All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
235 chapters
Maks smiled when he saw the man take off his glasses. Of course, the meaning of the smile was the man's sarcastic smile."Hi, Joddy. Long time no see. It looks like you're going to tell me some good news," Maks replied with a feigned smile. Maks was holding back his resentment towards Joddy, who had caused Maks a lot of losses. Bernard had told Maks that Joddy spread the hoax news in the media.Joddy immediately sat on the guest chair in Maks' private room without being invited by Maks. He folded his legs and returned Maks' smile. Of course, the smile also had a negative meaning. Joddy wasn't smiling sincerely at Maks. Instead, he was smiling condescendingly at Maks. "You're right, Maks. I came here to give you good news. To be precise, this is the good news of my life, which will definitely make you very upset after hearing it." Joddy looked intensely into Maks's eyes, and Maks returned the man's gaze vengefully."You're free to say anything here. I'll listen carefully and make sure
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For the second time Maks humiliated Joddy again on social media. Now everyone knows the ugliness or crime committed by Joddy. He had previously cleared his name from the previous case. However, because he disturbed Maks' life first, he got another reply from Maks."What's next, sir?" asked Bernard. Then Maks replied, "We are just witnessing the social sanctions that Joddy will get. Let's see how miserable his life will be. His business will have no more customers. Kev's company will be ruined again!"***Maks returned to his house. It's been a bit frustrating lately since he received a report from Kelly about how much his company's revenue has dropped. He was trying to restore the confidence of local and foreign investors to want to work with his company again."Honey, I'm home," Maks said when he reached his house. He went straight into the room to catch up with his wife. Maks immediately laid down on the bed.Siena came out of the bathroom. She had just finished bathing. She furrowe
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Maks smiled after hearing his wife's suggestion. "Honey, where are we going on vacation?" Maks asked. He got up from sleep and immediately hugged Siena, who was still looking in the mirror."Let's go to Rome, Honey. I want to go there. To be more precise, our baby seems to be asking for a vacation there," Siena replied while looking in the mirror. She stroked her belly which already looked distended. Her pregnancy was two months old, and Siena's small body made her belly look distended despite her young pregnancy."You mean we're going to Italy?" Maks asked for confirmation.Siena nodded with a smile."Okay, Honey. I'll do anything for you. I'll ask Bernard to prepare our needs to go to Italy," Maks replied.*** Paradise Hall, Rome.The next day Maks and Siena were in Italy, in Rome, where Siena wanted to go on vacation. They were very happy because they had just realized they didn't have time for a vacation together in the past half a year. It was because they were busy with their o
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The waitress who looked to be in her forties frowned. Her pair of eyes watched Siena carefully."I seem to recognize your face, Miss."Siena stroked her chin. She tried to recall where she had met that woman. But, her memory was only half-hearted.While the maid remembered that pair of round, beautiful eyes. Then Siena's sweet smile, making his memory drift to a teenage girl who often visited the orphanage where he used to work."You looks a lot like a girl I used to know. Her name is Siena," said the waitress.Siena was surprised to hear the waitress say her name. "I'm Siena," she replied."I was right. You're Miss Siena. You used to live at the Jasmine Orphanage in Caracas, didn't you? Before Mr. Kev adopted you?"Siena covered her gaping mouth. She remembered now. She met the maid at the orphanage many years ago when she was still a frequent visitor. Before her father passed away."Yes. I'm Yhana."" Oh, my God. I never thought we'd meet back here. What a coincidence."Maks, who wa
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One week had passed, and it was time to return to Venezuela. Siena was still lazing on the bed with a thick blanket wrapped around her body. Maks, who was only wearing a towel, approached his wife, who was still sleeping sweetly. Maks rubbed Siena's head and kissed her forehead."Honey, do you want to stay here longer?""ahem." Only a mumbling sound came out of Sienna's tiny lips."I'm done showering, do you want me to bathe you or carry you to the bathroom?" Maks pulled back the blanket that was wrapped around his wife."I'm still sleepy, Honey. Fifteen more minutes, is that okay?" Siena mumbled with her eyes closed. Maks just smiled at his wife's childlike behavior."Since you got pregnant, you've gotten more spoiled and more adorable, honey." Maks got up from the bed while pinching his wife's cheek, heading for the walk in closet. He wore a white t-shirt paired with brown shorts, making Maks look even more handsome. Who wouldn't be fascinated to see a man like Maks, an athletic bo
