in the far future. They’re all great at their field. And the one I hate the most was the other child in the same age as me… Her name was Kisara. Kisara was the daughter of my father’s other wife. (That’s how everyone knows before). She has been praised for being more good-looking than me. She is praised f
Chapter 182: Handed Lullaby (Part 2)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
Everyone was killed. My whole family. Why does it have to happen now? Why now that everything started to get better? Is this one of those God-knows-humor things? If it is… Then, why it's not funny?! If there is god, why his allowing such cruelty to happen? I’m filled still filled with hatred and grieving while digging down gave for my siblings. All of them are still cheerful yesterday. I can still hear a voice calling my name asking for dinner. Kaya’s voice complains about everything. Kanna whose jokes always miss. The shy lovely Kaname. Kaori and Kiyoka playing with bamboo swords. Kaede who’s sitting in the corner of the living room alone with her book. Lastly, Kazuto whose being very manly taking responsibility as the new head of the family. All of them, I’ll miss them so much… But I cannot turn back time. There is nothing I could do but pray for their happy life on the other side. They’re all good people. I know they’ll all be stepping into the kingdom of heaven. Even though
Chapter 183: Handed Lullaby (Part 3)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
This is horrible. I never thought that the situation turned out like this. Probably, this is caused by my ignorance of what's happening around me. I never truly tried to understand what was happening to who and what the problem of the world was. I would say that my basic understanding was at the elementary level.Demon-kinds are bad and all of them must be killed.That’s all I need to know. Looking at their horrifying red eyes was enough to convince simpleton like me.I came here to confront Kisara. Above my head, I would like to make revenge and kill her.Back in my room, I sat down on my bed staring blankly at my palm. Emotions continue to flow. Pity, hatred, grieving, confusion, despair, and more. Most of them are negative and this makes my chest feel heavier.Three months have passed now. Staying with them I got to know what was happening in the world. The side on whose right and wrong is still vague.It was hard to contradict what I believe in my entire life.Riku the man I adore
Chapter 184: Handed Lullaby (Part 4)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
“The situation is getting out of hand. The army of demon-kinds already took the middle east and the northeastern part of West territory. Even the lawless city joined the demon's ranking. Previous supreme demons are going in on their sides. In a few more months, humanity will surely be wiped out in the entire world.”Annerose stated as she clenched both her fist at the table. Right now, the remaining members of the councils are having a meeting about what their next move will be.Riku held his head down filled with stress.There are only five of them here. Draco, Riku, Annerose, Mimosa, and Mukuro.A person called Scarlett was one of the council but for some reason. Scarlett lost her ability to talk and move for unknown reasons. I was tasked sometimes to wipe her body and change her clothes. How am I supposed to describe her? She’s not doing very well. It seems like she’s a living corpse.The mood in the meeting room was heavy. So gloomy and suffocating. As for myself, I’m simply here
Chapter 185: Handed Lullaby (Part 5)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
I’m incredibly innocent compare to the people around me. Riku impreganted Suzu and Kisara. And now is working to create another baby with Mukuro. What kind of man is he? A man is supposed to love one woman and become happy with her forever and ever. A man must still be faithful no matter what. I do have some kind of special thing for Riku. But as for right now, my feeling for him was thrown into the trash. I don’t to be with a man like him. Well, still do respect him… But that’s all… I just respect him.Today, I woke up early and start to peel potatoes. No one is in the kitchen yet this time. Me alone in the dark kitchen.There’s other kitchen stuff. But their work usually starts at six in the morning. I got used to waking up in four starts prepping. This is more like something I got used to.Living here for a while. I’m still nervous about what people think about me. Talking to people I don’t know is nerve-wracking. I prep ingredients alone and leave the kitchen before six. After the
Chapter 186: Handed Lullaby (Part 6)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
The weather is getting colder and colder now. The tree has their leave falling. Shelter helpers mostly the youngsters are picking up the dry leave to make fertilizer from them. With their arms, they hugged the pile of leaves down to the sack. Seeing the kids managing to help together made me feel that there is still hope in this world.“If only everyone has the same perspective as these kids. I wonder… Maybe, there would be no war happening right now.”I’m still at the shelter as a helper. As for right now, I was assigned to do something that I have never done before. I’m outside the dome and now patrolling around the territory. Fewer soldiers are running around in the training ground.Winter is coming and it will make everything worst for us. Crops won’t grow and the food supply would be affected very soon. The distribution of meals is getting lesser and lesser.And the worst was seeing these kids getting hungry because of lack of food.I only ate steamed potato this morning and it's
Chapter 187: Handed Lullaby (Part 7)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
Life and death. I both witness them in front of my eyes. A day that I thought would be normal took a serious turn. Kikone’s arrival in this world brings bliss to me and Kisara. But I can’t help myself but worry about what's going to happen next.The fact that the shelter is under attack by demon-kind and we don’t have much force to chase them off. The lurking danger and terror outside of this room.“She kinda looks like Kaya isn’t.” She said.I nodded in agreement.“I’m sure she’ll grow up pretty like her mother too.”“You flutter me…”Kisara’s smile shifted into a serious one. She look at me eye to eye and said:“Take care of Kikone.”“I’m her aunt, of course, I’ll take care of her. We’re going to raise her.”Kisara shook her head and continue. “No, you have to take care of her. Far far away from this place. I heard that islands in southeast Asia were still unoccupied by demon-kinds. There are still humans living there. You and Kikone must live…”“Don’t say things like that. You’re K
Chapter 188: Nothing left to live
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
After getting news about the last shelter being attacked. Riku and his army immediately retreated to defend. However, by the time they reach the island. All they saw was the mountain of corpses, burning facilities, and a sea of blood. By the time Riku, saw the island, he jump off the ship the army was riding and look for his beloved wife--Kisara. Kisara was pregnant and this month she’ll labor according to Mukuro. His face filled with anxiety as he dash to the corridors and destroyed anything on his way with his fist.“Kisara…”Riku called but the one his calling was nowhere to be found. He entered the room where Kisara usually resides and noticed the blood-drenched blanket and a basin with scissors and an umbilical cord. Just by the look of it, one will deduce that Kisara already labored.But where is the child? Where is Kisara?Riku doesn’t know if he should be happy or feel worst. He's not even sure where to look for them.Annerose arrived looking for Riku and told him the news.Th