All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
235 chapters
Maks approached his wife. Siena sat limply on the floor after Mrs. Kev came out to be taken by the police to the police station. Suddenly Siena burst into tears, she cried silently. Maks understood what his wife was feeling. Siena must have been very disappointed by this truth. Maks hugged Siena, and Siena cried freely in Maks' arms. "I feel disappointed because I've been lied to. But, on the other hand I'm happy because I'm not the biological daughter of that prostitute!" Siena said to Maks. Maks rubbed Siena's back repeatedly to calm her crying. "Yes, Honey. I really understand how you feel." "Then, what's next? What did my father tell you? Can you let me know?" Maks asked Siena. Before, she didn't know this big secret. Maks also didn't know that his father knew the big secret of Mrs. Kev and the Kev family.After her tears subsided, Siena immediately told her husband everything like her father-in-law told her. There was not a single piece of information that Siena skipped. She t
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Maks was still dumbfounded to see that there was nothing in this secret underground room. He always asked in his heart where all the gold bars went?Bernard who was next to Maks was also surprised. "This is strange, Sir. It seems like someone has taken all of Miss Siena's gold bars."Maks was even more convinced when his personal assistant said that. "Bernard, please order the police to find out who has taken all these gold bars!" Maks ordered Bernard. Bernard nodded quickly, and he immediately left the secret room to carry out Maks' order. Maks was now very frustrated, because he thought that everything would be safe, but apparently his thoughts were wrong. Not long after that, Bernard suddenly came back into the secret room to meet Maks again. Bernard seemed to run away in a hurry, "Sorry, sir. I've checked the CCTV on the terrace of Kev's family home which is still active, it turns out that it was Mrs. Brew and her husband who took all these gold bars. They have fled with all th
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Maks was almost frustrated because all the gold bars in the secret room were completely missing. Mrs. Brew and her husband had put everything into a truck and Maks didn't know their destination yet. If the gold bars had been sold by Mrs. Brew and her husband, then Maks would find it a waste to operate on Siena to remove the small key from her heart. "If Bernard has caught you, I won't let you live happily, Mrs. Brew and Mr. Brew! Just watch my revenge!" Maks said to himself, he imagined the sly faces of Mrs. Brew and her husband. Maks forgot about their existence, he thought that after Mrs. Kev went to jail, there would be no one who could prevent him from taking all the gold bars. However, Maks' assumption was wrong. Maks got into the car. He intended to leave the Kev family home and return to the hospital to see his wife. At the hospital, the doctor said that Siena was still unconscious after the surgery. That made Maks a little anxious. Repeatedly he called the doctor just to mak
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Maks felt something was strange. How could Flo, who had been diagnosed by a doctor as having a mental illness, escape from Maks and Siena's house while carrying Siena's jewelry? It didn't make sense. "Shit! That means she's been pretending to be sick all this time!" Maks was annoyed. Maks' cell phone rang. It was a call from Bernard. Maks immediately picked up the phone, "Bernard, why didn't you call me for an hour? Where were you all that time?" Maks immediately asked without further ado. From the other side of the phone, Bernard answered, "Sir, I'm sorry. Things were very tense for an hour. The team and I were trying to catch up with Mr. Brew's truck. Along the way, we were also stopped by some thugs carrying firearms. They opened fire on us, sir. That's why I didn't have time to contact you. Some of my team was injured, I need an ambulance.""Okay. I'll call an ambulance for you, just tell me the address. Send me your current address via WhatssAp message," Maks replied. He imagi
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Maks stood up from the sofa he was sitting on. He strongly recognized the voice of the man who was currently contacting him. The voice was Liberto's, he was Maks's half-brother. He was the son of Mr. Baltasar. "Liberto?" said Maks softly. Liberto answered immediately, "Yes, Maks! I am Liberto. I thought you had forgotten me. Apparently, you still remember my melodious voice. HAHA!" Liberto's laughter was very loud. It made Maks almost flinch because he was surprised.Maks had guessed what was happening at this moment. It was certain that Bernard was with Liberto because Bernard's cell phone could be in Liberto's hand right now. Maks asked Liberto directly, "Liberto, what do you want? Why are you holding my personal assistant's cell phone?" Maks asked in a tone that sounded casual, even though he was currently feeling panic. Because, Maks knew that Liberto was a ruthless mafia member. Liberto could do anything to get what he wanted, and Maks was worried that Liberto would be desperat
