All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
235 chapters
Mrs. Kev approached Flo and Kenan. She immediately asked. "You guys work as cleaning services here?"Mrs. Kev asked them like that with a look of disdain. Meanwhile, Flo and Kenan were surprised to hear the voice of someone they knew very well. They immediately turned to Mrs. Kev spontaneously. How shocked Flo's face was when she saw her mother was standing in front of her.Kenan and Flo looked nervous. But they could do nothing more than to be forced to answer this old woman's question. Kenan repeatedly swallowed his saliva. He was really nervous."That's right, Mom. We work here as a cleaning service.” Kenan had to answer. There is no other choice but to confess the truth. Because, they wear the clothes of Balt company employees. If Kenan and Flo lied, then Mrs. Kev would still know."HA HA!" Mrs Kev laughed with satisfaction. Everyone who was there was surprised to hear Mrs. Kev's loud laughter. Even some people deliberately took photos and videos of this incident. Because they kno
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Bernard was silent for a moment. He was thinking about what answer he would give Mrs. Kev. This is because Mr. Baltasar is currently abroad for further treatment of his illness. He is also no longer the CEO of the Balt company and all of the company's branches. Everything belongs to Maks as the biological son of Mr. Baltasar.The old woman paid close attention to Bernard. She narrowed her eyes to look at Bernard. The man in front of her gave no response. Mrs Kev was surprised."Didn't you hear what I said?" asked Mrs. Kev almost to Bernard's surprise. The man woke up from his daydream."Sorry, Madam. Can you repeat what you said earlier? I didn't listen to it," said Bernard pretending to be looking for an excuse.Mrs. Kev sighed in exasperation. She felt that this young man in front of her had annoyed her at the beginning of their meeting this morning.“I said that I would like to meet Mr. Baltasar, the owner of this company.” Mrs Kev repeated her words lazily.Bernard nodded as a sig
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Bernard looked thoughtful. He didn't expect his boss to ask him what ideas they would do to avenge the actions of the Kev family for treating Mak in an inhumane way.“The only way we have to humiliate them in public, Sir. They will feel guilty because everyone doesn't trust them anymore,” said Bernard trying to contribute in thinking about the next idea.Maks is still silent. His eyes are very straight ahead. A glimpse of a smile on his lips. He was thinking while imagining some of the ideas currently in his head. Since becoming his father's heir, Maks has the ambition to take revenge on those who once insulted him.“Don't accept his request to cooperate permanently with my company. I know what the cunning old lady is aiming for,” replied Maks. He was reminded by his wife's words, that his mother-in-law was very smart in terms of business. She is not only smart but also a cheat. Mrs. Kev is a human being who will do anything to get what she wants. She doesn't care the wrong way. She w
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After he finished picking up a call from a woman who served as a call centre at the Balt company, Bernard returned to face Maks. He wanted to tell Maks about something the call centre had told him earlier. "Excuse me, Sir. On the main floor, there was a commotion between Kenan and Flo. The call centre informed them that they were fighting. Then Flo fell because Kenan pushed. The surprising thing again if Flo was bleeding. He has now been taken to the hospital. And the doctor said that Flo had miscarried.”Bernard told Maks in great detail. Exactly what the call centre lady had said to Bernard.Maks frowned. He had not previously thought that his sister-in-law was pregnant. However, Maks did not care about the incident. Kenan and Flo fighting is none of his business. Instead he was happy to hear their commotion. Because, according to Maks, it is one of the karma they get for their actions so far to himself and his wife.“That is karma! Kenan is currently experiencing how it feels to lo
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Bernard tried to restrain himself from retaliating for Kenan's actions. Because the room has CCTV. He could use this as evidence to report Kenan to the police for Kenan's actions against his boss.Kenan still wasn't satisfied with beating Bernard. Then, he approached Bernard and hit Bernard's right and left cheeks repeatedly. Until Glen who was walking around Bernard's room heard a commotion inside. He immediately peeked at the slightly exposed window. Glen was surprised to see Kenan getting up on Bernard's body which was already lying on the floor and punched Bernard in the face. Glen quickly opened the door to Bernard's room and separated them."What is it? Why did you hit our boss?” Glen asked Kenan when he had managed to lower Kenan from Bernard's slender body.Kenan's breath hitched. His eyes were still fixed on Bernard.Meanwhile, Bernard, still lying on the floor grabbed hold of his right cheek which received a lot of punches from Kenan. Glen quickly immediately helped his boss
