All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
235 chapters
"Okay, Mom," said her children and grandchildren compactly.Then Kenan bravely goes out to meet the reporters and clarified what had happened to his wife yesterday. Actually he is afraid to clarify all this. But he need to do this because of pressure from her in-law and also everyone was waiting in front of his fence. Reluctantly Kenan must be responsible.Then after that Mrs. Brew approached his older sister. She intended to tell the incident yesterday when she met Siena who was already well-dressed."I want to talk to you. It's important. You should know it," said Mrs. Brew enthusiastically towards her sibling.Mrs. Kev frowned. "What are you going to tell me?""Yesterday when I went to the mall and wanted to do some shopping I met Siena," answered Mrs. Brew.Immediately Mrs. Kev asked, "Siena? You met her at the mall? Since when did she have the money to go shopping at the mall?"That's why I was so surprised. Because she goes to the mall wearing expensive clothes and branded goods.
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"Are you happy to see this?" Maks asked Siena when he saw his wife who couldn't stop laughing because she saw Kenan's expression on television, which looked very scared.Siena looked seriously at her husband. After she stopped laughing then she nodded, "Sure, I'm happy to see it. Only this time I can be happy to see people getting into trouble and being bullied by everyone in this country," Siena replied happily."It's a payback for them for treating us badly but, Honey. But this is only a small payback. In the future, there will be a payback for them that is more serious than this," replied Maks while looking straight ahead. He was imagining one by one the destruction of the Kev family who had dared to insult him and his wife.Bernard then came over to Maks. He whispered something in Maks's ear.After Bernard shared the information, Maks smiled. "Apparently he was curious where my wife got these luxury items? Is that why she's looking for our address?" Maks asked making sure after he
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After hearing the man who was her spy say that, Mrs. Kev was furious. She approached the man and then slapped him roughly. So the man felt pain. His cheeks immediately flushed."I'm sorry, Madam. I promise I'll find out again," she apologized.Meanwhile, Mrs. Kev seemed not to hear the man's apology. She instead approached him and then kicked the man violently. Until the man fell to the ground."You stupid!" cursed Mrs. Kev harshly.That's Mrs. Kev. She is known to be cruel. When things don't go according to his will, she gets angry."I don't want to know! You guys have to find out about Siena!"Mrs. Kev gave orders to whoever was in the room.Then the old woman left the room in an angry state.***The presidential election is two days away. Kenan was worried. He is afraid that he will not win the presidency because of the bad news about his wife. Since the news circulated, his party's supporters moved to his opposition party. Kenan's supporters are few compared to his political oppone
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"No, Honey. I promise I won't make the same mistake again," Flo said apologetically to her husband. She wants to help her husband.Flo continues to force Kenan to listen to the ideas she has.Finally, because Kenan was tired of being forced by his wife, he allowed his wife to share the idea he had."Yes, say it quickly! So, what are you going to tell me?" Kenan asked Flo.Flo quickly spoke. "We all know that the Balt company is trending right now. Everyone is talking about the achievements of the Balt company. So how about we go to the Balt company and ask Mr. Rocky Baltasar to support us, Honey?" Flo's eyes sparkled. She was sure that this idea would work.Ken was silent for a moment. He was thinking about what his wife had just said. According to Kenan, Flo's idea was brilliant. He had not previously thought of such an idea.Seeing her husband's face still looking thoughtful, Flo convinced her husband even more and he said, "I'm sure this method will work to improve your reputation f
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Bernard replied, "Sorry, Sir. I can't. Because Mr. Rocky can't be bothered on a business trip."Finally Bernard was able to find the right reason.Kenan and Flo looked at each other. Even though they really wanted to be able to talk directly to Mr. Rocky."Okay. Then how long can we get information? How long will it take Mr. Rocky Baltasar to reply to your message?" Kenan asked. He couldn't wait to hold Mr. Rocky Baltasar as his supporter. Because the presidential election is two days away. Meanwhile, Kenan's supporters are still few."As soon as possible. After this I will contact my boss. Then I will reply to Mr. Kenan immediately," replied Bernard looking for the right reason.Flo and Kenan looked at each other. They nod. It was a sign that they agreed with what Bernard said."Okay. But I want to ask you a favor," said Flo to Bernard. She wants to plan something else.Kenan immediately turned to his wife. He didn't know what his wife would do next."What can I do for you, Mrs. Flo?
