All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
235 chapters
Maks is silent. He is waiting for what this sister-in-law would say. Today he did not know what purpose they had come here. But Maks was happy because they finally needed the company that Maks had. It could be a weapon for Maks to take revenge on them."It turns out that you've been accepted to work at this well-known company? So you don't work on the street anymore?" asked Flo casually.Maks just nodded with a slight smile."That's good then. That means you have progress in your life," said Flo delivering the opening sentence. But Maks knows that there must be a continuation of this insult from his sister-in-law."But still you don't deserve to be recognized as a son-in-law in the Kev family because of your work! I feel sorry for my own younger sister. What kind of food does she eat everyday? That's was your baby was dead because you can't be a good parent especially you. You can't be a good husband to earn a living." Flo very smoothly said that to Maks.Maks immediately answered the
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"Oh no nothing happened. It's just that he is a former worker in our house," said Flo aloud. Even though she gave Bernard the wrong information. She didn't want everyone to know, including Bernard, that Maks was the husband of her own younger sister. Hearing this, there was no response from Maks. He was just silent. He was actually angry at not being recognized as a member of the family, but he didn't care.Bernard was also angry. But he didn't show his anger right now because he wasn't worried if Flo and Kenan suspected him."Really? I just found out. This is Maks. He just got work here today." Bernard answered What was said by Flo."How can this company accept worker like him?" asked Flo to Bernard. Her question was very demeaning to Bernard.Flo looked at Maks with a disgusted look."What's wrong with him, Mrs. Flo?" Bernard asked, narrowing his eyes. He pretended to be innocent in front of Flo."You'll find out later. He is a bad worker, we'll see for sure he'll be fired in two d
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Flo looked seriously at Bernard. She immediately tells Bernard something about the ugliness of Maks that she made up."Maks used to work as a maid in our house. It was a terrible job." Flo starts to badmouth Maks in front of Bernard."He often doesn't do his job well. He's ruthless at his job. Anyway, he's a bad worker. That's why I asked you earlier. Why would the Balt company accept a worker like him?" Flo said that to Bernard. Of course that's a lie. Maks was never a worker in the Kev family home.Before Bernard could respond to that, Kenan spoke. "Honey, why are you saying that? That's enough. It doesn't matter." Kenan said those words because he was afraid of Maks. He was afraid that his secret would be exposed by Maks.Flo narrowed her eyes at her husband. He responded to the words of his husband who seemed to defend Maks. "What? I should be the one asking you, why did you say that? Are you defending Maks?"Kenan is a little frustrated at the moment. He ruffled his hair furiousl
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Bernard fell silent hearing the plan conveyed by his boss. He nodded in agreement. According to him, Maks is very smart because he makes plans neatly."For now we let them be the victors. We are slowly avenging their crimes," Nelson added."Okay, Sir," said Bernard.***In the afternoon, Maks had finished doing all the work ordered by his superiors. He was getting ready to go home. But someone rebuked him."Where are you going?"Maks looked back. Precisely to the source of the sound. He immediately answered Glen's question. "I'm going home, Sir. All my work is done."Glen walked over to Maks. He turned his back on his hands. Then said, "Who sent you home?"Maks confused. "But my work is done, sir. It's late. Didn't you give me the time to finish everything in the afternoon, Sir?" Bernard reminded Glen again. He thought that Glen had forgotten the rules he had made himself.Glen shook his head. "You're right. I did tell you to clean everything up late this afternoon. However, that does
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After punishing Glen, Bernard returned to his car. He returned to being Maks' personal driver.Arriving in his boss's car, Maks asked him. "What punishment did you give him?"Maks should know that. Because he has responsibility for all his employees. So he had to know what action Bernard had taken so that Glen could realize that what he had done was wrong.Bernard turned to Maks who was sitting in the back seat. He politely answered his boss's question. "I punished him to be a security guard until dawn tomorrow, sir.""Good," said Maks complimenting Bernard. According to him Bernard did the same thing as Maks wanted. That's why, Maks didn't replace Bernard with anyone. He has the same assistant taste as his father. They both liked Bernard's work."Teach him a lesson so that he doesn't want to be a boss, and please check the others too. It seems that I'm not the only one who has done the same thing to him. It seems that every new employee who works there is always treated like that by
