All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
235 chapters
Maks stood up from his seat. He immediately moved a little away from Siena so that Siena wouldn't overhear Maks' conversation with the man on the phone in case the man would say something disappointing. Meanwhile, Siena from a distance kept looking curiously at her husband. "How was it? Now you can explain everything to me." Maks said to the man. "Currently Flo is being held hostage in a small house owned by Joddy. He and his wife deliberately brainwashed Flo into running away from your house and stealing all of Siena's jewelry." The man named Shawan gave the information he had obtained. He is the most powerful hacker in the country. He helped solve many secret problems in all countries in Europe. He was a close friend of Bernard's. That's why Bernard recommended Shawan's services to Maks to find Flo's current whereabouts. "Really? Isn't Joddy in prison? Why did he get out so quickly?" Maks asked. His brows furrowed. "There was someone who paid his fine to the police, and it wa
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Suddenly, the phone line from Shawan was disconnected. Maks was shocked, and he was even more dumbfounded when he saw the lights in his room suddenly turn off. "What's going on?" Maks asked himself. Now, his room was dark. Siena who was still sitting on the bed looked panicked. She asked her husband, "Honey, what's going on? Why did the electricity in our house suddenly turn off? Whereas, it never happened like this before."Maks looked at his cell phone screen, now he already knew the cause of his phone connection with Shawan being cut off. The reason was that the wifi connection in Maks' house was cut off. Not only that, the signal connection on his cell phone was also non-existent. This was really strange. Maks had already realized that there was something wrong going on in his house at the moment. Maks didn't want to make his wife panic even more. So, the first thing he did was to calm Siena down. "Honey, please you have to calm down. Don't panic. Even though this is the first t
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Maks was startled. He tried to remove the big hand from his mouth. However, it seemed that the man's strength was so strong that Maks failed after repeated attempts to free himself. The last thing Maks did was, he just gave up. He only remembered Siena who was currently in the room alone, for Maks it didn't matter if this bad guy hurt him, as long as he didn't hurt Siena. Maks didn't want anyone to be able to touch Siena, let alone hurt her.Maks let the person who was currently dragging his body, and Maks looked resigned. He deliberately chose to lose first to find out the purpose of this person capturing him. The man dragged Maks' resigned body and he sat Maks on a kitchen chair inside the kitchen of Maks' house. However, Maks rebelled. His body wriggled and he hit the face of the man who was currently arresting him. It worked, the man accidentally released his grip on Maks, and Maks' body was released. Maks saw that the enemy in front of him had been caught off guard, he looked in
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After hearing the complaint from his bodyguard, Liberto was furious. He slammed the kitchen utensils in Siena and Maks' kitchen so that the cooking and eating utensils became a mess and were no longer suitable for use because many were broken.Meanwhile, Maks could only smile at him. Now he knew where all the gold bars went, and the bodyguard didn't find Siena.Then, Liberto took out a gun from his pants pocket. His face was already red because he was furious at Maks. Liberto felt that Maks was playing tricks on him.Pointing the gun at Maks' head, Liberto said with an angry expression on his face, "You've done a lot of bold things to me! First, you lied to me yesterday when you picked up your favorite assistant, and now you're lying too! Where did you put all those gold bars? ANSWER ME! IF YOU DON'T ANSWER, THEN I WILL SHOOT YOU RIGHT NOW!" Liberto threatened Maks. He was like a starving lion and would swallow his prey alive.Maks replied boldly, "Why are you asking me that? I don't
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Maks immediately released the hug on his wife after he heard the old woman's voice calling his name. Siena immediately asked her husband, "Honey, who is that? Why is she calling your name?" Siena looked panicked, because she was still traumatized by the incident three days ago, the incident where she almost lost her husband. Siena didn't want anything bad to happen to Maks again."Honey, don't worry. Please calm down. I will meet that woman," Maks replied. However, Siena pulled Maks' hand and said, "I'm coming with you. From today on I won't let you go alone. I will accompany you." Siena said that because she was so afraid of losing Maks.Maks nodded, "Well. You can come with me. Take cover behind me." Then Maks and Siena walked out together. They stood on the terrace and together saw an old woman who was being held firmly by Maks's two bodyguards."Let her go," Maks said asking the two bodyguards to let go of the old woman. After the old woman was released, she immediately spoke to M
