All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
235 chapters
Gaston almost wanted to punch Maks in the face, but suddenly Bernard came over to them. From a distance Bernard saw his boss and Gaston facing off. Bernard figured that Gaston must have thrown a tantrum to humiliate Maks."Good morning, Mr. Gaston. Can I help you? Why did you come to this office so early?" asked Bernard to say good morning. Then asked what Gaston's purpose was for coming so early in the morning. Even though it was only yesterday that Gaston visited Balt's office.Gaston then turned to Bernard who was standing right next to him. "Good morning, Mr. Bernard," Gaston replied. "I came here to collect your promise. What about yesterday's conversation? Did you get the results?" Gaston smiled at Bernard. He couldn't wait to find out what Mr. Baltasar's response would be to the cooperation that Gaston offered to Balt's company."Let's talk about it in my room, Mr. Gaston," said Bernard inviting Gaston to enter his room. Because, it was impossible for them to talk about busines
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Bernard frowned, intrigued by Gaston's remark that he would benefit greatly from helping Kev's family's business and finances. How is that possible? Meanwhile, Kev's entire family business had gone bankrupt. What could they give to Gaston? That was the question Bernard had in his mind at the moment. "How could they? What benefits will the Kev family give you if you help them, Mr. Gaston?" Bernard reflexively asked Gaston that question. He thought that Gaston would keep it a secret, but he did not. Instead, Gaston would gladly tell Bernard the benefits.Gaston approached Bernard and whispered something in Bernard's ear. "If I can help Kev's family business that has gone bankrupt, then Mrs. Kev will give me her youngest daughter. She will soon become my wife!" Gaston said that proudly. He smiled, showing a row of teeth.Bernard was dumbfounded for a moment. Because, Mrs. Kev's youngest daughter was Siena, and Bernard knew that Siena was the wife of his boss, Maks. "That's a crazy adva
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When she read the message, Siena was hesitant at first. But because there were photos of Mrs. Kev who was dying and her body was filled with medical equipment, Siena believed that her mother was in a critical condition. So without saying goodbye to Maks, Siena immediately got ready to come to the Kev family home to see her mother. She left without being escorted by bodyguards."Miss Siena, where are you going? I'll escort you," said one of the bodyguards when he saw Siena entering the car and looking rushed. Siea immediately shook her head. "No need. I'll go alone." Then, Siena started the car engine, and she drove the car alone. In fact, this was the first week she was riding alone after several weeks of learning to drive a car privately.On the way to her mother's house, Siena kept thinking bad thoughts. She was afraid that her mother would die. Siena actually loved her mother very much, but because her mother always made trouble and became the most annoying person, Siena was forced
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1 hour later.Siena woke up after 1 hour of unconsciousness. She slowly opened her eyes. Her head still hurt. But, she remembered the previous incident when she broke into Kev's house and someone put a handkerchief over her mouth. After that, she didn't remember anything. Siena looked around the room. She seemed to recognize this room. "Where am I? I seem to know where this is," Siena said to herself. Then, she got up from her sleep. Although her walk was still staggered, but she wanted to know more and remember where she was at the moment.When Siena stood up, she saw a photo when she was a child with her father. A photo was on the bedside table, right next to the bed. "Now I remember where I am," Siena said to herself. This place was her room in Kev's family home. This room had been unused since she became an adult. This was just the room when she was a child until her teens, and in this room were many of her memories with her father. Siena walked over to a sweet picture. It was a
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Mrs. Kev's two bodyguards obeyed her orders. They immediately caught Siena. Then brought Siena into the room that Siena had been in when she fainted. Siena was certainly very rebellious. She tried to free herself from the capture of the two burly men. However, she always failed to escape because the two men were very strong. So, Siena could only swear at her mother."YOU'RE A LIAR, KEV! I HATE YOU!" Siena cursed at her mother, she no longer called her mother 'mom'. Because, she was very upset at this time. She had believed that her mother was seriously ill, but apparently she was lied to. And right now, she was treated like an inhuman.Mrs. Kev smiled. She felt happy to see Siena feeling such torment. Mrs. Kev followed the two bodyguards who brought Siena into the room. Both hands on her chest, she said to Siena. "You have dared to fight me. Well, I won't think of you as a child anymore. That's good!"Siena spat at the spot under Mrs. Kev's feet. "I have nothing to lose or grieve when
