All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
235 chapters
This time Mrs. Kev did not accept what Maks said to her, indirectly the man seemed to maintain his arguments to keep transferring the wealth assets he had into Joddy's name. In fact, Mrs. Kev doesn't care if Siena and her baby will be the victims of all this. Especially when she found out that Maks turned off the call unilaterally, without waiting for her approval at all, this made her have to do a way so that the action launched by Maks did not go well."How dare he turn off my call unilaterally! Even though I haven't finished talking to him, what does Maks want? Why is he so defensive of Siena's and the baby's lives? When that wealth will be an asset to him too!" muttered Mrs. Kev who was somewhat talking to herself, as she continued to walk back and forth without touching even a little of the food and drink she had asked the servant for earlier, the intention of the heart was to enjoy the old days happily, but Mrs. Kev had to be plagued by a sense of anxiety and worry that kept sti
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Currently Maks has finished taking care of the transfer of assets belonging to the Kev family into Joddy's name, so Maks took the initiative to contact the man, and asked where the address where Siena and their baby were kept. Bernard who knew about it could only remain silent, after all, everything had happened, the rice had also become porridge. So that makes Bernard have to be able to accept the bitter reality, he did not expect if it turned out that Maks was very desperate to save his wife and child."Is it done?" Bernard asked Maks when the man got into the car, then nodded his head slowly while showing a brown envelope to Bernard who replied by shaking his head slowly."You're so reckless! I never even thought of that before," Bernard said again to Maks who had a wry smile on his face."I told you, I'm doing everything for the safety of my wife and child! I don't even care if Mrs. Kev will turn on me because I've transferred the assets," Maks replied very firmly to Bernard who o
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They were just about to run away from there. But the sound of the gunshot brought their footsteps to a halt, not knowing why suddenly the sound of bullets from the gun landing sounded right behind them. Though it felt like Maks didn't have anyone other than Bernard there. Instantly the three of them looked in the same direction simultaneously, there was Mrs. Kev with a gun attached to her hand. Then Joddy who was lying on the floor with blood running down his body. "Oh my, what are you doing Mrs. Kev?" snapped Bernard, as well as Siena who was so transfixed that she could no longer move there, when she found her adoptive mother who killed Joddy herself. Mrs. Kev even looked at Siena with a smile that was hard to interpret."You are indeed crazy Mrs. Kev, this is the same as you committing murder! You don't know and don't remember what the risks will be and what impact it will have on yourself!" Maks snapped so annoyed at Mrs. Kev who then fell silent and then stopped her shoulders in
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It turned out that there were not only Bernard, Siena and Maks there. But there was also Hera who had just come to find out where her husband was. How surprised she was when she found Joddy no longer alive and covered in blood. Not only that, Hera also gasped in shock because she found out that the killer of her own husband was her biological mother, where Hera got evidence that in the middle-aged woman's hand had just released the gun bullet that was in her grip, landing right in Joddy's heart. This time, Hera's legs could no longer support her body properly. As if her world was shattered, she could not believe that it was her own mother who ruined her happiness, which for Hera had only been a moment. "CRAZY! CRAZY!" shouted Hera, as she sat up, and her hands went to Joddy's bloodied body, Mrs. Kev who was listening to that, acted as if she was indifferent. She didn't even care about the hysterical cries coming from Hera's lips. "It's this guy who's crazy! But no matter, at least
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Mr. Bura was hospitalized for a week. Finally intending to visit Siena's residence. Mr. Bura and his wife rushed to Siena's house, who had just been kidnapped with her baby. Based on the address instructions he obtained from Barnes, Mr. Bura and his wife rushed to visit Siena's house."I can't wait to meet Siena, our daughter and granddaughter," said Mr. Bura to his wife."But honey, your condition hasn't really recovered since you've only been out of the hospital for a week. Why are you forcing yourself to visit their house honey," his wife replied. "Is this really the house honey?" the wife suddenly asked Mr. Bura."It looks like it is. If we follow Barnes' instructions about their residence. Well, we'd better go down to make sure that the mansion is indeed the home of our daughter Siena. I need to meet with Siena immediately to convey my intentions." Mr. Bura got out of his car, not long followed by his wife who stepped closer to Bura."Come on honey. Let's get into that mansion!
