All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
235 chapters
Gaston felt defeated at the moment, but he had no other choice but to let Siena go. Bernard immediately smiled, earlier he had also guessed that Gaston would give up. "How do I let her go? Will someone pick her up at Kev's house? If there is, please don't bring the police," Gaston said. He was afraid that if this news spread to social media and all his fans would be disappointed in him. As an influencer, Gaston doesn't want to be seen as bad. He must maintain his good name, because only from being an inflluencer will he get endorsements and make money. "Why, can you guarantee Siena's safety if she is not escorted by the police?" asked Bernard. He deliberately said that because he knew the worries that Gaston was thinking about. Gaston answered Bernard's question quickly before he ordered the police to escort Siena. "Mr. Bernard, do you know who I am? I am a famous celebrity. If you bring the police to help Siena get out of Kev's house, then all the media will spotlight me. They wil
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Gaston already knew that Bernard and Maks were visiting Kev's family home. He was told by his spies. As it turned out, Gaston found out that Bernard had brought many reporters to Kev's house. Of course Gaston panicked, what if Mrs. Kev told the reporters that she was working with Gaston? Surely the news would spread all over the media, and it would be bad for Gaston's career in the world of social media.So, holding back his anger, Gaston immediately contacted Bernard and tried to drive all the reporters away from covering the news of Siena's kidnapping. "Hello? Bernard?" said Gaston when Bernard picked up the phone. Gaston put his cell phone to his ear, he felt uneasy and kept walking back and forth while talking to Bernard on the phone.Bernard, who was still standing on the terrace of the family home, received a call from Gaston. He could clearly hear Gaston's voice yelling at Bernard. "You broke your promise to me! You said that you wouldn't bring anyone to Kev's house when you p
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Mrs. Kev could only remain silent when Bernard said that. She tried to contain her anger. She couldn't defend herself anymore as usual, because Bernard and Maks already knew that she was hiding Siena in this house. Not long after that, Maks found his wife in the room adjacent to the kitchen. The room was like a warehouse. Maks immediately went in there and approached his wife. Maks panicked, because Siena was found wearing only panties and a bra. "Honey, I came here to pick you up," Maks said to his wife. He hugged Siena very tightly. After that, Maks helped Siena to put her clothes back on. Siena looked limp, her face very pale. She was completely helpless. Seeing his wife's condition like this, Maks was very angry at Mrs. Kev and Gaston. According to Maks, they were not human. Bernard entered the room to approach Maks and Siena. He came with some of the medical team, because he knew that Siena would soon need medical treatment first."Please take Siena to the ambulance, give her
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Balt Company Hall,"Mom, have you confirmed if Mr. Baltasar will lend us the money?" Hera asked her mother. She said that by whispering it into her mother's ear. This was because there were many people sitting near them. Hera was worried that her words would be heard by them.Mrs. Kev calmly nodded and immediately answered her daughter's question, "Yes. I contacted Mr. Baltasar, and spoke to him directly on the phone yesterday. He said he would lend us the money and help Kev's company recover from bankruptcy." The old woman was explaining to her second daughter. Hearing her mother's explanation, Hera was happy. At last, the Kev family's suffering would soon come to an end. Ever since Mrs. Kev kidnapped Siena and hid her in the Kev family home, the entire Kev family business had gone completely bankrupt because no one believed Mrs. Kev anymore. Reporters had spread the bad news all over social media, and it was heard overseas. So, the foreign investors who were still working with Kev'
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Mrs. Kev approached Hera and then whispered something in her second daughter's ear. "When I was a teenager, I was raped by Baltasar when he was drunk." After whispering that into Hera's ear, Mrs. Kev returned to her original position. She sat up straight with her eyes forward. She smiled proudly after telling Maks the secret of her past with her father.Hera clamped her mouth shut. She was shocked, because she did not expect that her own mother had a secret with Mr. Baltasar who was the richest man in the country. "Mom, I really didn't expect Mr. Baltasar's past to be that dark. I thought he was a really good and wise person. Really, this is an important secret that we must tell everyone in this country so that Mr. Baltasar's career in the business world is destroyed! We can use this as a tool to take revenge on Balt's company." Hera said excitedly."Yes. That is my plan!" replied Mrs. Kev while still looking straight ahead.About 60 years ago, when Mr. Baltasar and Mrs. Kev were teen