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After many minutes to walk to the office, finally Maks arrived there. He wasn't late because Bernard left the house early in the morning.When he want to enter the office and do his work, he saw his sister-in-law's car parked in front of the office. Previously they had met on the street and Maks was spat on by her."She came here early this morning," said Maks in his heart. Then he continued his footsteps to enter the office.He decided to change his work clothes that had been exposed to saliva. The spit was indeed a little, but still he didn't want to wear the clothes that the person he hated had spat on."If only I wasn't disguised, I'd definitely take revenge on you at that time, Flo!" Maks said in his heart.After he finished changing his work clothes with his spare work clothes, then Maks did his daily work, namely sweeping the terrace, cleaning the toilets and cleaning the rooms which had become his job. He did this job with pleasure. Because he had been a street sweeper before
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At first, Maks did not know the arrival of his sister-in-law. He is still focused on work. Then Flo approaches Maks. She sees a bucket near Maks which is filled with water. It was water used to mop the floor. Flo had the idea of ​​spilling the water that was in the bucket. Then she kicks the bucket so that the water filled the floor and made Maks startled.Maks immediately looked and he realized that Flo did it."Oh! I didn't see this bucket," said Flo pretending to lie. He purposely said that to demean Maks.Maks was silent. He only glanced at Flo. Maks knows that it was Flo's doing that he did on purpose."It's your job to clean this up. So you have to thank me because I added your work," Flo said to Maks.Maks didn't pay attention to Flo's words. He immediately rushed to grab a mop to clean the water that had been scattered everywhere.Seeing that Maks was silent and didn't respond, Flo was getting more and more annoyed. Even though she wants Maks to scold or at least speak to her.
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Maks comes into his office after a long day at work as usual and is still the CEO in hiding. He lay down on his work chair which was in a secret room in the office. He was feeling tired today, but he was also happy because the bad news about Flo was already circulating on social media and on television.Someone knocked on the door. Maks knows that it is Bernard. He tells Bernard to come inside. Bernard goes into his boss's secret room. He brings his tab and showed Maks the sophisticated communication tool. The introduction is the same as seeing the information listed on the tab screen."The one who took the photo of Mrs. Flo this morning was a hired photographer who was deliberately hired by Mr. Patrick to be a spy for the Kenan family, Sir. Mr. Patrick deliberately sought the ugliness of the Kenan family to bring him down as his political opponent," said Bernard explaining everything to Maks.This morning, after seeing the news about the ugliness that spat on him, Maks immediately or
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Siena haughtily smiled at the woman. She is Mrs. Brew. Siena's mother's younger sister."Hi, Aunt Brew. How are you? We haven't seen each other in a long time," said Siena, elegantly opening her dark glasses.Meanwhile Mrs. Brew was still dumbfounded. She still opened her mouth slightly and her eyes were wide. She was surprised to see Siena's very charming appearance and wearing luxurious jewelry and other branded items.Mrs. Brew looked at Siena from head to toe. Everything Siena wears is the number one brand in the world, such as bags and watches that only two women in the world own. One of the owners is Queen Elizabeth. Mrs. Brew is still silent. She is not answered Siena's question. Then Siena smiles and start to asking again. "Why are you keeping quiet? Are you surprised to see me?"Mrs. Brew snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a question from her nephew. She immediately normalized her face as before.Then she answered firmly. "No! I'm not surprised to see you. It's just
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Today, the Kev family's house is visited by many journalists. They waited for the host to open the fence. Of course they wanted to interview Flo, who was trending yesterday because of his photo spitting at an employee, who was none other than Maks.The new news that spread on social media and television today is that all the public already know that what Flo spat on yesterday was her brother-in-law. So, everyone was wondering why Flo would do that to his own brother-in-law.Then, with their journalistic shrewdness, they finally got the news that Siena no longer lived in the house with her husband. Both have been kicked out on charges of abuse. The news certainly affected Kenan's career as a presidential candidate."Meet them! Clarify as soon as possible! I don't want my house to be filled with all of them!" Mrs Kev said to Kenan and Flo."Okay, Mom. I'll give them a clarification right away." Kenan obeyed what his mother-in-law said. He would give clarification to all the reporters who
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