All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
235 chapters
1 week later. "Sir, someone wants to meet you," Bernard told Maks while Maks was still busy digitally signing some of his contracts in front of his iPad."Who?" asked Maks without turning to Bernard. "I don't know, Sir. I've never seen him before. But, he recognized you, because he mentioned your name," Bernard explained."Well. Tell him to come into my room now," Maks said. Although he had previously frowned because he wondered who the guest who was looking for him but was not recognized by Bernard was? So far, all of Maks's guests would definitely be recognized by Bernard, even those guests knew Bernard better than Maks himself as the boss and CEO of a well-known global company. "Is that okay, Sir? Since you are still busy," Bernard asked carefully. He knew his boss who never liked to be disturbed when he was busy. Maks looked at his personal assistant for a moment, "No. I asked him to meet me. In fact, I asked him to meet me because I was curious. Who is he?" Bernard nodded, "
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Maks smiled as Barnes explained everything. And Barnes felt offended by Maks' smile. "Why do you only respond with a smile? Are you insulting me? Are you putting me down!" Barnes asked Maks. He was getting ready to beat Maks up.Maks shook his head, "No, Uncle. Sorry, I wasn't laughing at you. But I was laughing at a man named Abramo." "Why are you laughing at him?" Barnes asked in surprise. His brow furrowed. "Well, because Abramo has a lot of money. He could have had any woman he wanted as his wife or to satisfy his lust. However, why would he still want to have someone else's wife? Doesn't he know that Siena already has me as her husband?" Maks imagined Abramo's old face, although he had never met him, but Maks already knew what Abramo who liked Siena looked like."Yeah I don't know about that. Maybe he has a fetish for liking other people's wives. The point is, he wants Siena so that your debt is paid off to him. That's why your father-in-law is always urging you to divorce his
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"Hi, Mr. Maks. Welcome to the VVIP room! This is a special room for high-class businessmen," said one of the business men sitting right next to Joddy. He was Mr. Hari. Maks smiled elegantly, although he wondered in his heart why Joddy could enter this room and join successful businessmen like them? "Please take a seat, Mr. Maks. The empty chair was specially prepared for you," Mr. Yasuke said as he invited Maks to sit down. The chair was located in the center, across from Joddy and Mr. Hari."Thank you very much, Mr. Yasuke," Maks said briefly. He walked over to the empty chair and sat down.All the businessmen who were there were chatting with each other. "Why are you looking at me like that? You must be surprised that I can be here right? HAHA! Maks, you won't be able to make me miserable. I will never lose!" Joddy said to Maks. Maks did not respond to Joddy's words. He even averted his eyes from Joddy. It was as if Maks didn't think Joddy was next to him. Of course, Maks' attit
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This time Maks returned home, he felt anxious. When he did not find Siena, nor the baby in the house. In fact, he found the house in an empty state like it was inhabited at all."What should I do this time? I can't just stay like this, there must be something wrong," Maks thought to himself. Meanwhile, Maks continued to walk back and forth in the living room, he was very frustrated thinking about it. After all, the one thing on his mind was how he could meet Siena and their baby.However, it wasn't long before Maks's mind wandered to Bernard's face, and he immediately reached for the flat object in his pocket and called Bernard who had just arrived at his house and was about to step inside."Oh my God, what is this? Who else is calling me? Can't you give me a break without any interruptions?" babbled Bernard as he reached for the flat object in his pants pocket, then he froze when his phone screen showed Maks' name on it."Yes. ...." Bernard didn't even have time to greet the connecte
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Knowing the anger that was aroused in Maks, made Bernard, who had been silent, immediately cast a glare at the man."Why, what happened?" asked Bernard who was curious about what happened. Unfortunately, Maks did not answer the man's question but only showed a message he received from an unknown number, where Siena was seen sitting limp and unconscious, as well as her baby. Immediately, Bernard fell silent as he shook his head rapidly."Who would dare to do that to them? We can't stay silent! I need to contact the police to help us deal with this!" said Bernard, who stopped his car abruptly and reached for his flat object."No! You can't be so rash as to do that, Bernard! We don't know who did this, I'm just worried that he'll make things worse, and he'll hurt Siena and my baby!" interrupted Maks immediately, to Bernard who was just pressing the call sign on his cell phone screen. It instantly made Bernard reverse his sitting position to face Maks who at that time sounded strange to h
