All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
235 chapters
Mrs. Kev didn't miss Siena at all. In fact, she almost hated Siena. It was very strange. Her affection for Siena was not that great. Not like her affection for Flo and Hera. But whenever Mrs. Kev realized that, she didn't want to bother. She didn't want to think about those things. She always didn't care about those thoughts.Meanwhile, in Siena and Maks' luxurious house, Siena was sitting on the balcony of her room looking at the stars twinkling in the sky. She was daydreaming about her future. Her life at the moment is already overflowing with wealth. Whatever she wanted could definitely be realized. Siena felt lonely even though she had a husband who loved her very much and also loved her. However, Siena still thinks about her family. She actually misses her mother even though her mother always insults and is mean to her. Siena still loved her mother because she knew that was her mother's true nature.On the other hand, Siena also missed her two older siblings. Yesterday, she had h
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Siena smiled at her husband. She almost laughed because Maks' face looked funny, as Maks had just woken up."It's okay, darling. I just wanted to breathe the night air. It's so hot in the room," Siena replied.Maks immediately looked at the room. "Is our air conditioner off? So if it's hot?" asked Maks worriedly.Siena shook her head. "No, honey. Our AC isn't broken. It's just that I want to catch the night breeze and look at the stars. They look beautiful in the sky," replied Siena looking for an excuse. In fact, she hadn't been sleeping well lately, she was always restless thinking about her family.Maks immediately answered what his wife said because he was worried about Siena. "Honey, the night breeze is not good for your health. Let's just go inside the room."Maks loved Siena very much. He didn't want his wife to get sick just because she was exposed to the night breeze that was not healthy for the body. But Sena shook her head. "No, dear. I'm not sleepy yet. Besides, I've only
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"No, sweetheart. I'm not crying. Why are you so suspicious of me? Don't you trust me?" Siena asked.Maks let out his breath. "It's not that I don't trust you, Honey. You know how much I love you. I wouldn't have the heart to let you be sad. I need to know what's causing your sadness?" Maks said to Siena.Maka's love for Siena was so sincere. According to him, Siena is a girl who accepts him as he is. They met when Maks was still working as a street sweeper on the side of the road. Like a Princess in a fairy tale who loves a poor man. That's how Siena is. That's why Maka still maintains her relationship with Siena until now, because Siena is very precious to her."No. I've never been sad, darling. I'm happy living with you right now," Siena said. She had to convince her husband.Actually, Siena was not the type of wife who liked to lie to her husband. So she couldn't actually lie to Maks. But because this was a very sensitive matter to her, that's why Siena had to keep it to herself. A
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Maks smiled. His smile was the smile of a man who had won a match.Maks stood up from the chair. Then he said to Siena. "Honey, I will go to the CCTV room to check it out. You can come with me. But if you don't come, you wait here or in the room," Maks said to his wife whom he loved very much.Then Maks walked out of the room. He headed for the backmost room. It was a special room for CCTV monitors throughout the room that had cameras installed.Meanwhile, Siena swallowed her own saliva. She was confused and anxious. She had guessed that her husband would find out that Siena was crying. Because it was very clear that Siena had tears in her eyes."What if he finds out that I'm crying? Oh my God! Why is this happening?" Siena closed her eyes and felt frustrated.Siena knew that if her husband found out that she was crying, Maks wouldn't be angry with her. It was just that Siena was embarrassed for lying to her husband. Siena knew that Maks didn't like lies. Not only Maks, maybe all huma
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Siena shook her head softly. "No, I won't. I'm not going to visit them." She actually wanted to play at Kev's house. But she felt fresh with her husband if she accepted the offer.However, since Maks was a sensitive and very good husband, he understood what his wife was thinking at the moment. He still forced Siena to go there."Go, dear. I gave you permission. Don't waste this opportunity. If you don't go there then I will be disappointed with you too, because you have refused my orders," Maks said. He deliberately said that so that his wife would visit her mother's house to let go of missing all of Kev's family.The next day, Siena decided to visit Kev's family home. She didn't dare, but she was sure that her mother would be able to accept her.After Siema knocked on the door, the main room opened. She immediately stepped in. There was already a family gathering inside, and they were surprised to see Siena come back into the house. But no one dared to greet her.Mrs. Kev came out of
