Chapter One Hundred And Damien Blacks POV"Well, that was some kind of dramatic movie kind of plot twist" She said to me after I told her the coversatiosn between father and i while closing the shower door after I made sure Kate carefully went through the door and each of her step as careful as possible,I need to keep my baby safe.Looking into her eyes, hearing the needy little puffs of breath that slip out between her glistening lips, I know for certain we’ll never make it that long without making love ,the thought of staying close together through the. Ugly without appreciating my baby in the most intimate way ever doesn't sit right with my groins but then she is worth the wait.We move at the same time in sync, Kate springs forward swiftly and I pull her into my arms. Both hands busy grasping, legs wrapping, mouths clashing with so much intense passion.She squeezes my waist with her long frail legs and thighs while my palms flex against the taut tanned swell of her arse,most be
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