All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
235 chapters
Siena kept running while occasionally looking back her head. She was very afraid that the man who was none other than the husband of her first sister would catch her and take her home.That man is Kenan. Earlier after he came home from his office, he saw Siena holding her baby sitting on the side of the road. Kenan is afraid that if there are journalists who see and find out that she is the youngest daughter of the Kev family, it will harm Kenan's reputation as a presidential candidate next year."I have to arrest you today and I will take you home. Because I will not let you roam in this city. Later my reputation as a presidential candidate will be bad in the eyes of the public. If your face is exposed in the media, everyone will think that the Kev family abandoned you." Kenan said in a statement. His heart as he drove the car and followed where Siena ran.The street this afternoon is very congested with vehicles. Unfortunately, Kenan was stuck in a long traffic jam and his car stopp
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Maks and Bernard are still looking for Siena. They stopped at the side of the road and decided to find Siena on foot instead. They traced several streets that became the place where Maks usually worked. He is a street sweeper, moving from place to place. That's why many roads have been swept and cleaned by Maks. He believed that Siena would look for him at the place where Maks had worked.It's been two hours and Maks still can't find Siena. He had told Bernard to contact the spies working at the Kev family's house to see if the guards had found Siena or not. However, the answer is also the same. They haven't found Siena either."Sir, do we have to make an announcement on social media to find Ms. Siena? We will inform the public, whoever can find Ms. Siena and the baby will be rewarded." Bernard advises Maks.Maks seemed to think for a moment. Then he responded to Bernard's suggestion. "No. I wouldn't do that."Bernard frowned. "Why, Sir?""It's a risk to me. If we tell social media to
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Siena was brought by Kenan into the uninhabited building. She was seated on a chair in the building. It was very dirty. Lots of insects there and of course lots of wild plants.Then, Kenan tied the two ropes around Siena's legs so that Sienna couldn't walk. Kenan left Siena's hands untied because she was holding her baby.Kenan's face is very scary right now. Siena saw that her brother-in-law was not as usual. Usually in the family house Kev Kenan is a man who is quiet and doesn't talk much. But today he showed his true nature. Kenan is like the incarnation of the devil. He was so heartless."What do you want?" Siena asked Kenan while glaring at Kenan.Siena is not afraid of Kenan. Because, in Siena's eyes, Kenan is just an ordinary person. In this world, Siena had no fear of anyone. Even when she was tortured by her own biological mother at the Kev family home, she still resisted until today she came out and managed to escape from there.Although often tortured, but Siena is not a we
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Siena was brought by Kenan into the uninhabited building. She was seated on a chair in the building. It was very dirty. Lots of insects there and of course lots of wild plants.Then, Kenan tied the two ropes around Siena's legs so that Sienna couldn't walk. Kenan left Siena's hands untied because she was holding her baby.Kenan's face is very scary right now. Siena saw that her brother-in-law was not as usual. Usually in the family house Kev Kenan is a man who is quiet and doesn't talk much. But today he showed his true nature. Kenan is like the incarnation of the devil. He was so heartless."What do you want?" Siena asked Kenan while glaring at Kenan.Siena is not afraid of Kenan. Because, in Siena's eyes, Kenan is just an ordinary person. In this world, Siena had no fear of anyone. Even when she was tortured by her own biological mother at the Kev family home, she still resisted until today she came out and managed to escape from there.Although often tortured, but Siena is not a we
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Kenan repeatedly whipped Siena's small body. Luckily Kenan told her to put the baby right next to Siena. But still Siena felt sorry for her little daughter. Every time Kenan whipped Siena's body, the baby cried very hard. Siena surrendered as Kenan continued to beat her body. She hopes that there is a miracle from God to help her at this time. However, Siena was not a weak woman. She didn't just give up. Although her body was repeatedly whipped by Kenan, she still fought against his brother-in-law. "Just keep beating me! As much as you want! If you need to kill me then justice will come one day. You will go to jail, and all the people will know that you don't deserve to be the leader of this country!" said Siena while shedding tears. She endured the pain of Kenan's whipping. But the pain was nothing compared to hearing the sound of her baby's cries getting louder and louder. There was no response from Kenan. The more he heard Siena lower herself, the more intense the lashes became
