All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
235 chapters
Mrs. Kev suddenly fell silent when Gaston said that. Gaston's request was quite burdensome for Mrs. Kev. Because Siena no longer lives in the Kev house. Seeing Mrs. Kev who was silent and had not responded to Gaston's request, Gaston immediately spoke to Mrs. Kev again. "How about it, Mrs. Kev? Can you agree to my request? If you want me to help your company get back on its feet, then you need to comply with my request."Gaston had loved Siena for a long time. Even though Siena already had a husband, Gaston couldn't forget her. Even though Gaston's life is always surrounded by beautiful girls. But it's still hard for him to forget Siena. His desire to become Siena's husband was so strong that he even moved to America just to forget Siena. But he failed to forget Siena. So he returned to his home country, his goal was only one, which was to get Siena from her husband. "I've been waiting for your promise to me. You promised to separate Siena and Maks, so that Siena could marry me. Bu
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Mrs. Kev cleared her throat for a moment, "Uhmm."Then Mrs. Kev answered Gaston's question. "Siena left this house a long time ago, she ran away with her husband and went nowhere. But you can rest easy. I can definitely get her and make her divorce with her husband. Then after that Siena will be able to marry you." Mrs. Kev tried to calm Gaston down that everything would be fine and she would be able to get Sienna for Gaston. Gaston's brow furrowed. He did not expect before that Siena had not lived in this house for a long time. He thought that Siena was still part of this family. "Really? No wonder I saw her having problems with her second sister on social media. Hera's apology video has gone viral. I thought that Siena was still living in this house. It turns out that she had already left this house. I just found out this time." Gaston remembered yesterday when he saw the viral video of Hera's apology kissing Siena's feet. He had seen Siena's face in the video, he thought Siena wa
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Not only Jack, Krish also participated in torturing Maks. "Tell me quickly! What did you do to Mr. Bernard for him to trust you?" Krish asked him, yelling at him. Maks shook his head. "I didn't do anything until Mr. Bernard made me his confidant. You guys just ask Mr. Bernard why he made me his confidant! Don't ask me this!" Maks answered very firmly. Krish slapped Maks' face. By now both of Maks' cheeks were red. Hans also joined in bullying Maks. "We want you out of the company Balt! You should resign as a cleaning service worker! Because we don't want you to be a cleaning service worker until tomorrow.""That's right! You should resign from Balt's company! Because we're so sick of seeing you pretend to act like a good person in front of boss Bernard! Do you know? That you are senior to us, but we never seek attention from our boss. Whereas you, who is still a new employee there, you have the nerve to approach Boss Bernard!" Krish added to Hans' words. "You know, we often do thi
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Bernard, felt sorry for his boss who was being bullied by his own employees. Bernard was eager to punish the three men. However, Maks told him that there would be a day when the three of them would be dishonorably discharged and Maks would avenge the bullying they did to him today. "They've been doing things like this to every new employee who works here for a long time. It seems that they value seniority, they just want old employees like them to work in our company so that their salaries will be higher," Maks told Bernard the new information he had gotten. Maks had finished putting on the pants Bernard had given him."They're all bastards, Sir! I didn't expect that they would commit a crime like this. Really, I didn't know anything before. Sir, please forgive me for this incident. They are all my employees, it should be my duty as their boss to guide them to be good attitude employees, but I failed to do that," Bernard said, feeling responsible for the bullying incident committed b
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Mrs. Brew was completely speechless after hearing the answer from Siena. "Why are you silent? It's true, isn't it?" Siena asked to confirm.Mrs. Brew answered while forced to smile. "No, Siena. I still think of you as my niece, the one who kicked you out of the house and didn't think of you as Kev's family anymore was your own mother, not me. No matter how you are, I still think of you as my niece," Mrs. Brew replied in her soft voice.Mrs. Brew's soft voice and good choice of words when she spoke to Siena, made Siena suspicious of why Mrs. Brew was different to her today? Mrs. Brew's attitude was not like before. Every time Mrs. Brew and Siena met before, Mrs. Brew always answered the harsh words that Siena threw at her. Besides that, Mrs. Brew usually always vented her emotions to Siena. Sometimes she was also angry and had a very annoyed facial expression towards Siena.Siena smiled briefly, she was already suspicious of this aunt. Siena already thought that Mrs. Brew had a plan f
