All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
235 chapters
The presidential election has started. The opening ceremony was opened with the delivery of a few speeches from the president and vice president who served this year.Then the next event is the delivery of the vision and mission of the candidates. One by one they stood in front of the podium and faced all the people who were present and then they conveyed their vision and mission to become president.After the two candidates finished, it was Kenan's turn to rise on the podium. He was the last candidate to present his.The applause didn't stop. Kenan is feeling proud. He smiled showing his teeth. Of course it was all arranged by him. He made another scenario. He had told the people he paid to applaud not to stop when he stepped on the podium to give the impression of many Kenan supporters, and that could make the other two presidential candidates envious of him.Then, Kenan raised his mic and approached his mouth. He coughed for a moment. It was a code for the person he had paid to sto
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Everyone there was shocked. They immediately recorded the video that was being shown on the big screen. Then they will share it on social media. Kenan clenched his fists so that the veins in his hands could be seen. He was very angry watching the video. He already knew who did it. Because, only Maks has the video.Meanwhile, Flo gaped. She was shocked and covered his mouth with his hand. Her eyes rounded. She had no idea that her husband had ever whipped Siena. Flo immediately looked at Kenan. The look in her eyes asked Kenan to clarify to her.Kenan came down from the podium to his wife. He immediately held Flo's hand tightly and asked her to leave this place. Kenan knew he would be bullied by everyone.Flo gave up. She obeyed her husband. At this time the two hurriedly walking towards the parking lot and entered the car. Meanwhile the reporters were vying to catch up with them to ask for clarification from Kenan."What have you done? Is that you in the video?" Flo asked her husband
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Flo went home. Her mother was already standing at the door with an angry look. Flo and Kenan had a feeling that they would be scolded by Mrs. Kev today."Mom! I'm sorry!" Flo first approached her mother and wanted to hug her. However, Mrs. Kev refused to be hugged by Flo.Mrs. Kev rudely refused the hug from her eldest daughter. That took Flo by surprise. Especially Kenan. He had already expected that his mother-in-law would be furious today."You need to packing today! Get out of my house! Don't appear in front of me before your problems are solved," said Mrs. Kev in a high voice. She glared at Flo and Kenan."Mom, I'm sorry. It wasn't my fault. But it was Kenan's fault. Don't kick me out of this house, Mom! Just throw Kenan out! I don't want to be a bum on the streets," said Flo. She is very afraid that if she leaves Kev's house then her life will be difficult. Because he knows that Kenan doesn't have anything anymore. The former will not be able to make him happy anymore because sh
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Mrs. Kev called all her child and grandchildren to gather in the living room. She had something important to tell them all.After everyone gathered, no one dared to make a sound. Mrs. Kev sat on the sofa while looking at them one by one with a sharp gaze."You can see today Kenan and Flo don't live in this house anymore. I kicked them out because they made a mistake that cost me a lot," said Mrs. Kev. The losses she suffered were numerous."That I did because they embarrassed me so much. If you guys want to know, today I lost a million dollars in profits on all my businesses. A lot of people don't trust me anymore! What should I do? This is so frustrating!" Mrs Kev conveyed her sorrow. Even though she was upset, she didn't really know how to deal with this loss."Sorry, Mom. I want to give you some advice. You'd better ask the Balt company for help, because they are the best company and still trending number one to date." Joddy gave advice to his mother-in-law.She is Hera's wife. The
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Today, Kev's family has been in a lot of trouble since the video of Kenan whipping Siena went viral yesterday. Many journalists cover their stories. Until now, journalists are still waiting for information from Mrs. Kev. They went to Kev's house and queued there. But Mrs Kev didn't come out. She did not want to be covered by the media and give information regarding Kenan's problem.Though everyone was waiting for a response from Mrs. Kev. Because it is known that the video contains Kenan who is Mrs. Kev's son-in-law and also his biological daughter. Mrs. Kev should have been able to clarify why it happened."Tell them I don't want to make any comments! Kenan and Siena are not part of this family anymore! They don't live in this house anymore!" said Mrs. Kev when one of her bodyguards informed the situation outside the Kev family's house."But what if they ask why Miss Siena doesn't live in this house anymore, Madam?" asked the man in the black t-shirt.Mrs Kev turned to her. Her face
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"Why did you accept the invitation to cooperate from Kev's company, Honey?" Siena asked Maks who was sitting and staring at his computer screen in his luxurious study.Today Siena received information from Bernard that Maks received an invitation to cooperate from the company Kev. Maks helped Kev's company financially which suffered a lot of losses. However, Maks did that without discussing it with Siena.Maks turned to his wife who was still standing at the door."Honey, this is one of my plans. Let me decide for myself. I know what I have to do," replied Maks. He tried to give his wife an understanding of his revenge technique."What are you planning to do, Honey? I am just worried that my mother will find out about your identity. Then she will make you lose. You should know that my mother is smart in business." Siena reminded her husband.Siena is the biological child of Mrs. Kev. So she knew very well what her mother was like. Mrs. Kev was a business savvy woman from a young age.