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After listening to Liberto make the offer, he also sent Maks' cell phone via WhatsApp several photos of Bernard being held hostage by Liberto. In the photo Bernard looked unconscious, he was sitting on a chair with his hands tied. Not only that, Liberto also covered Bernard's mouth with a long cloth. Seeing all these photos, Maks was furious that his assistant was treated inhumanely like that. "LIBERTO! Don't touch Bernard! If you do that, then I will repay you more than this," Maks yelled at Liberto spontaneously after seeing all the photos. Maks' face was already red and his jaw hardened, his eyes unblinkingly looking straight ahead. Right now Maks was imagining Liberto's sly facial expression. Maks immediately asked without preamble, "Where are you now? I'm coming for you!" Maks was impatient. He wanted to save Bernard immediately.Liberto was happy because he could hear Maks' emotional voice. Liberto laughed again and replied, "HAHA! I heard from your voice that you're very emot
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Maks remained silent as Liberto threatened him. His eyes occasionally glanced at Bernard who was still unconscious. There were bruises on Bernard's face, no doubt caused by the blow from Liberto. Not long after that, the bodyguard that Liberto had ordered to check the truck came back into this room. He approached Liberto and said, "Sir, the truck contains gold bars. And I've asked another bodyguard to guard the truck."Liberto smiled happily, "Alright." He looked at Maks and approached him, "It turns out you are a real man, you didn't lie to me." Liberto circled Maks with slow steps. "Let go of Bernard," Maks pleaded. "Well. I'll let him go, but let me go first with the truck," said Liberto. Then, he invited all his bodyguards to leave the room and drive away with the truck filled with gold bars. "Goodbye, Maks! See you next time. HAHAH!" Liberto said goodbye to Maks while laughing very satisfied. Then he walked out. From the window, Maks looked down, he had to make sure Liberto a
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Maks was silent for a moment before answering Bernard's question. Previously, he had guessed that Bernard would ask him this. Seeing that his boss was silent, Bernard said again with a sad facial expression, "Mr. Maks, did you really sacrifice all those gold bars? Did you really give all those gold bars to Liberto? If you gave it all to Liberto, why did you do that, Sir? I'm just your assistant. I don't deserve your precious favor like that." Bernard thought that Maks did that. He thought that Maks had given all the gold bars to Liberto. Maks immediately shook his head. "No, Bernard. I didn't give all the gold bars to Liberto. I wouldn't do such a stupid thing, it would cost me. Moreover, all those gold bars are not mine, but they belong to Siena. I would never give all of my wife's possessions to a greedy man like Liberto." Maks explained. And Bernard calmed down when he heard the answer from his boss. "I tricked him. Actually, all the gold bars in the truck were fake gold bars, t
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Maks stood up for a moment and walked towards the window. He looked at the view behind the white window curtains. He put one hand in his clan pocket. Maks' gaze was very sharp looking straight ahead. Bernard couldn't guess what his boss would say next. "The second problem is about Flo. You know what? She ran away from my house with all of Siena's jewelry that was kept in the safe in our room." Maks explained to Bernard the second problem he was referring to. Bernard was astonished. The expression on his face now indicated that he was wondering why that was? "Sir, doesn't Flo have a mental illness? Then, why is she like a normal person who can run away and steal?" Bernard clearly knew about Flo's condition since her husband died. Because, Bernard had also been given orders by Siena to take Flo to a mental hospital for routine check-ups every month. Maks turned his body toward Bernard. "Yes. You're right. So far we know that Flo has a mental illness, the situation is that she has dif
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Maks and Siena had arrived at their house. When Siena got home, the first room she went to was Flo's room. Because, it was a habit that Siena did every day. She always checks on her sister's condition. Siena still loves Flo even though she already knows that Flo is not her biological sister. Even so, Siena was still willing to take care of Flo in her house because Siena felt sorry for Flo. "Honey, where is Flo? Why isn't she in her room?" asked Siena when she checked the room and there was no Flo. Flo's room was very messy. many clothes were scattered on the floor, besides that the bed sheets were also not neat.Maks approached his wife, he was thinking how to tell Siena. "Maks, why are you silent? Are you hiding something from me?" Siena asked her husband after she saw Maks' strange facial expression. Maks immediately approached his wife and he embraced Siena, "Honey, I'll tell you in the room. Let's go to the room. You have to lie down on the bed." Siena obeyed what her husband s
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