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Hearing the question asked by Maks, made Joddy even more likely to say what he wanted so easily, and would certainly do whatever he asked right then and there so that Siena and their child could be released.At first, Joddy only chuckled softly as he listened to Maks' offer to him. Although the man had actually said what Joddy had expected at that moment."I'm talking seriously to you! So you should at least be able to respect what I'm asking!" snapped Maks who was already infuriated by Joddy's behavior towards him, not to mention he heard a voice that seemed to belittle him. Joddy was getting more and more aggravated at that time, when he knew that Maks would definitely do whatever he wanted so that Siena could be released. This made Mak confused and very curious as to what exactly Joddy wanted so that the man could let go of his wife and son."Who says I don't appreciate your conversation? In fact I really, really appreciate it, it's just that, right now I'm thinking, what would I a
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Not long after that, the call that was connected suddenly just died. Making Maks who knew it became even more furious, how could he not. Maks feels that Joddy is currently playing with him just like that. Even that man was imposing his will just to get the wealthy assets of Kev's family."What a jerk! How could he make my life so uneasy like this!" snapped Maks who then threw his cell phone carelessly, making Bernard who was beside him immediately turn his head with a confused and very curious look."What's going on Maks? Why are you suddenly so angry like this? Has news about Siena and your baby been obtained?" asked Bernard who was so curious, Maks also sighed furiously, he looked nervously and your voice towards Bernard who was beside him."I've gotten word of Siena and my baby's whereabouts and they're with Joddg right now, that bastard's got them both but Joddy won't let them go if I don't give him the assets of the Kev family fortune!" explained Maks as he ran a hand through his
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After a long debate between himself and Joddy, Maks finally decided to transfer the wealth assets given by Kev's family to Joddy, all for the safety of his wife and child. However, Maks had to think with a cool head to be able to give that. After all, Maks thought that it was just a mere entrustment given to him by Kev's family, when the call went off Bernard was staring at Maks as if his gaze alone was talking to the man."Hey, why are you looking at me like that? Is something wrong?" said Maks who asked Bernard again who then shook his head slowly, he didn't understand his boss. In fact, Maks so easily agreed to what Joddy asked him. In fact, the wealth asset was the very biggest thing that Maks had in the end, yet the man easily gave the assets he had to Joddy."I just want to ask you, are you sure about giving away the wealth assets that Kev's family gave him? Is it true that the one I met this time is the old Maks?" Bernard asked the man beside him. Not long after, Maks had a wry
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Mrs. Kev is currently relaxing in her home in Venezuela. Today is a happy day for her, where she can enjoy her old age in peace. Everything that she was worried about this time was no longer there. Her comfort and desire to have fun will be realized. Especially when Mrs. Kev found out that her wealth assets had been managed by Maks, the man she entrusted with her family's wealth.This time, Mrs. Kev sat on a bench that was her throne when she was at home, and it was her favorite morning spot to relax her mind and gaze at the beautiful view, right on the third floor of her house. Mrs. Kev never berated herself for choosing to live in Venezuela, thinking that it would allow her to enjoy her old age in peace and quiet."It feels like I don't have to worry about anything anymore, all the assets and other things I have delegated to Maks, it all depends on him, whether or not he can manage it. I'm too tired to think about it anymore," muttered the woman when she was alone on the rooftop of
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This time Mrs. Kev waited for the call to be answered by Maks so anxiously, on the one hand she was very furious and wanted to ask Maks for an explanation, she was already very furious at what Mrs. Brew told her, if Maks would just give all the assets of the Kev family fortune to Joddy. The man would even transfer the assets into Joddy's name.After making dozens of calls, Maks finally answered Mrs. Kev's call."Maks, what are you doing? Are you crazy to want to share the assets with Joddy? I even told you that man is very cunning, if it was him too I wouldn't have any difficulty in giving him the assets! But I know what the repercussions would be if that man was in charge of this!" snapped Mrs. Kev as soon as the call was connected, she didn't ask how Maks was doing now, because she couldn't wait to get an explanation and the truth from Maks himself."I did want to give the assets to Joddy. But I did it for the reasons I had!" Maks quickly argued, but Mrs. Kev who was on the other e
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