All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
235 chapters
Fortunately, Maks was able to dodge Liberto's repeated shots. Because, Maks rolled his body to the right side and sometimes he rolled his body back to the left side. Maks did that in order to outwit Liberto. Then, all of a sudden, Maks' body got stuck on a large pillar. It caused him to be unable to move his body to the right and left. So, Maks was forced to stay where he was.Meanwhile, Liberto continued to walk towards Maks while pointing his gun at Maks. Liberto smiled slightly, he was happy because it seemed that Maks had no more chance to save himself. Then, Liberto would be free to shoot Maks' body freely."Where else are you going? It looks like all roads are dead ends! I'll be free to shoot your body!" Liberto said haughtily. The gun he was holding was still pointed at Maks.Maks certainly didn't want to lose. He also pointed his gun at Liberto, even though he already knew that his gun would be inferior to Liberto's. Because, Maks knew that Liberto's gun was the best gun becau
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Maks answered Liberto's words firmly. "No! Whatever the reason, I will not willingly give all my wealth to someone like you! You're an evil man like the devil. As I suspected, if you take my wealth, then you'll badly manage all of my father's companies.""You underestimate me? Don't you know who I am?" Liberto asked Maks this question because he felt Maks was looking down on him."In my eyes, you're just a troublesome old boy!" Maks said to Liberto. This made Liberto laugh very loudly. "Ha ha ha! You misjudged me, Dude! I'm a feared mobster in Italy."Maks didn't believe Liberto's confession. He didn't care about it."Don't mince words! Tell me where my wife is!" Maks asked sternly.Kenan looked seriously at Liberto. "Quickly tell him where she is! I don't want to be shot dead by him. We have no weapons. We've run out of bullets! We'd better surrender!"Kenan's face looked panicked. He valued his life so much. He didn't want to die today.However, Liberto still didn't agree with what
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Liberto did not accept being called 'stupid' by Kenan. So, he slapped Kenan hard on the mouth. Liberto's slap made Kenan's face even more battered. Liberto's face was clearly filled with anger. He looked at Kenan with a very sharp gaze."Watch your mouth! How dare you call me stupid! You don't realize that you're the stupid one!" Liberto retorted. He said this right in front of Kenan's face and spoke very loudly.Kenan was still holding his face because he was still in pain. "You're a fool! Why are you willing to risk our lives to get Maks's wealth? It's just you for profit!" Kenan said to Liberto.Liberto had yet to respond to Kenan's words, but Kenan continued to say more. "Dude, we've agreed to work together! But if we do it this way, then you're the lucky one, only you get Maks' wealth. While I don't get the key inside Siena's body!"Maks narrowed his eyes after hearing the last words Kenan said about Siena. Maks didn't understand what she meant. However, he didn't want to interru
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Some policemen ran after Liberto who fled northward. Meanwhile, others were helping Kenan. One of the policemen who checked on Kenan said, "He's dead! He has no breath and no pulse."Hearing what the policeman said, Maks was silent for a moment. He didn't expect Kenan to die like this."The stone that was thrown at his head was very hard. Until the brain inside his head broke. That's why he died," the policeman told Maks."I actually didn't want you to die like this. But, this is all your doing. You took your life. If only you hadn't kidnapped my wife, then nothing would have happened today," Maks said to himself as he paid his last respects to Kenan, before Kenan's body was put into a body bag and taken to the police car.Maks knew all along that the crimes Kenan had committed against him and Siena were many, even beyond the bounds of reason as a human being. However, Maks was still saddened by Kenan's leaving today. Because, he is still the husband of Maks's sister-in-law, Flo.Maks
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"If everyone knows, then my wife's life is in danger. People will want to kidnap her," Maks told the police. He knew that Kenan and Liberto's motive for kidnapping Siena was to get the key to the inheritance from Mr. Ramos that was deliberately placed inside Siena's body, and Maks only found out about it today from Kenan. Besides, everyone would know that Maks was the owner of the Balt company and the richest man in the country.After hearing Maks' reasons for wanting to preserve his wife's life, the policeman understood and obeyed Maks' orders not to make the matter public."I don't want them to know my true identity. Just let Kenan and Liberto find out. Besides, they won't tell the public, because Kenan is dead, and Liberto won't do it because there's nothing in it for him," Maks said to himself. From today on, he would start to be careful of the people around him. He will keep his billionaire identity so that he can take revenge on Kev's family who once undermined his pride.***Ma