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Maks to the hospital. Several nurses immediately picked up Siena who was unconscious. He was taken by them and straight into the urgent room. Meanwhile baby Anneliese is also being handled by the nurse.Bernard continues to accompany Max who looks very frustrated. Maks is really scared if he loses his wife. Siena is his soul mate and he feels without Siena he cannot live."You have to be patient. We are sure that Ms. Siena will be fine." Bernard tried to calm Maks down."How can I calm down when my wife is dying, Bernard? I really don't care if something bad happens to her, Bernard," Maks said to Bernard. He expressed all his heart that was currently sad.Bernard fell silent. He understood that his employer's son was really worried about his wife at this time. But Bernard couldn't help much. He can only accompany Maks and provide what Maks needs at this time.***After 5 hours of waiting for the results of the doctor's examination regarding Siena's condition, finally the doctor was M
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Maks shook his head. "No. I will not sue Kenan directly. Because I have other plans to bring him down."Maks already has other plans to take down Kenan. He will bring down all of Kenan's career including weakening the public's confidence in him which is become a presidential candidate."I'll drop him. But slowly, not all at once. Because I want to see and witness the destruction of him slowly," added Maks, continuing his sentence again. His eyes stared straight at the road ahead. He didn't even glance at Bernard who was his current interlocutor."I'm not only taking this revenge on Kenan, but also for the entire Kev family who insulted me and did evil to my wife when I was not in the house anymore," said Kenan full of hatred.Now he already has the power to be able to take revenge on the Kev family and Kenan. He only had to finalize his plan to carry out this revenge.Bernard nodded. He understands Mak's goals and plans. "Well, Sir. I am willing to help you take revenge on the Kev fam
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Maks and Siena got into the luxury car to their new house. His father had given the house to Maks. From the hospital to his new home it only took about 20 minutes to walk.Finally they arrived. Maks quickly ran to open his wife's car door. He guided Siena nicely on his way to their house.When she got out of the car, Siena was immediately astonished at the luxury of the house in front of her eyes. She was silent for a few seconds, and then asked Maks. "Honey, whose house is this?"Maks answered with a smile. "This is our new home, Honey."Siena immediately looked at Mak's face seriously. She thought that her husband was joking. "Honey, I'm asking seriously. Please answer seriously too. I want to know whose house is this? Do you work in this house?"What is on Siena's mind right now is that her husband is a worker in this house. That's why she asked like that. She did not think and did not believe that this house was indeed her husband's house and also hers.Maks laughed softly. "No. I
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On the first day that Maks walked into the office, he went into his secret room which was at the far end near the toilet. No one knows the secret room. The room was deliberately designed yesterday especially for him.Mask went in there and took off his work coat. There he held a secret meeting through an online meeting with his colleagues abroad. After doing his activities in the room, then he came out and did the job of cleaning the entire office grounds.Many female employees teased him because Maks was handsome. He became the most handsome cleaning worker in his company. Then there were many who were jealous of his arrival, especially all the men who also worked as cleaning workers. But it was not made a problem by Maks. He thought it was just an entertainment for himself, and he made sense of it."Hey, you Maks right?" asked a man in a neat suit. He is Glen. His position in this office is the head of the cleaning service. His job was to arrange for his members to do the cleaning w
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Maks is silent. He is waiting for what this sister-in-law would say. Today he did not know what purpose they had come here. But Maks was happy because they finally needed the company that Maks had. It could be a weapon for Maks to take revenge on them."It turns out that you've been accepted to work at this well-known company? So you don't work on the street anymore?" asked Flo casually.Maks just nodded with a slight smile."That's good then. That means you have progress in your life," said Flo delivering the opening sentence. But Maks knows that there must be a continuation of this insult from his sister-in-law."But still you don't deserve to be recognized as a son-in-law in the Kev family because of your work! I feel sorry for my own younger sister. What kind of food does she eat everyday? That's was your baby was dead because you can't be a good parent especially you. You can't be a good husband to earn a living." Flo very smoothly said that to Maks.Maks immediately answered the
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