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Finally, the long-awaited day arrived. A happy smile was clearly engraved on Sienna's lips.Her pure white face implied a happy hue. Her twenty-five years of waiting would pay off today."Are you ready, Honey?" Maks grasped Sienna's fingers tightly. Sienna nodded her head with a smile etched on her face.Currently Sienna and Maks were on their way to a restaurant that Bernard had booked. Sienna's heart really kept beating. Her brain kept thinking what she should do when she met her parents later.'Should I run to hug them later, ah no, Maks will get angry if I run while pregnant like this. Or should I just say hello?' Sienna was really nervous. She squeezedher hands and felt uneasy. Her feelings were mixed. Excited, happy, angry, and sad all mixed together.Maks saw that and put his arm around his wife, giving her strength that everything would be okay."Are you nervous?""Yes...I don't know what I'm feeling right now, Maks. I want to cry but I can't, I want to keep laughing but I ca
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Mr. and Mrs. Bura returned to the shop where they lived and earned a living. Their puffy faces looked more radiant as happy tears came out. It was a relief to see the daughter they abandoned living well. Mr. and Mrs. Bura had no idea how Sienna suffered after the departure of her foster father.Living with her foster mother Mrs. Kev made Sienna's happiness disappear instantly. She was treated like a slave by the Kev family. Sleeping in the warehouse, being a maid and not being fed properly. Luckily, Sienna can still work part-time and continue her undergraduate studies in design.Kev's Family HomeGood news came to Kev's family, that they were all released from prison, and Mrs. Kev was able to move into her luxurious house, which had been confiscated by the government."Mom... where are you?" Hera's screaming voice echoed throughout the rooms of Kev's residence."Mom... you have to know this. This can't be allowed." Hera ran to her mother's room impatiently. She opened the door loudly
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Night fell and Maks was back home. He is as fragrant and handsome as ever. Siena started sniffing her husband's fragrant body."Honey, can you stop sniffing my body like that." Maks giggled as Siena sniffed his nape relentlessly."That's ticklish hahaha... " Maks could no longer stand his wife's behavior."This is your baby's wish, not mine." Siena did not flinch even though Maks started to pull Siena's body into his arms."Yes, I know. But not in that place. Ticklish." Maks couldn't stand it anymore. After a while it was not only ticklish that Maks felt but something woke up and asked to be put to sleep.Maks pulled Siena into his arms, locking them not too tightly so she wouldn't do the same thing again."Honey, let go." Sienna rebelled asking to be let go"No! Stay here and sniff my chest all you want.""I don't want to. I want the scruff." Siena was still trying, wiggling her body to get out of Maks' embrace which was actually comfortable for her."If you keep sniffing my nape, so
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"I don't know yet. I haven't interacted with them much. When the time is right I'll introduce them to you," Siena replied. She didn't think anything bad of what Mrs. Kev would do to her biological parents. This was because Mrs. Kev claimed to have repented since she was in prison. She had also apologized to Siena and Maks. And that made Siena start to trust her again. However, Maks was still cautious of Mrs. Kev."Alright. I'll wait. Let's eat," Mrs. Kev invited when their food was delivered by the waiter.A very awkward lunch, it was the first time Siena and Mrs. Kev had lunch together. Everyone knew that Mrs. Kev had never liked Siena.Their conversation passed very stiffly. Siena didn't tell her about her pregnancy because she was sure her adoptive mother wouldn't care.An hour passed and they parted ways and returned to their respective homes. Siena did not tell much. She only listened to Mrs. Kev's request. Her mother asked her husband Maks to withdraw from the tender that the tw
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That morning, Mrs. Kev got the chance to talk to Maks. The reason Maks didn't come into the office that day was because Siena's condition was a little worrying. Siena was a little weak and tired."I know, I've done a lot of bad things to you, Maks. I know, it must be hard for you to forgive me."While enjoying his coffee, Maks smiled slightly. He invited the middle-aged woman to sit across from him."I really don't trust you, Mrs. Kev. But, Siena doesn't mind you staying here, so ...." Maks raised both hands. "I can't do anything about it either.""You have to trust me. Siena must have told me everything I've been through. I consider it my punishment." Mrs. Kev put on her pitiable face."As long as you promise not to do bad things to us again, I can accept you here."Mrs. Kev smiled. "I promise, Maks.""So, where did your son and daughter-in-law go?" Maks asked after he took a sip of his coffee."I don't know. They really went too far." Mrs. Kev clenched her hands into fists. Her face
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