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Maks sits in his secret study. He looked ahead seriously. Today Bernard told him over the phone that there had been a commotion between him, Kenan, and Glen in Bernard's private room. Currently Bernard is not allowed to work because his face is still swollen from the blow from Kenan. Likewise with Glen. The situation is quite alarming because Kenan beat him mercilessly.Meanwhile, Maks gave orders to Bernard to immediately fire Kenan from his company. So Kenan is currently no longer working at Max's company."Good. Without me taking care of everything, you're creating your own trouble and it's causing you to leave my company!" said Maks happily. Because he didn't have to bother with plans to make Kenan miserable.Meanwhile, Kenan is currently at the police station. Bernard and Glen team up to sue Kenan. Because, they feel aggrieved by Kenan's rude attitude. The police caught Kenan and locked him in prison. He felt very frustrated. Because his wife is currently in the hospital. He was
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Siena was silent for a moment. she was hesitant to say this. However, she knew that she had to tell her husband. Siena didn't want to keep anything from Maks. The young woman looked down while tucking her hair into her earlobe. Maks knew what his wife's face meant. He had guessed that she was feeling reluctant towards him."Just tell me, Honey. Don't hesitate to tell me," Maks tried to get his wife to tell him what really happened. "I visited the hospital and paid for Flo's treatment. I also asked the doctor to do the best thing for Flo to get better soon," Siena replied fearlessly. However, she was able to say it smoothly because seeing the reaction on her husband's face did not indicate anger."So?" Maks asked again while raising one eyebrow.Siena nodded slowly. "That's all. Aren't you angry that I did this to the person you wanted revenge on?" Siena asked hesitantly, but she was still curious about her husband's answer.Maks smiled in front of his wife. He shook his head. "Why wo
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In the morning, as usual Maks was back undercover as a cleaning service in his own office. Today, he had to quietly handle everything himself because Bernard was still not working. He was still recovering from his battered face caused by Kenan's crazy punch. While he was cleaning up the front yard garden, he saw a luxury car pull up in front of the office terrace. Maks already knew whose car it was. It was his mother-in-law's car."Why did that annoying old woman come to my company again? What is she planning to do again?" Maks asked in his heart. He felt annoyed that Mrs. Kev was visiting his company again. In fact, yesterday Bernard had explained in detail the temporary cooperation system that would be carried out by Balt and Kev's company. However, today Mrs. Kev came to Balt's office again. Even though she knew that Bernard was on leave for his recovery period. It was impossible for an influential woman like Mrs. Kev not to read the news circulating in the media."Didn't she know
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Maks resumed his activities. However, he had to monitor his mother-in-law from afar. Maks was still curious what the old woman would do to his company. Because, no one is handling her at the moment. Bernard did not come to work because he was still recovering."What will she do? Just watch out if she does something as she pleases, then I won't accept it!" Maks said in his heart with annoyance. In his eyes, his resentment towards Mrs. Kev was not only because of the old woman's insults. But also from every behavior she did. Maks really didn't like it."Attention! Please gather around me! I'm going to tell you something important that you should know." Mrs. Kev suddenly said that. She stood in the middle of the main floor. The employees were confused by Mrs. Kev's order. Including Maks, from outside he could hear Mrs. Kev's rather large voice. As the CEO of this company, he wondered what Mrs. Kev would say. Because, today Maks did not give any instructions to Bernard."Hurry up, this is
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Right now in the main room of Balt's company, there was the sound of a young woman being beaten mercilessly by Mrs Kev. Her hair was a mess."This is the result of her going against me! Employees like her are the characteristics of employees who will disobey their boss. She is the poison of this company. So, she deserves this pain from me!" said Mrs Kev in front of all the employees.No one dared to help Shana. Including Maks, he actually wanted to slap the old lady's hand to let go of Shana's grasp, but he didn't want to be too much of a hero in this incident. Maks knew his mother-in-law very well, it was certain that the old lady would go berserk like someone possessed by the devil when Maks interfered. Not only Maks, perhaps anyone who dared to interfere with Mrs Kev's problems, they would be attacked by her.Shana's screams grew louder as Mrs Kev pulled her hair even harder."Who else dares to go against me? I'll treat her the same way I treated this stupid girl!" said Mrs Kev in
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