All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
235 chapters
"Mom, I managed to get Hera out of prison on a few conditions," said Joddy. Since yesterday he had been fighting hard to get his wife out of prison. Joddy had to do that in order to get praise from his mother-in-law that he was a responsible husband."Really? What are the conditions?" asked Mrs. Kev."Pay the fine, and I've already paid it. Then, the police said the important thing is that Hera must comply with the reporter's request, which is Siena. Hera must be able to get her to negotiate for peace," Joddy explained to her mother-in-law."So? What are you going to do? Will you visit Siena's house? But how? We don't know Siena's residential address." Mrs. Kev shrugged her shoulders, as if she didn't know it either."No, Mom. Our lawyer has already spoken to Mr. Johny as Siena's personal lawyer. There are a few things Hera has to do to get Siena to drop her charges against the police," Joddy said. Her face began to indicate that something was bothering her, and it was understood by h
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Bernard smiled at everyone in the room when the man with the microphone called his name. He was seated at the very front and in line with the CEOs of the other companies. Some of the CEOs asked about the condition of Mr. Baltasar who had never appeared in public until now. Bernard explained in accordance with Maks' orders, that Mr. Balthasar was abroad for treatment. So for all the affairs of the Balt company and its branches are handled by Bernard.Bernard happened to be sitting next to Mrs. Kev. Bernard smiled at Mrs. Kev, but Mrs. Kev averted her eyes."Damn! He's indifferent to me. I regret smiling at her, even though I had forgotten about yesterday's problem," Bernard said inwardly when he saw Mrs. Kev who did not smile back.Mrs. Kev still felt hurt by Bernard a few weeks ago. And she has hated Bernard ever since. She thought Bernard couldn't work with her."How are you, Mrs. Kev? It's been a while," Bernard said, trying to say hello to Mrs. Kev even though the old woman didn't
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Everyone in the room applauded loudly after hearing that Balt's company's property business had won the finals. Bernard immediately stood up and politely smiled at the crowd."The Balt company deserves this win!" shouted Cheng Win in support of the Balt company he admired so much, and all the visitors applauded even more. Except for Kev's family, none of them applauded. They were silent and still had confused expressions on their faces. This was because Kev's family had previously confirmed that Joddy's property company would get the highest rating out of any other company's business. However, what happened this time? It wasn't Joddy's business company that was the winner!"Please Mr. Bernard come on stage," the organizer asked.Bernard walked elegantly onto the stage. Everyone was happy to see Bernard's authority as the manager of Balt's company. However, Mrs. Kev hates him even more.Meanwhile, Joddy is still wondering why his business is not the winner in the finalization?The man
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Everyone in the room was silent. Some of them were surprised that Kev's family was cheating. "Hurry up and say it! What kind of cheating did Kev's family do? Tell us quickly! We can't wait to hear it." Cheng Win said like that. He didn't expect that the Kev family that Mrs. Kev introduced earlier was cheating. In fact, Mrs. Kev introduced her family to Cheng Win very proudly. Mrs. Kev said that her family has a lot of achievements to be proud of, besides that their businesses are circulating everywhere and all of them are successful. At first, Cheng Win was very impressed by Mrs. Kev's words. In fact, she had wanted to become the Kev family's business partner. But at this time, Cheng Win abandoned his intention. He does not like anyone who has cheated. The man who was the organizer of the event exposed all the cheating that had been done by the Kev family in detail, according to what Maks had told him. Suddenly everyone in the room was very annoyed to hear it. "Mrs. Kev! Your fami
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Mrs. Brew ran straight to her sister who was suddenly unconscious. She looked panicked because it was unusual for Mrs. Kev to be like this. Despite Mrs. Kev's old age, the old lady always took care of her health, and her happiness was very good. In fact, Mrs. Kev was one of those people who were at a distance from illness. She was sick only once in her entire life, and only for a short period of time. "Help! Help!" shouted Mrs. Brew as she held Mrs. Kev's head in her lap. She had shaken her sister's body, but Mrs. Kev still didn't wake up. None of the people in the room were helping Mrs. Kev, they had expressions of displeasure on their faces. Mr. Brew who was Mrs. Kev's brother-in-law came over, he came with two of Mrs. Kev's personal bodyguards. Then, they carried Mrs. Kev's body and took her out of the building, they were going to take Mrs. Kev to the hospital."We will still take legal action against them. We will report them to the police," the organizing committee told the au