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"Why are you silent? Answer my question!" Flo forced Maks to answer her question after seeing no response or reaction from Maks. It is starting to irritate her."Why do you ask like that? Wouldn't it make you sadder if I answered honestly?" replied Maks relaxed. He stared at Flo bravely.Flo growled. She clenched her fists. She hoped that Maks was afraid of her. But, since leaving the family house Kev Maks is not at all afraid of her anymore. That's what makes Flo keep insulting Maks. Flo spontaneously looked at her husband. "Honey, did you hear that? He didn't respect me as his sister-in-law. He answered my questions loudly and impolitely. That's why I got mad at him and spat at him yesterday."Flo complained to her husband spoiled. She pretended to be sad. She did that on purpose to make her husband think that everything was Maks' fault.Kenan was silent. He didn't know how to respond. Because he didn't dare to look at Maks.Maks immediately denied Flo's words. "What did you say? Yo
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Maks is silent. He has not given any response to the offer said by Kenan. He is thinking about answering it.Meanwhile Flo was relieved. It turned out that the purpose of her husband apologizing to Maks was only to invite him to work together, so that Maka was willing to give clarification to the public regarding yesterday's problem. Because, it can restore the good name of Kenan and Flo."You have to accept my husband's offer! You don't have a proper house to live in with your wife yet. This is your chance to get a house and buy some of the things you need!" said Flo trying to get Maks to agree to Kenan's offer.Flo believes that Maks will agree to Kenan's suggestion. Likewise with Kenan. He suspected that Maks would not refuse his offer.However, their guess was wrong. Maks shook his head and said, "I will not accept the offer."Kenan and Flo were shocked. They looked at each other.Then Flo approached Maks. She folded her arms over her chest. "You dare to disobey my husband's order
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Kenan and Flo were surprised when they see Bernard was already standing in front of them while blocking Flo's hand who was about to slap Maks. Especially Flo, his face looks very surprised.“Forgive my wife, Mr. Bernard. She was just emotional because of yesterday's trouble. Is that normal as a human, right?” Kenan quickly apologized to Bernard so that his good name as well as Flo's was not tarnished in Bernard's eyes.Bernard didn't look at Kenan, he kept his gaze fixed on Flo. “I don't want to hear any excuses from you, Mr. Kenan. You just take your wife home. Don't make a fuss here. Don't beat up my employee who work here! I don't accept the actions of your wife who likes to make a fuss!”Today, Bernard is very angry. His anger was pure. He didn't pretend to be angry. Because he really doesn't like Flo's actions, who want to slap Maks in the face. Bernard as an assistant who is obedient to his boss immediately defends Maks, although not openly.Flo was annoyed by Bernard's words. H
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Siena smiled towards all the members of Luxury Woman. Except for his mother. She didn't say hello to Mrs. Kev. Siena did that on purpose.Meanwhile Mrs. Kev was growling. At this time she believed the words of Mrs. Brew yesterday that she saw Siena going to the mall and wearing fancy things.Today Mrs. Kev and Siena are like strangers to each other. Mrs Kev didn't want to say hello to Siena first. Likewise with Siena, she also did not greet her biological mother. She did it on purpose as a form of revenge because his biological mother had tortured her and insulted Maks.Then the vice president's wife introduced Siena to all members of Luxury Woman. "Today we have the youngest guest. Starting today she is a new member of Luxury Woman. Her name is Siena. She has a large collection of luxury items. As you can see the bag she is carrying is currently a limited item in the world! "The Vice President's wife introduced Siena proudly and smiled. All members of Luxury Woman are delighted to w
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Currently all members of Luxury Woman are proud of Siena. They are happy that Siena could join the circle. Except for Mrs. Kev. She is currently angry. Then without saying anything she walking out of the room.Mrs. Kev's behavior got the attention of Mrs. Megan, the wife of vice president. "Mrs. Kev, where are you going? Why are you in such a hurry to leave? We've just met. Our main event hasn't started yet."At each Luxury Woman meeting, they will hold a formal event first to discuss the business of women in this country as one of their investments to be able to get the luxury items they want. Then the next event is the gathering of luxury goods and continued by showing off the achievements they have bought. Of course it is the luxury goods. That last event could have been fun, taking selfies and then sharing them on personal social media.Mrs. Kev stopped in her tracks when Mrs Megan rebuked her and asked why she was in such a hurry to leave the room. She turned to Mrs. Megan, with
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