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Maks was very upset and angry, when he heard the confession of his father-in-law, who was none other than Mr. Bura. If it was Barnes, Siena's uncle, who had taken away the money he handed over to pay off Mr. Bura's debt."I will not stay silent just like that Barnes, you have deceived and lied to me. I will find out where you are now, with my money," Maks muttered angrily.Maks also ordered Bernard to immediately find out the whereabouts of Barnes who had deceived him and took away his money that was not handed over to Mr. Bura.Maks did not want to stay silent, he immediately contacted his trusted person, Bernard, to find out the whereabouts of his wife's uncle, Barnes, who had sparked his anger. "Hello Mr. Maks... What is it you are calling me about," a voice from the other side spoke through the cell phone with Maks, Siena's husband."I need your help Bernard. There is a task that I want to assign to you," Maks replied explaining to his confidant."Yes, Mr. Maks. What should I do
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Siena was very disappointed in what her uncle Barnes had done, deceiving Siena's husband Maks. Likewise with Maks, looking very angry and upset at the actions of his father-in-law's younger brother. Without shame, he deceived by selling his own brother's name, Mr. Bura. But the sacrifice of Maks, who has been harmed by Mr. Bura's own brother, does not care about forcing Siena the child. To marry Mr. Abramo by divorcing the husband, Maks, whom Siena loves so much.Then so does Siena, unable to understand the attitude and manner of the father, Mr. Bura, who still insists on urging his married daughter. To immediately marry the old man, whom he had borrowed a very large amount of money.Siena's heart was so very broken and hurt, when listening to the orders and requests of Mr. Bura who continued to force and urge her to immediately marry the middle-aged man, who was none other than Mr. Abramo."I don't want to know about it Siena. What is clear is that you must obey my orders, as your f
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Siena immediately collapsed and she was unconscious. Unable to deal with the pressure and pressure and harsh words thrown by Mr. Bura, made Siena immediately faint and unconscious. Maks seemed so very worried about Siena's unconscious condition due to the quarrel that occurred between him and his father, Mr. Bura made Siena feel unable to withstand the pressure, which her own biological father continued to exert on her."Honey!" Maks shouted at Siena. "Wake up honey ..! Wake up honey! Don't make me even more scared like this honey," Maks screeched with a pale face of fear.Siena's mother also cried hysterically, finding her daughter unconscious due to the constant pressure and pressure exerted by Mr. Bura on Siena."Siena, my daughter!.... Oh my God, what's wrong with you? Oh my God, what happened to you, my daughter," shouted her mother hysterically when Siena collapsed unconscious." Maks... quickly help my daughter...! Take her to the hospital immediately!" said Mrs. Bura looking
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Today all television stations and all social media were abuzz with the news of the largest company, known as the Balt company. The company was announced as the best business in the country. The Balt company has increased its revenue much more than before. Even the Balt company is a company that has gone global and is known by all circles of the country.Inevitably, if the country continues to discuss and announce the most successful business in the country and introduce a CEO who works for the Balt company. Where his name is predicted and continues to be hailed. Called the youngest Billionaire to come from the global company. Maks rostitlav is categorized as an influential Billionaire in the country.The news that was announced and delivered on the television broadcast, was witnessed by Siena's parents who were none other than Mr. Bura and his wife, who looked very enthusiastic and serious watching by listening to the news as a television broadcast."Oh my God ... this is really very
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Mr. Bura felt very happy for the news he saw, his son-in-law who he had hated all this time turned out to be a Billionaire and the richest person in the city, a successful young entrepreneur. This obviously made Mr. Bura very proud and happy, having a wealthy son-in-law. Even though he hated Maks so much before, and always hoped that Siena would divorce him."Honey, hurry up and get ready. We're also going to the hospital right now, to visit Siena there. See what her condition is like," Mr. Bura asked his wife.The wife was dumbfounded, she gaped at Mr. Bura, unable to believe what she was hearing. If her husband was suddenly kind enough to invite her to go to the hospital to visit his daughter who was currently lying limp there."My dear. Didn't I hear this wrong? All of a sudden, you asked me to visit our daughter at the hospital. This sounds very strange to my ears," the wife replied, staring in surprise at Mr. Bura."Never mind. Don't ask too many questions, hurry up and get ready
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