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Suddenly the old woman named Sarah prostrated herself at Maks' feet. She begged Maks to fulfill her wish to free her only son. "Maks, I beg you. In this world, I only have Liberto as my family. If he stays locked up in prison, then I have no one. How can I live? I'm so old. I can't do any work to make money. No company would accept an old worker like me. Only Liberto can fulfill my daily needs. Only he earns money for me." Sarah cried under Maks's feet. The cry of a mother who wanted freedom for her son. However, her son had broken many laws.As a younger person than Sarah, Maks felt reluctant if Sarah kissed his feet for a long time. Then, Maks held Sarah's shoulders to help her stand up. "Sarah, please stand up."Sarah followed Maks' words. She stood up, and her tears were already streaming down her face, which looked wrinkled due to old age. She repeatedly wiped away her tears using the palm of her hand."I'm very sorry. I can't free your son from the law. He's been sentenced to li
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After Maks told his wife about Flo's whereabouts, they had arrived at a house that looked simple outside. The house was in the middle of the forest, about 2 hours away from Maks' home. "Are you sure they are holding Flo, hostage in this house?" Siena asked her husband. Maks nodded without looking at Siena. He was focused on looking around this house. Three hours ago, Maks told Siena about Flo's information that Maks' spies had found out earlier. It is known that Flo was held hostage in this empty house by Hera and Joddy. They are using Flo. Flo's condition is still not cured. She is still a depressed woman. Hera deliberately asks Flo to take all of Siena's jewellery, and after that, Hera brings Flo together with Kenan, Flo's husband. So, Flo was happy to do that for Hera because the doctor said that the cause of Flo's depression was that she couldn't accept that her husband had died.Maks' 3 bodyguards checked the house first. They went inside while Siena and Maks waited outside, a
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Maks and Siena immediately walked hurriedly into the house. Inside the house, there was a lot of dust, and the floor was dirty. In the living room, there was a woman already lying on the floor. She was Flo. Siena and Maks immediately approached Flo. They were surprised because a lot of foam came out of Flo's mouth. Maks immediately checked Flo. It turned out that what their bodyguard said was true, that Flo had passed away."She's already passed away," Maks whispered while looking at Siena.Siena felt sad. She had tears in her eyes but was not so depressed."Honey, what if we make a funeral for Flo? I feel sorry for her because none of her family sympathizes with her death. She died because of her sister, who took her hostage in this house," Siena said while imagining Hera and Joddy's faces. Siena hated those two humans even more."I agree with you, Honey. I'll order the bodyguards to prepare Flo's funeral today," Maks replied. He immediately embraced Siena.*** Three hours later, Si
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Bernard has returned to work as Maks' assistant after the doctor cleared him to go home. His condition has undoubtedly improved. He has recovered. So, today he started with Maks to handle all his duties and obligations as usual. Maks was happy that Bernard was still willing to return to work as his assistant."What else did you get from our spy information about Hera and Joddy?" Maks asked again. He wanted to know more details."They are still in the country. They are working with Mr. Brew and his wife, sir." Bernard relayed the information that their spies had obtained.Maks growled, stood up from his seat on the sofa and said in exasperation, "I don't trust anyone in this country, including the police or other political officials. Why are they so unfair? Criminals can always get away quickly just by being paid money!" Maks recalled that the police had previously arrested Mr. Brew, Mrs. Brew, Hera, and Joddy. They had even gone to jail. However, Maks got the news that they had been r
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Maks was dumbfounded, “How come? What happened?" He glanced seriously at Kelly, his private secretary who broke the bad news. Bernard who was sitting next to Kelly was also surprised. This is because previously the shares of Balt's company were still doing well."Sir, today there is bad news about Mr. Maks circulating on social media. The bad issue is that you and your wife have the heart to abandon your wife's brother to death. As soon as the headlines circulated. That is the reason why our investors decided to terminate their contracts with our company," explained Kelly.“Who had spread the news?” Maks standing. He stared ahead with a straight and sharp gaze. His hands clenched.“That's not the real fact about Flo's death. That's called hoax news!” said Bernard in response.Kelly replied to Bernard's response, “That's right, Mr. Bernard. I believe in you. It's just that we can't make all the people in this country believe. I suggest that Mr. Maks should clarify as soon as possible.”
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