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Siena screamed for help as Mrs. Kev, Mrs. Brew and her husband left the room. In the room there was only Gaston and her. Siena was very scared. Because, Gaston began to take off his clothes and only wore underwear. He came closer to Siena and started groping Siena's beautiful body. "What are you doing to me?" Siena asked rudely. Her eyes glared at Gaston. Meanwhile, Gaston smiled at Siena. "Hi, Siena. It's been a long time since we met. I miss you. Apparently, you're getting prettier." Gaston said that while holding both of Siena's shoulders and slowly wanted to undress Siena. Siena rebelled. She moved with all her might to untie herself from the rope. The goal was also to prevent Gaston from undressing her. "Do you want me to open your clothes intimately, or do you open them yourself?" asked Gaston seductively. The expression on his face made Siena very disgusted. "Let go me! Let go! I don't want to be touched by a perverted man like you!" Siena screamed. Until finally, Gaston f
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Today, Bernard was at Maks's house. He was sitting next to Maks, and he saw the expression on Maks's face which looked very angry while staring at his cell phone screen. That made Bernard curious. What was wrong with his boss?"Boss, are you okay?" Bernard asked to make sure. Maks immediately turned to Bernard, and he showed his phone screen. Bernard squinted his eyes to get a clear view of what Maks was showing. To Bernard's surprise, it was a photo of Siena lying on the bed wearing only a bra. While there was a man next to her, he was a shirtless Gaston. Gaston was smiling as he took the selfie. "He's insolent!" Maks said imagining Gaston's face. He certainly didn't accept that his wife was treated like that."Do you think my wife is having an affair with him? Siena didn't permisssion to me today. I thought she was in the room sleeping. I don't even know when she left this house!" Maks's eyes were already red. He already thought that his wife had cheated on him. This was because M
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Gaston came out of Siena's room after taking a selfie with Siena and sending it to Maks. He was happy that Siena and Maks were finally getting a divorce. His purpose in sending the photo was to make Maks misunderstand and think that his wife had cheated on him with Gaston. Fortunately, Gaston did not touch Siena's body even though she was only wearing a bra and was unconscious on the bed. Gaston put his shirt back on and reunited with Mrs. Kev. "Thank you for this cooperation bag, Mrs. Kev. I am very lucky to have a partner like you."Mrs. Kev smiled back at Gaston. "You're welcome. Don't forget our previous agreement, that you will give me money, and you will help me to revive all my businesses that have gone bankrupt." Mrs. Kev reminded Gaston again. In fact, she was actually looking forward to receiving the money that Gaston was going to give her. Because, Mrs. Kev could not bear to live in bankruptcy for so long like this.Gaston smiled, he approached the old woman and patted her
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Gaston arrived at Balt's office excited. Because, finally, the day he was waiting for had arrived. Mr. Baltasar would give him the money and accept the cooperation he had offered Bernard a few days ago."Mr. Gaston, Mr. Bernard asked you directly to meet him in his room," a female employee said to Gaston, and the man immediately walked to Bernard's room with a cheerful face. The door opened, Gaston entered Bernard's room, and he impolitely sat in front of Bernard by raising his legs straight up on the guest table. This made Bernard secretly annoyed with Gaston. Because, Bernard doesn't like people who have a bad attitude like Gaston. However, Bernard held back his annoyance. "Uhmm... Good afternoon, Mr. Gaston." Bernard said that first to Gaston. Then, Gaston just nodded, he couldn't wait to receive the money. "Don't mince words, Mr. Bernard. Just quickly hand over the money to me, so that we can process this cooperation." Gaston pushed Bernard a little. There wasn't much time, beca
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Gaston's face at this moment was very upset. He didn't expect that Balt's company would interfere with Maks' life. So Gaston boldly complained to Bernard, "Why does Balt's company interfere with the personal affairs of its clients and employees? Isn't that forbidden? Why are you interfering with my personal life? It's none of your business!" Gaton expressed his frustration through Bernard, while Bernard was certainly not affected by Gaston's frustration, because his goal was only one: to get Gaston to let Siena go. "That's our responsibility as a workplace for employees. They make this company their refuge," Bernard replied. Then, Gaston's annoyed face asked Bernard a serious question. "Well, what happens if I don't take this money?" Gaston pointed at the amount of money inside the square suitcase.Bernard raised one eyebrow, he thought Gaston was smart to ask. So Bernard answered with more precision, "It's okay. However, be prepared because you will be reported to the police by our
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