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Hearing the information Bernard said just now, Maks smiled in satisfaction. Previously, they lowered Maks. But currently, they are asking for a job at his company. "Accept their request. Make them the lowest employees like me!" said Maks giving orders to Bernard."Sorry, Sir. What does that mean? Are we going to make them a cleaning service like you too, Sir?" Bernard asked for sure.Maks nod. "That's right. Do not make them other employees. But instead they are the lowest employees like me, which is a cleaning service. Tell them that our company is short of cleaning services," said Maks."Okay, Sir." Bernard left Maks' secret room. He returned to his room to meet Kenan and Flo who suddenly came to visit his room this morning. Both of them looked very messy. Bernard knew they had been kicked out of the Kevs' house.Kenan and Flo in unison asked Bernard. "How, Sir? Can we work here as employees?"Bernard sat in his chair. He hasn't answer their questions. For a moment Bernard caught h
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Flo immediately answered what Bernard had just said. "It is not a despicable job. But do we deserve it? You should think we come from a respectable family. When we got into trouble yesterday you immediately discriminated against us and wanted to hire us as cleaning service employees in this company."Flo's eyes reddened. She was offended that Bernard wanted to position herself and her husband as a cleaning service at the Balt company. Of course she did not accept it because all this time her life was like a princess in a kingdom that was always surrounded by luxury. Even Flo never worked, she was always the boss and led the company.Of course Bernard did not want to lose. He was annoyed with the two humans sitting in front of him. According to Bernard they did not respect and respect his decision and they did not feel lucky either."Well. If you don't want to accept this job, our company won't force you. I am Mr Baltasar's representative only make this offer to you. If you don't want
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Without arguing anymore, finally Flo is willing to accept a job offer as a cleaning service at the Balt company. There is no other choice but that. She also thought that what her husband said was true. No other company would accept them anymore than the Balt company."You can work from today. If you want lunch then you have to work today," said Bernard. Because he knows that Kenan and Flo have not had a penny since being kicked out of the Kev family's house. All their property including their money was confiscated by Mrs Kev. They walked out of the Kevs' home disrespectfully and were evicted with nothing but their clothes in their sling bag.So today Kenan and Flo officially become cleaning service employees at the Balt company. They work together with Maks too. So the three of them had met but no conversation took place. Flo didn't look at Maks. He was ashamed of Maks. But he also felt proud to appear in front of Maks. Even though Maks already knows that his brother-in-law works here
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On the same day that Kenan and Flo worked at the Balts company as a cleaning service, Mrs. Kev came to visit the Balt company to sign a contract agreement today. She was deliberately scheduled to meet with Bernard, and it had been arranged by Maks. He deliberately pushed forward Mrs. Kev's schedule today to sign a contract agreement so that she met Kenan and Flo. Maks wants to know what Mrs. Kev's reaction will be when she sees her beloved daughter being a cleaning service worker at a well-known company. Maks also wants to know what the next conflict will be between them today.A black luxury car arrived in front of the lobby of the Balts company. The security guards who worked there immediately ran to the car because they knew that it was Mrs. Kev. They welcomed her arrival.A woman who was Balt's company secretary came out and stood on the terrace. She also welcomed the arrival of Mrs. Kev as a company representative."Welcome to Balt's company, Madam." She said and smiling at her,
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