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Maks immediately ordered Bernard and Bernard's confidants to help him find Siena. Maks was very worried about Siena.After several hours of waiting for Bernard to get information, Bernard finally came before Maks and told him the chronology and where Siena had gone,"Sir, I got information through the CCTV around Kev's house that we have checked, that miss Siena was kidnapped by a man who wore a mask on his face. he took miss Siena to get into a black sedan car and then took her away." Bernard explained in detail. Maks was so shocked that he stood up and gaped."Did you see what their license plate number was? Maks asked. Because, it could be used as a clue to track their current whereabouts.Bernard nodded. "That's right, sir. We've also tracked them down. Miss Siena has been taken to an area quite far from here. It's about an hour away.""Let's go there now! Don't forget to prepare your rifles and other weapons! I'll kill them if they dare to hurt my wife!" Maks ordered Bernard. Sin
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The clock struck 8pm. Without thinking, Maks immediately rushed to visit the old building. The place where they took Siena today. Maks had been looking for her, because the police had helped to track her down. However, Maks secretly didn't want to be helped by the police. He decided to do it himself because he wanted to directly shoot the people who had kidnapped Siena. Maks' heart could not bear to see his wife die in vain at the hands of the criminals.Maks drove the car at high speed. He didn't care. The most important thing was that Siena was safe.In less than an hour, Maks had arrived at this building. The outside looked dark with no lighting. Silence reigned supreme this night."Sir, don't act alone. It's dangerous for you, sir," Bernard wrote in a text message that I only skimmed."We and a group will visit the place, sir. Wait for us," he added. Bernard had paid some urang to guard him and his boss. Unfortunately, Maks was stubborn. He couldn't listen to Bernard today who had
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"Alright. Let's start splitting up," Maks ordered as he organized the plan. He didn't yet know the motive for kidnapping his wife, but the most important thing was that he had to help her."Think of it as a mission," Maks told the group of ten trained members. Bernard had deliberately sought out trained young men to protect his boss."Yes, sir." they replied in unison.They began to split up to find where the kidnappers were holding the fake Siena hostage. Maks just wanted to know what the motive was, surely they were hiding the real Siena too.The larger this place got the darker every room became."Master, they're here!" one of them shouted. The source of the voice was on Maks' right side.They immediately ran towards the source of the voice."We only found this woman, sir. We didn't find Miss. Siena," Bernard said. Then Maks immediately looked at the woman. Apparently, it was just a doll that looked very much like a human. They put on the same clothes as Siena's.Maks's cell phone
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"You must be surprised how I got out of prison and found out that you were the hidden CEO of Balt's company, right?" Kenan asked Maks. Maks was silent, he was actually very curious. "I was helped by your stepbrother! He told me everything! And he asked me to cooperate in seizing the position of Balt Company to be owned by him. Then, I will have Siena's hidden inheritance!" Kenan whispered that into Maks' ear. Maks was shocked, he didn't expect that Liberto, his stepbrother, was planning all of this. It turns out that all this time Liberto wanted this position to fall to him. Then, someone's footsteps were heard. It was Liberto. The young man was wearing a neat black suit, like a boss. "Hi, brother, we haven't seen each other for a while, right?" Liberto greeted Maks. Liberto is the biological son of Mrs. Sarah who is Maks' stepmother. Liberto often went back to Italy because he studied there. However, Maks found out recently that Liberto had graduated from college last month. Repo
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Liberto laughed very contentedly in front of Maks when Maks asked about his wife's whereabouts."You miss your wife already? You haven't been separated for 24 hours! Wow, you must love her a lot, right?" Liberto deliberately said that in front of Maks so that Maks could be provoked by his emotions.Liberto looked at Kenan, they were laughing at Maks."Can I taste your wife? Just ask her to do a blow job? Because, your wife's lips are very tempting to me!" said Kenan who had lewd intentions towards Siena.Maks had really lost his temper. He was furious to hear Kenan's words. Maks immediately took a few steps forward to approach Kenan. Then, he hit Kenan's face until it was battered.Kenan became helpless because he was not given a chance by Maks to fight back. Kenan also had no chance to protect himself from Maks' attack. Because Maks attacked him suddenly, quickly, and mercilessly. Kenan's screams of pain sounded loud. Maks still didn't care about that. He did not accept it if Kenan d
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