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Siena nodded in front of her husband. "Before I was conscious, I overheard the doctor explaining my condition to the male nurse. He told her that he was going to cut open my chest and take out a small key that was placed near my heart.""The doctor also told the male nurse that the key was an important key, which was the repository of my late father's wealth," Siena continued. She had also just learned this important information.Siena suddenly fell silent. She was sad because she remembered her father. She missed her father. She didn't think that her father deliberately kept this key inside her body just to leave an inheritance to Siena, and Siena knew now that her father's purpose for doing this was because he knew that none of Kev's family would accept if Siena got the inheritance."I understand that my father did this to me because he didn't trust his own family. He knew that Kev's family wouldn't like it if I got the inheritance, but unfortunately he didn't have time to tell me t
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No one dared to speak up in front of Mrs. Kev this time. They were all afraid because Mrs. Kev gave this prohibition in a very loud voice. That means, all of Kev's family is not allowed to do anything that Mrs. Kev forbids."Do you understand? Anyone who dares to come to the funeral, I will kick him or her out of this house!" threatened Mrs. Kev. She was currently girdling her loins, both eyes perfectly bulging.Mrs. Kev looked at Hera and Joddy. "Hera and Joddy, you focus on taking care of your business which will get a chance to be promoted along with Balt company's businesses! I want your businesses to be more perfect than Balt Company's!" Mrs. Kev warned Hera and Joddy.They just nodded their heads."The business promotion will be held this week, right? So, prepare everything perfectly! I don't want you to lose out to the others. Make me and the Kev family proud! This could be a way to regain the confidence of foreign and local investors. They'll flock to Kev's company and your bu
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"What can I do for you, Sir?" Arnold asked Maks. He was prepared to help carry out all of Maks' plans to avenge Mrs. Kev. This was because Arnold actually had an issue with Mrs. Kev. If it wasn't for his work with Bernard as a spy, Arnold would have quit his job long ago. Because, he was one of the bodyguards who witnessed Mrs. Kev's cruelty to her workers. She was a boss lady who was just like a monster."I have a good plan. I will report this voice recording to the organizers of the business exhibition. Then, Hera and Joddy's property business will be disqualified because they have committed fraud," Maks said, telling the organizers of the plan."We'll report to the organizing team when they've won the highest ratings, that way all the people in the country know that Kev's family is making trouble again," Maks continued. He couldn't wait to see the destruction of Kev's family who had once insulted and degraded his life."Well, Sir! I understand. I'm ready to help you do it," Arnold
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Mrs. Brew covered her mouth with one hand. Her eyes were perfectly round. She was very surprised when her husband told her this important thing. She didn't expect that her biological sister kept so many gold bars under the storeroom."Really? You're not making this up, right?" Mrs. Brew asked for confirmation.Mr. Brew shook his head quickly. "No, Dear. I really saw it very clearly. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my cell phone with me last night. So, I couldn't take a video of the huge amount of gold bars."Mrs. Brew was silent for a moment as she smiled slyly. She was thinking of an evil plan to get all those gold bars. Actually, she had been very jealous of the life of her older siblings who lived with a lot of money. Meanwhile, she was just living in Kev's family home. She had asked Mrs. Kev for wealth, but Mrs. Kev never gave it to her. Mrs. Brew is only nice in front of Mrs. Kev. Behind her back, she was working together with her husband to plan evil things.Mrs. Brew folded her a
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That man is Joddy. Mrs. Kev's second son-in-law, who was Hera's husband. Before, he overheard Mr. Brew and his wife talking about that important matter. Apparently, Mr. Brew's voice could be heard by Joddy outside their bedroom door."I got new information! This is very important news. I must be able to get the gold bar before it is taken by Uncle Brew." Joddy said in his heart. After hearing everything, Joddy went to his room. However, he didn't tell his wife, Hera. Joddy wanted to get all the gold bars by himself.Joddy was a manipulative man. He married Hera just to get his hands on all of Kev's family wealth."Finally, soon I will be the richest man in the country! Because I'm going to have a lot of gold bars. Ha ha ha!" Joddy said that to himself while in his room. His laughter was loud. However, no one heard him because his private room was soundproof."What did you just say, Honey? Why are you laughing to yourself?" Hera asked her husband. Hera suddenly walked into Joddy's priv
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