All Chapters of Exiled from paradise: Chapter 371
- Chapter 380
478 chapters
After story chapter 92: Sasa and Nana (Part 3)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
“The evil red-haired girl is very powerful…”Sasa muttered while looking at Akane with a shocked expression and trembling a little.“You still think that I’m evil after saving you.”Sasa stood up and then wipe the dirt on her skirt. Turning her body to Akane she then bows her head. She then apologetically said.“I’m sorry for saying rude things to you… I would say thank you for saving my life from that high-level monster. If you’re not here, maybe I’m already mincemeat. More importantly, I won't see my sister anymore.”“Don’t mind it… Anyway, why you’re outside the town? Kids are not allowed to go outside without an adult or guard permission.”Akane said and wonder.Sasa started to shake and averted her eye’s away from Akane. Akane is strong and she is from the human realm. If Akane finds out that she is a demon who knows what will happen next.“Well… Umm… I’m searching for food. I just sneak out from the town.”“Sneak out to get some food…”Akane put her hands to her mouth suddenly a
After story chapter 93: Sasa and Nana (Part 4)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
Outside of the street, two young girls come to face each other. One with raging eyes and the other with somewhat not serious-looking eyes.“Little runt do you know what you just did? You just destroy the wall of the restaurant.”“Little runt? Your height almost has no difference on me, I’m still 9 years old it’s normal for me to be in like this.”“Grrr… I’m already 19 years old. She makes a point, she’s really smart like Sasa said. I won’t let my guard down on her.”Mayu takes a direct mental attack from Nana’s words and it’s very effective. Resulting in Mayu falling on her knees and tremble. Putting her hand on her bosom she takes a deep breath.“Did Nana win already?”“I don’t know.”Akane and Sasa were left Mayu with a cold gaze.Deep down in Mayu’s heart, she always has complex in how her height was. She was born small and people mistake her for being an elementary school student every time.She knows using transformation magic which she uses to hide her elf appearance every time
After story chapter 94: Party in the royal home
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
Arriving in the capital city wearing such beautiful dresses. The girls attended the party in Nicole’s mansion.The party was held to celebrate the human empire's victory in the war. This party is supposed to be held in the royal place but an unfortunate thing happened in the castle and the news was later to be announced.“Is it really okay for us to go? I mean, Sasa and I didn’t do anything in the war.”Nana Said.“It’s fine, Nicole said it’s okay to invite anyone.”Replied Sister Lily, who currently wearing a white dress with golden highlights. She was very stunning in her outfit. It is a rare view for a girl that always stuck wearing her sister's uniform.Being able to wear something different is makes her really happy.Mayu then with a worried expression said:“I wonder if Megumi is okay… We invited her but she refused. This is such a great party. Seems like she has some social problems.”Maple hearing that was also hurt for reason she can relate to the people who have some social
After story chapter 95: Weird vision
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
What is this place? Where am I?Turning my head around me I found nothing. Just a plain vast grassland expanding endlessly through the horizon.The sun is shining bright but it’s not hurtful. The feeling of the blowing wind is great. In this place, the whistle of the wind is all I can hear.Why is that? I’m feeling this sad?As the wind flutter my hair. I notice that my hair has black long and black. I look to my palm and notice that I came back to my original form. My hand is no small anymore, my height is not that small anymore. I’m not in my elf form. I’m back in my original body.The wind blows and I follow it without questioning my action. I walked and follow the wind. I keep walking aimlessly.What is this thing in my path? Ren liquid flowing like a river.I walked ignoring the fact that my shoes are already stained with blood.I know that it's blood but why I’m not feeling anything?As I took a glance at what's laying in the ground. I just feel calm and hollow.Drenched with th
After story chapter 96: What is beyond the south?