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"Welcome to the Balt company! Dear guests, thank you for coming to my company's 30th anniversary party," Mr. Baltasar said to all the guests. He gave a speech that was so mesmerizing and thoughtful that everyone in the room fell silent. They listened to Mr. Baltasar's speech well. They were all listening intently. Except for Mrs. Kev, the old woman didn't listen to Mr. Baltasar's speech, she just stayed silent while continuing to stare at Mr. Baltasar while remembering their past. It had been years since Mrs. Kev could shake off her love for Mr. Baltasar, and now that love had turned into hatred. Mr. Baltasar made a 5-minute speech. He had many important things to say about his achievements while owning a large company for 30 years. He also gave tips to business people on how to have a successful business for 30 years. In addition, he also shared the origins of how he was able to build his business and grow it. After he finished, all the guests applauded loudly. Then, Mr. Baltasar w
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Everyone was surprised. They had no idea that Mr. Baltasar had such a handsome son, and that he was Maks. All the employees of Balt's company were surprised. Because, they only found out at this time that Maks, who had been working as a cleaning service, was Mr. Baltasar's son and became his heir. Not only were they surprised, but especially Kev's entire family was also surprised. Mrs. Kev's facial expression was dumbfounded. "WHAT? WHY?" Mrs. Kev suddenly screamed. But, the sound of her scream was covered by the boisterous sound of applause. Yes, after everyone was shocked to learn this fact, they felt proud that Maks was the heir to a fortune who was humble and not arrogant. On stage, he always smiled and even waved his hand at all the guests. All of Kev's family were dumbfounded. All this time they didn't know Maks' true identity."He is my only son. So, he will inherit all my wealth and all my companies," added Mr. Baltasar proudly. He was always smiling and proudly introduced M
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Then, Maks came closer. He said again to Mrs. Kev, "Please hear this carefully, Mrs. Kev. About your request to my father, I won't give you any money! If you want to threaten to spread my father's secret with you in the past, go ahead and spread it! But, remember one thing. I'll spread your biggest secret first. I know you were a prostitute when you were young. I'll tell everyone about it! Are you ready to hear everyone ridicule you? Are you ready to hear people say that you're a prostitute?"Maks said that to Mrs. Kev while smiling victoriously. He was very satisfied now that he had succeeded in making Mrs. Kev speechless. Previously, Maks had known about Mrs. Kev's youth. Before she married Mr. Kev, she worked as a prostitute to earn money. Maks was told this by his father before the show started. Mrs. Kev had been a poor prostitute when she was young. That's why she was greedy for money until recently. It all happened because she didn't have much money when she was young. She also
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Maks looked seriously at Bernard, "Really? Why would he do that? What is she planning to do next?" Maks thought suspiciously about Mrs. Kev's sudden desire to reconcile with him. Bernard shook his head. "I don't know for sure, sir. But, my guess is that it's because she currently has no one who will help her bankrupt company. We all know that all the businessmen and investors don't trust her anymore since her misbehavior was exposed on social media." Maks nodded. He now understood what Mrs. Kev was getting at. "Okay. Just let her meet me this morning. Tell him to please come to my office." Bernard immediately nodded and obeyed Maks' order. 1 hour later, Mrs. Kev came to Balt's company with Hera and Joddy. Her appearance today looked different. She was not wearing expensive clothes and branded items. In fact, her face looked dull. This was also the case with Hera, Mrs. Kev's second daughter.Bernard came up to them and led them to Maks' private room. "Please follow me into Mr. Maks
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Everyone who was there immediately spontaneously looked at the door. It was precisely towards Siena who suddenly walked into Maks' private room and said something surprising. Mrs. Kev's face looked dumbfounded. Suddenly her body suddenly shook. Meanwhile, Hera and her husband were still waiting for Siena to speak next. And Maks was also still waiting to hear what his wife would say next. Because, he had not planned anything with Siena before.Siena walked a few steps to approach Mrs. Kev who was sitting on the edge of the chair. Siena's face looked serious looking at the old woman. However, Siena's face had a very disappointed expression. "I already know all the truth, Mrs. Kev! I'm not your biological daughter!" Siena said while trying to hold back her tears. She felt so disappointed today, how could she not? Siena had just learned the true fact that she was not Mrs. Kev's biological daughter. "How did you know?" Mrs. Kev asked Siena while opening her eyes wide. The expression on h
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