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"What a weird girl! She wants to try to trick me! I can't be tricked by anyone, let alone taken advantage of. I'm not the Siena I used to be. I'm different," Siena said to herself. She went back to shopping for household needs.*** At Balt's office, a luxury car was parked in front of the terrace. A dashing man wearing sunglasses walked into Balt's office. All the employees of Balt's company were stunned to see that the man was Gaston. He is a male celebrity who has been living in America for the past few months. All the female employees screamed hysterically when they saw him, some of them immediately approached Gaston to ask for a photo. Gaston took off his glasses elegantly, he smiled at all the employees who were approaching him.Meanwhile, Maks, who was still mopping the floor in the room, was surprised and curious. "Who are they ganging up on?" Maks asked himself when he saw all the female employees ganging up on someone.Maks walked over to see who was in the middle of the fem
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Bernard nodded as he understood and appreciated what Gaston said. Even though Bernard didn't like it, he really appreciated the person speaking. According to Bernard, it is not easy to listen to someone speak. But it is very easy for people to talk without listening. This is because listening is a difficult activity for humans to do. Most humans cannot listen well, but they are able to change speech, information, or even create hoax news. "Then, why do you want to cooperate with Balt's company, Mr. Gaston? If you want to make our country's businessmen successful, then you should help small businesses that may lack capital, or have no business innovation. I think you can help them," said Bernard. According to him, if that was Gaston's goal, then he should not have invited the cooperation of the Balt company, which is already quite successful in this country. The Balt company really doesn't need to be helped by any business or company. Because the Balt company has always been able to s
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Bernard began to see his suspicions in Gaston. A businessman will seek benefits for his company or business if they cooperate with other companies. But unlike Gaston, he gave a lot of profit to the company that provided capital to his company. It was very strange, and Bernard already suspected that Gaston had bad intentions for Balt's company."Strange! He claims that his business in America has received many prestigious awards. However, when talking to me he doesn't understand what cooperation is. He looks stupid in front of me!" Bernard said in his heart to comment on Gaston.Gaston still looked calm in front of Bernard. Although what he said made Bernard very suspicious. Then, Gaston explained back to Bernard with his elegant style again. He didn't feel guilty at all because he was sure of his words. He was sure that Bernard believed him. Gaston thought that Bernard was just an ordinary man who was stupid and could be tempted by money. In fact, it was not like that. Mr. Baltasar di
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"Okay, thank you for your kindness in offering to give me money to visit you in Paris. Thank you, Mr. Gaston," Bernard said condescendingly. Bernard actually felt that Gaston was very arrogant. He thought that Bernard didn't have the money to go to Paris. Even though Bernard had a lot of money and the salary he got from being Maks's personal assistant was quite a lot, but Gaston looked down on Bernard. Gaston continued his utterance again, he continued to explain the system of cooperation that he offered to Bernard. "Mr. Bernard, if you are interested in working with me then you have to put in $50,000 dollars first, then it will triple in about 4 or 5 years. That would be a great investment for Balt's company." Bernard just smiled at that. He nodded in appreciation of Gaston speaking. "How about it, Mr. Bernard? Are you interested?" asked Gaston. Then he was already sure that Bernard would be tempted by that much money and would immediately accept his offer of cooperation. Berna
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Even though Gaston had said such things, Maks still put on a cool face in front of Gaston. He still shook his head and said that he didn't know Gaston. Hearing this, Gaston was annoyed. Because, actually he doesn't like it when people don't recognize him. Gaston likes to be famous."Really, you are very stupid if you don't recognize who I am!" Gaston said to Maks. Then, Gaston's words were responded to by Maks. "Sorry, why would I be stupid if I don't know you? Why should I know you? Are you an influential person in this country? I think, you're not." Maks deliberately ventured to respond to Gaston's very arrogant words. "It's true what Bernard told me, that Gaston is very annoying. He is a very arrogant person!" Maks said in his heart. He recalled what Bernard had said about Gaston. Yesterday, Bernard had reported to Maks all about Gaston and what he had said to Bernard, and now Maks could judge Gaston's personality directly, that the man was really someone who was arrogant and want
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