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
“Hey, Akane is this really part of the training?”“I don’t know… I’m not the instructor…”“It’s been two hours now.”“How long are going to do this?”Akane and I are currently on the mountainside hanging in the edge of the clip. A simple blow of wind does both of us swing. Resulting in both of us fear falling from such height.That’s not a problem if we can use our magic and skill but unfortunately, we can’t use it within this training.We are now in process of training our stamina. We asked the sword saint to train to become stronger.Akane’s head released steam and her hands are getting numb. The same with me. I don’t like hanging myself in on a small branch of wood.Just grabbing this wood made my arms painful.“I’m out of here! I’m talking to the sword saint!Akane said and get up from the clip.I followed her using my wind magic and make myself fly.“What is that sword saint doing?!”“Yeah, I wonder he just left us in the mountainside…”While we are walking in the mountain we fo
After story chapter 97: Smell of adventure
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
It’s been a long time since we did this. Now, I’m currently taking some quest to improve my understanding of my magic.With my last battle, I know that I have many rooms for improvement.Examining myself will be a better way to understand my way of fighting. I do have control over many elements of magic. I can control Ice, water, fire, earth, wind, and lightning. With those six elements, I know that I can create many combos. My fire magic is quite special because it was supported by my fire flash ability which doubles its attack power. But on all of my magic, I can say that I’m confident in using wind magic more. I control solidification on wind magic more than my other elements.Even though I can use magic, I’m still used to using my sword than my staff. Even my staff have the ability to apply my magic power. Sword is more fitting for my aggressiveness in battle.A heavy sword is no fitting for my body. I can use enhancement magic to make my body stronger to lift swords but it’s not
After story chapter 98: True dragon
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
“I’m very sorry Mayu-san, but there was no S-rank quest came from the headquarters. All of the quests are all in B-rank and C-rank. They said A-rank and S-rank quest is quite rare since the destruction of the demon king castle… I made a promise to you but I’m unable to make it.”Said Rosalie.“It’s fine, seems like the destruction of the demon king castle did make the demons hide in someplace. But on the optimistic side. It’s good that there was no huge threat happening in the country.”“You’re right about that… I guess I should look more into the brighter side of the situation more.”I made my farewell to Rosalie and go back to the forest to have my daily magic training. I still don’t master solidifying technique on my fire magic and it started to annoy me.The heat of the sun and my lack of sleep is making me feel tired for today. I feel like I don’t want to do anything.It’s been an hour of training. I walked toward the river stream to have a drink of freshwater. While I’m on it I
After story chapter 99: Fei's assault
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
“Genesis bearers are not something I should be looking down… With a large pool of mana inside of your body. You can almost use any magic and tricks.”“Who are you why you're attacking me?”“My name is Fei one of the true dragon… I’m here to put end to your life.”Put end to my life? I did she have some resentment of me because I killed lots of dragons before? No can’t be the reason. She’s looking down on fire dragon Drag earlier. If that’s the case, then why she’s attacking me.Fei kicks the ground and with a flaming fist, she attacks me. I avoided her fist and landed a boulder of rock. The rock was smashed and destroyed into small pieces.She was dead serious and turn her body toward me and deliver a Flaming kick. I block it by using my arms, but the force was too strong it breaks my arms and made my body flew to the ground.Fei takes a deep inhale and exhales a powerful flame from her mouth.“Flaming dragon burst stream!”“Earth magic: Fortress wall!”From the soil, a giant wall mad
After story chapter 100: Akane's blade
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
On a faraway town named Vinebark. The town was so silent and there were no people can be seen walking in the street. There are many destroyed houses and prints of chaos was still can be seen. That’s expected for a town located in the demon realm. Even though the demon castle is destroyed. That doesn’t mean that the demon is all dead. That includes the current demon king herself.Demons are still waiting for her return and made a counter toward the human empire. The cycle of violence never ends.“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Where are you?! Don’t leave me here…”A poor girl running around the empty street of Ninebark. The girl was crying loudly looking around for her mother. Different from a normal kid. The girl is wearing a bit of fancy dress and has golden hair and eyes. Just one look at her. People definitely know that she has noble blood running through her veins.Unfortunately, this girl faces a horrible fate. She was cast away from the family after her mother died. Her heartless father
Chapter 280: Seafloor (Part 1)
Exiled from paradise/Harusaki
Giant waves of water continue to crash on the ship. Tilting the ship side by side. The weather had been sour since the trio left the capital city, heading to the seafloor dungeon. A lightning bolt came down from the sky with the loud roar of thunder.“Kyaaaaaa!!”Shia shouted in fear.“That was a close call... The weather is not in our favor.”Nicole said as she looked up at the sky. On her back, trembling in fear, was Shia.“Aren’t you afraid of lightning?”“Sometimes…”“Is this not the time for you to be afraid? That lighting nearly destroyed our ship.”“Hmm, the probability of being hit by lightning is less than a million. That means we are lucky to be hit by one.”Nicole said.Shia looked at her with confusion and shot back.“How is that lucky? We can die instantly.”“Dying with lightning is not that bad… We’re going to die without feeling any pain.”Ran added.Shia looks at the two girls with carefree faces and starts to doubt their sanity. Despite the ship continuously tracking