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"What's the important thing, Dad?" asked Maks curiously. He sat in the chair next to his father. Mr. Baltasar began to put on a serious face and looked straight ahead." I think you need to make a public confession about your real identity. Everyone needs to know that you are my only son and the heir to my fortune," Mr. Baltasar said to his son.Maks wrinkled his forehead. He didn't understand why his father suddenly asked him such a thing. "Sorry, what happened before, Dad? Why did you ask me to tell the public my real identity?" Maks looked at his father to wait for his father's answer.Mr. Baltasar turned to his son. "Because, I can't see you being humiliated by Kev's family. I can't wait to see Kev's family shocked and bowing at your feet once they find out that you are the owner of the Balt company and are the richest man in the country.""Before I die, I want to see that. I want to see you respected by everyone as my heir," Mr. Baltasar continued.Mr. Balthasar was lost in thoug
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Maks nodded when he heard the order from his father. "Well, Dad. I'm planning a child with my wife. Please be patient, I promise to give you a grandchild soon, Father." Maks tried to calm his father down.Mr. Baltasar couldn't wait to have a grandchild. He realized that he was old, he wanted to spend his old age with a grandchild. "Okay. I'll wait for good news from you, Maks."Maks went back to his house while thinking of ideas on how he could show his identity to the public."I have to start making plans," Maks said to himself.Maks arrived at his house. He saw Siena smiling cheerfully at her cell phone screen, and it made Maks curious. "What is my wife watching?" Maks asked in his heart while frowning."Honey, I'm home." Maks told his wife that he had returned home.Siena immediately turned to Maks. "Why so soon? Is my father-in-law okay?"Siena already knew that her husband was returning from Tuah Baltasar's house. Because, Maks had told his wife, they were a couple who always gav
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Maks shook his head softly. He gently rejected his wife's invitation. "No, Honey. Because, I have a lot of work to do today. I'll ask our two bodyguards to escort you to meet with Hera. Is it okay if I don't come with you, Honey?" Maks asked his wife to make sure. He could not come with his wife to the building to witness Hera apologize by kissing Siena's feet in person. Siena smiled. Her smile was the smile of a wife who understood her husband's busy schedule. Fortunately, Siena is not the type of wife who is spoiled for her husband. Siena always supports whatever work Maks does, she is an independent woman who can still do anything without her husband's help. However, as a responsible husband, Maks would always order two of his strongest bodyguards to accompany Siena wherever she went."It's okay, Sweetheart. I totally understand how busy you are. Just finish your work today," Siena replied while holding both of Maks' shoulders and rubbing them repeatedly. Maks returned his wife's
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Then, Hera's private lawyer answered the reporter's question. Of course the answer he gave was not true. Because yesterday Mrs. Kev only pretended to be unconscious. She did that in order to survive the bullying of everyone in the room. "Mrs. Kev has recovered, so today she can go wherever she wants," the man replied.Siena immediately denied it. "Hey, how much did Kev's family pay you to help them? Was he really unconscious yesterday? I doubt that. My hunch is that she was just pretending to faint," Siena said to Hera's private lawyer. Siena understood her mother's nature very well. She was sure that Mrs. Kev had only pretended to faint yesterday so that she could avoid the rage of the visitors in the room. Siena was very familiar with the character of her mother who was very cunning. Mrs. Kev could do anything so that she could avoid the impact of the crimes she had committed.The man who was Hera's private lawyer was silent for a moment. He looked at Hera and his jeweled gaze see
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In the morning, Maks returned to his office to work. He was still disguised as a cleaning service. This is because he hasn't had the idea to reveal his identity to the public despite his father's urging. Maks cleaned the glass on the terrace. In the eyes of all the employees in Balt's company, he is a very diligent cleaning service, because he always comes before other employees. This made Maks an example of a kind-hearted employee, but not all employees liked Maks. There are some of them who are jealous of Maks, they think that Maks comes first to the office just because he wants to get praise from his boss. In fact, Maks came to the office early because he wanted to monitor all his employees, even Maks knew who were the employees who were often late and absent but they faked their attendance. Maks promised himself, if everyone already knows his identity, then Maks will fire employees who commit such fraud.However, lately Maks is often bullied by three male employees who serve as ad
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